
Edythe's POV'

We entered the cafeteria like usual, but like always the cafeteria became quiet. I just looked at Edward enjoying the attention.

"Get off your high horse" He looked at me and chuckled.

As we walked towards our usual table, I noticed Mike and Eric snickering at something. I focused on their conversation and heard them talking about Edward and his rejection of Jessica. I didn't particularly care for their gossip, but I couldn't help but feel a little relieved that Edward wasn't the topic of conversation.

As we took our seats, I noticed they kept looking at us. They were talking to someone new, and Jessica was talking about us. She explained who we were to the new person, and I tried my best to ignore their whispered comments.

When I heard the new human describe us as dolls, I flinched. It wasn't the first time I had heard that comparison, but it still stung. I could feel Rosalie's irritation from across the table. I knew she didn't appreciate being compared to a child's plaything.

"Ugh, It's him" I was a bit confused about what Rosalie was talking about so were the others.

"That new student is immune to Rosalie's scary glare, and she's just a bit sensitive because of it, isn't that right darling" Emmet teased Rosalie.

Rosalie just hit Emmet in the thigh.

As Jessica continued her gossip about us, I tried my best to tune her out. But when she called me a bitch, I didn't really care, but I couldn't believe the nerve of some humans.

But as I saw the guy sitting at Jessica's table eyeing me with curiosity, I couldn't help but feel a strange pull towards him. It was as if something inside me recognized him, even though I had never seen him before.

When he abruptly stood up and left, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I wanted to know more about him, to understand what drew me to him.

As I kept looking at his retreating back Edward spoke.

"I can't read his mind" I looked at what he was talking about only to see him also looking at the new guy.

"That can't be," said Jasper, and then he looked to Alice who seemed too quiet.

"What's wrong Alice" I asked her, and she snapped out of whatever she was daydreaming about.

"A.. It's nothing" she looked at me like she wanted to say something.

"Are you sure you're not just hungry?" Said Emmet turning my attention to him.

"No, I'm sure. I couldn't read his mind, it was like something was keeping me out." When Edward said that the bell rang.

As we left the cafeteria, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Who was that human and why do I feel this way?


Madara's POV.

The next class was English, and it went without a hitch. No Cullens and no annoying Jessica.

After class ended I went to my last class which was Spanish.

I sat in the last row again, and with boredom, I started waiting for the class to start.

As I waited for the class to start. Students started filling the class, and then came in Edythe and Emmet.

I saw Edythe hesitating a little, she looked at me but she sat in the front row.

' It's like something is pulling me toward her, I don't like it' I felt the air move next to me. I looked next to me only to see a grinning Emmet sitting next to me.

He extended his hand and said.

"Emmet Cullen, we had the same class earlier it's nice to meet you."

I looked at his hand and shook it.

"Madara Uchiha, Nice to meet you as well"

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, with my girlfriend. People usually get scared of her" He said while scratching his head.

"It's fine, no problem," I said when I felt eyes on me. I looked forward to see Edythe looking at me. Our eyes met then she looked away.

Just then the class started when the teacher came in. Like earlier, I pretended to listen to class but I didn't really need to learn Spanish when I can basically understand and speak every language with my Jutsu.

" So where are you from Madara," said emmet next to me.

" Switzerland," I said, and then he looked at me weirdly.

" Realy, you speak good English," he said

"It's because I also used to live in London," I said.

"Hmm, so does your family move around a lot," He said, he took a quick glance to where Edythe was I'm guessing to look at her reaction,

" I guess you could say that," I said and then there came a silence between us.

"Uchiha?" Said emmet, I looked at him

"Aa.. sorry your last name just seems familiar." I kept looking at him

"Hmm," I just hummed in understanding.

After that, the class went smoothly, and finally, the bell rang. After that, I and emmet stood up we got out of the class only to meet Edythe waiting in the corridor.

I looked at her closely, Edythe was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. She was tall and statuesque with long, pale, honey-blonde hair that cascaded down her back in soft waves. Her skin was like marble, icy and smooth to the touch, and her features were perfectly chiseled, giving her an otherworldly beauty.

"Madara meet my sister Edythe Cullen," emmet said with a grin.

I saw Edythe narrow her eyes at Emmet, then she looked at me and extended her hand for a shake.

I kept looking at her for a while, And then I took her hand and shook it. she looked at my hand like there was something wrong. Then she looked at Emmet, at this point I took my hand back.

"It's nice to meet you," she said and then she grabbed emmet and then they walked away.

I looked at my hand ' when I touched her hand it felt like electricity, it was confirmed.

"huh.. so she's my mate" I looked around to see a couple of people in the corridor. I walked out of the school and went straight to my car.

I left school, driving straight home.



Author here

I would like ideas for the future what kind of fight scenes would you maybe want to see.