
As the school bell rings, signaling the end of classes, Madara makes his way to the cafeteria. The cafeteria is buzzing with activity, students chatting and eating, and as Madara enters the room, he can feel the eyes of everyone in the room on him.

Madaras POV.

When I got to the cafeteria I took a quick glance around to see if there were any vampires, but so far none. I saw a lone table at the corner of the cafeteria, I wanted to go there but someone stood in front of me.

"Hey, your that new student aren't you"

I looked at the person standing in front of me, and I cringed a little. It was Jessica Stanley, I don't have anything against her but her personality is just a bit annoying.

"Yes, "

She looked at me like she was waiting for something but when she saw I wasn't going to say more she continued.

"Anyway, my name is Jessica, and I thought since you're a new student and all, you would like to sit with me and my friends."

She said pointing at a table where three people were sitting. When she pointed at them they waved back.

'Sigh she's not going to let this go, mite as well just get it over with '

"Okay then, lead the way"

"OKAY!" She was too enthusiastic.

'I feel a headache coming

We got to the table and I sat down next to who I'm guessing is Eric Yorkie.

There was a small silence when I sat down.

"Guys this is our new student, his name is ..ahm ..?" Jessica started introducing me only to realize she doesn't know my name.

"Madara Uchiha" I said.

"Dude, that's a badass name. It's like James bond's name but only a Japanese version"

"Im eric by the way, " He said.

I just nodded in his direction choosing to ignore the comparison he made my name with James Bond.

"Hey I'm angela, it's nice to see a new face around here," said the girl that was sitting between Jessica and who I'm guessing is mike.

"I'm mike, we had the same math class," He said extending his hand for a shake.

And I shook it but he took his hand back in surprise and a bit of pain.

"Hehe, you have a bit of a grip there," He said in a kind of awkward way

"So where did you live, we don't see many new faces around here." said angela

"I lived in Switzerland" That surprised them a bit, it was eric who spoke next.

"Switzerland, so you're a European boy"

'And there's the headache'

" You went to school there," asked angela

"I was homeschooled"

Just when eric was about to make another stupid comment, the cafeteria went silent. I looked at where everyone was looking and there they are, the Cullens.

"Ugh, every time, there not even that good looking" It was Jessica who said that.

"Shut up Jessica your just salty because Edward rejected you," said Eric in a teasing tone.

" I only asked him out because mike asked Edythe, and he also got rejected"


I looked at the Cullens walking to the table I was initially going to sit at.

And just like in the movies they came in pairs.

"They are doctor Cullen's foster children," said angela looking at me

I just acted oblivious and said.

"They look like dolls" That elicited a small chuckle from my table mates, I saw Rosalie flinching, obviously hearing what I said.

"They do, don't they," said Jessica, jealous

"They moved here from Alaska like a few years ago, they usually keep to themselves" continued angela, but then Jessica jumped in saying.

" Because they're all together, it's not normal" Angela looked a bit annoyed at that statement.

"Jessica they're not really related."

Jessica didn't really listen to what angela said, she just went on to give a little profile of them.

"The tall blonde girl is Rosalie. She's supposed to be really vain and stuck-up, but I've never actually talked to her. The one holding her hand is emmet. And then there's Alice and Jasper - they're a couple, Alice is weird, and Jasper just looks... intense. Like he's about to snap at any moment."

I just looked at Jessica with a side-eye. Then two more people entered the cafeteria.

I looked at the guy and I guessed he was Edward. And when I looked at the girl walking next to him it was like the world stopped moving.

"That's Edward Cullen," Jessica said, "He's, like, the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. But he's also kind of creepy. He never talks to anyone."

I kept looking at the girl that kind of resembled Edward.

'What's this, I've been in this world for as long as time itself and I've never felt like this

I looked at Jessica and asked.

"Who's the girl next to golden boy"

"Agh, that's Edythe, Edward's twin sister. she's a total bitch" I don't know why but when she said that I got a bit annoyed.

'What is this, Im not acting right

I stood up from my seat and it made a screeching sound. I took a glance at where the Cullens were sitting to find them looking at me. I looked at Jessica and said.

"If you would excuse me"

I walked straight out of the cafeteria to my next class.

' I understand now, I have known for a long time that this is not the original twilight world, but for me to be in this situation'.

"hahaha" I chuckled a little

'Your funny, whatever robot thing that brought me here is funny, you wanna play with my fate, well you're going to have to try harder than that.'



guys I imagined that Madara would hate being forced into love by the mate bond.

I don't know how to go about it but if could give me ideas to slowly build the relationship, It would be appreciated.