Saving village

(The year 1412)

It's been exactly 2400 years since that robotic voice sent me to this world. I was first surprised when I had gotten Madara's memories because with memories came information about my new body. I was completely made out of chakra because I had somehow fused with 10 tails. After I had found that out I've been roaming the world trying to figure out what world i was in. And It took me exactly 500 years to find out that I was in the Twilight world. I was honestly surprised at first, Because I was a person that could send down meteorites from the sky if I wanted to, and I was sent to a vampire romance story. After I had found out the world I was in I thought of destroying all the vampires because they were poison to the societies that were to come, but if I want to see the plot then I can't kill them.


I was exploring what would in the future be known as America.

I was trying roughly to estimate the place where forks would be in the future.

I know there is a tribe of shifters in that area so that makes it easier to find.

Also, I know it would be in a place that would be a national park in the future so there should be a big forest, but I've been searching from the coast and to no avail, I haven't found any type of forest.

It's closer to a meadow with all the mountains and grassland.

After a while, I got on top of a mountain.


"how hard can it be to find this place"

I was tired of just going around blindly.

" let's improvise SHARINGAN" then my vision went red I looked around as far as my eyes could see along the coast and I spotted Smoak meaning people.

So I dashed to where I see the Smoak coming from.

when I got closer I started to hear commotion I thought they were having some sort of festival. But when a scent I knew far too well enveloped my nose I knew it was an attack of sorts and I went faster.


"iilyeed "

I heard people screaming and yelling in a language that was foreign to me

When I finally got close enough I saw what was happening and everything became clear to me.

"tú lo mataste"

I saw a woman tearing people into pieces and wolves lying on the ground motionless.

The woman was speaking Spanish saying they killed someone. I saw this scene in the movie this was when taha Aki's 3rd wife sacrificed herself to save her husband.

Just then a man turned into a big wolf and tried to attack the vampire woman and she got him into a lock.

she was about to kill him.

I had to do something.


(POV The third wife)

I saw the cold woman grab my husband in his spirit form.

She was going to kill him if I don't act fast.

I looked around and I found a knife.' This beast is attracted by blood so I know what I have to do

Just when I was about to stab myself a voice echoed around. it said something I didn't understand but for some reason, it scared me more than the thought of me stabbing myself.


I looked at the woman and she had stopped moving and immediately my husband bit her head of killing her.

(POV Madara)

When the vampire was killed I looked in front of me and I saw taha Aki's wife looking at me she backed away thinking I was going to hear her.

I just stood there waiting for the spirit wolf to tear the vampire completely apart.

When he finally did he shifted back and I immediately got to work.

I weaved the hand science necessary.


"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu"

When I said that I spat a fireball at the mangled vampire corpse so it would die for good.

When I finished I saw tataki and his wife in a defensive stance and the villagers that came back looked at me with scared eyes.

'Well here we go'


Hei guys author here I hope you guys are well

some of you may know where this is going but I'll let you wait for the next chapter.

Thanks for the support.