Forest creation.


Guys, it's been a while, some of you may not even remember this fanfiction.

Anyway, I will try and update twice a week, so stay tuned and look forward to more chapters.



When I came to this place I wasn't expecting to find the quiliut tribe.

Let alone when a tribe legend was taking place.

The people of the tribe were looking at me apprehensively.

I took a step forward and when I was about to speak taha aki said something I couldn't understand.


He looked scared.


He keeps shouting something that I don't understand.

' I think I can do something about this

I quickly weaved hand signs, and when I was finished I pressed my forehead.

I created a translation jutsu for future purposes, I knew it would come in handy but who would have thought I would use it this early on.

"W...ho... are..y..o"

"I'll ask again stranger who are you"

It seems he was asking who I was.

"I am known as madara uchiha"

They seemed a bit shoked that i could speak there language.

Why speak a language if you do not expect an answer.

"Leave this place we do not whant any more blood spilled"

Just when he said that, his body gave out.


His wife caught him.

"agh i am fine my love"

I had my sharingan on and I could see he was not fine, he had multiple broken bones and internal bleading.

He may have fast regeneration, but if not healed properly he will be crippled.

I took a step forward and said.

" you are not fine, if your wounds are not healed properly you will be crippled"

He looked at me, and I could see from his eyes that he was in deep pain.

His wife was frantically screaming for healers and by the looks of it no one was able to help.

" I can heal your husband"

Her and the others that were trying to help taha ki looked at me.

His wife looked at me with hope but the others suspicion.

"if you are able to heal him then pleas do."

I walked towards them but i was stopped by two men.

"My lady how do we know he is not one of those monsters as well"

"Yes lady"

" I agree"

all around people were chiming in.

a man that i looked to be importent stepped forward.

"You all saw what he did to the cold one"

"if he wanted us dead he would have killed all of us, so let him heal father now"

O he's taha akis son.


"Come stranger, there is a tent this way. you can heal him there"

The men started carrying taha aki and I followed them to a tent.

The tent was medium sized it was honestly kind of cosy.

"set him down there" I said

I looked him over with my sharingan.

I may not be able to see through his body like an x ray vision, but I see every small detail from the broken bones to the lacerations that are causing his internal bleading.

"I can heal him but I need you all to get out"

It was getting cramped in the tent, and i need space to work.

They were hesitent but taha akis wife told them to get out.

She herself was leaving when she looke back at me and said.

"please heal him"

I looked at her leaving back when the tent flap clozed.

I looke at the ancestore of jacob black, and it's funny because he kind of resebles jackobs father, Billy Black.

"I am known as taha aki"He said

"what will you do to me" He asked

"you will see" i said

I extended my hands over his chest and they glowed green.

I was happy to find out that I could do healing.

It may not be my specialty but i can work my way through it.

He started moaning when his wounds were healing

"mhm" If it weren't for the fact that he was already injured i would have slapt him.

He looked at me with intrest and i could see he wanted to ask me something.

"speak i do not enjoy being stared at" It was honestly kind of anoying.

"are you a spirit" he said

Sigh honestly i knew something like this was coming but a spirit.

"No, as i said earlier i am madara"

He kept looking at me

I was almost done healing him but there was something bothering me that i had to ask.

"You are spirit shifter are you not" he seemed a bit taken aback that I knew of his kind.

"Yes we have been blessed by nature, we are spirit protectors of our tribe"

"Or we were"

Wait what

"what do you mean were? Are you not here now, with your tribe"

I was confused, i thought this was there tribe.

He looked at me deeply and said

"we were apart of a strong warrior tribe that is situated in the south. Our home was in a deep forest were the shifters thrived"

"But because of my mistake my family and some of the other shifter were banished"

Okay this is definatly not something that was mentioned in the original series.

"what did you do" I was queries what could get him banished

He looked away from me like he was ashamed.

"There was a sister tribe neer our tribe and they had stolen our winter provisions.

So i and some of the shifters when't at night without telling our tribe leader.

And we attacked them"

"At first the only thing we wanted to do was scare them so they would return the food"

"But it got out of hand, didn't it?" i said

He looke at me and noded

" we were dishonored and banished"

"and so we came here. It may be out in the open but it is a start"

By this point i had already completly healed him, so i deactivated my sharingan and stopped the healing.

"Your healed"

I got up and extended my arm for him, he took it and looked at me.

Like he was asesing me or something.

"you did not have to come and save us and yet you did"

"you did not have to heal me but you still did. We would be honored if you stayed with us"

I looked at him and the shook my head

"You may be thankfull but i am not welcome here"

Just wen i said that.

The tent flaps opened and taha akis wife and son came in.


They huged each other.

I wanted to give them space so i when't out of the tent and wen I looked outside there were a bunch of people looking at me scared.

The tent flaped behind me and taha aki came out with his son and wife.

He looke at the people and with a clear voice said.

"Today we had an unfortunate encounter with the cold ones"

He looked around

"And most of us died "

"your sons and daughters died."he said

When he said that he kind of looked sad

' i guess he lost family too'


He looked at me and then extended his hand in indication of me

"This man known as madara uchiha saved us all, and it shall be known to all that we have a dept to him that we cannot repay with only words"

"So i ask you madara uchiha what can we do in order to fully repay you"

I didn't come here to be indebted to, but mabe this could work in my favour in the future.

"I do not want anything"

He looked relaxed for a secon almost like he was relieved.

"but i will come back, someday in the future, and i will call on this debt"

He came close to me and extended his hand for a shake and so i shook his hand

"thanks you Madara Uchiha"

I let go of his hand, and then i remembered something

"You said something about your kind thriving in forests"

He looke confused but he noded

"yes we work best in forests"

I looked at him one more time

"then so be it" i said

i took a step back i looked at all the people that were there one last time and then I

shushined to the nearest mountain.

I realised something, this world that i was brought to is not just the twilight world. It's a world that wants uchiha madara to make his mark on.

"Then if you want me to make my mark on this world, lets't start from here" i said i looked around the clearing of the meadow and in the distance i could see the settlement.

I brought my hands in a claping motian and said.

"MOKUTON:Deep Forest Emergence"

I looked on as an entire forest was made around the mountain are and meadow.

This place in the future would be known as the olympic national park and it will be home to vampires and wolf shifters.

And this place i stand on would be where i will be building my house and where my future will be.

the future of the uchiha clan.


Author here please give me honest feedback of what you think so far.

I may be out of practice but i'll try my best to post 2 chapters a week.