The tribe meeting


After I came back home, I realized that I had more than enough time on my hands before the council meeting. Therefore, I decided to brew a cup of tea and take a moment to relax.

'Maybe I should go for a walk'

After a while, I made up my mind and went for a walk in the woods. After 30 minutes of walking in the forest I heard rustling next to me, and I saw it was sam in his wolf form.

"Is it already time?" I asked.

He just nodded and indicated with his head to follow, and I did. After a while, we came to the edge of the forest.

Sam went behind a tree to shift back. After he shifted we continued out of the forest and I noticed everyone was already there sitting around a campfire.

" Hey Madara, glad you could make it," said billy rolling towards me and giving me a handshake.


I nodded giving him a handshake.

"Why don't you come and sit down"

Walking towards the others I noticed some of the adults were staring at me with recognition and everyone else was just curious. Spoting Seth clearwater among them I sat next to him. Back in my old world, Seth was my favorite shifter, even if he wasn't the strongest, he was loyal and that's what made him my favorite even though he was bearly a teenager now.

"Let's get started"

After billy said that everyone's attention shifted to him.

As the fire crackled and sparks danced up into the night sky, Billy Black began to speak. "The Quileute tribe has always been a small tribe since we first came to these lands," he began.

" But we have always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape-shifters that transformed into powerful wolfs. This enabled us to scare our enemies and protect our tribe. One day our warriors came across a.... creature"

After he said that I could see some of the elders becoming stiff. Seth who was next to me seemed to gulp his saliva, I just gave him a side look and billy continued.

"It looked like a man but it was hard like stone and cold as ice, he had killed some of our tribe's fishermen, sucked the blood out of their bodies, and when our warriors came across this they attacked"

"He was stronger and faster than our warriors, but our number was greater," He said looking around at the handful of people sitting around the fire.

"Our warrior's sharp teeth, finally tore it apart, but only fire would completely destroy it," He said looking at me.

We may have been protected by our warriors but they themselves were not on there peak performance."He said.

Then he indicated the surrounding forest with his hand.

"Our warriors died out fast because we didn't have the shelter the forest gave us.

"Our tribe lived in fear that the cold man was not alone, and they were right. He had a companion, and she took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder Taha aki and his son were the only spirit warriors left in the village. After his wives were killed Tah aki in his rage attacked the cold lady. But he alone could not take on her strength. Taha akis third wife could see that he would lose, she was no magical being, and had no special powers but she had courage. She made a decision to take her own life, because she knew the creature was attracted to blood, But someone.....Or something intervened." He said looking at me with meaning.

"A being of great power, who with a wave of his hand created this very forest we know, as home saved Taha aki, with his strange magic"

"He was not among us for long. He came and went, but with his arrival, he saved us from our ongoing calamity and any future calamity by sheltering us in this forest. So Taha aki with his life intact swore to be indebted to this being." Billy shifted his gaze from me to the fire.

"Thus the being went on his way with the promise that one day he would come back to collect this debt, and it is our duty when this time comes to pay him with the best of our abilities"

After he finished there was silence, then he clapped his hands and said.

"Alright that's enough for today why don't you children go on home, we have a couple of things to settle," said billy.

After he said that people started leaving and only me, billy, sam, and some of the elders were left.

"What I said there earlier is the truth Madara" Said billy.

Everyone looked at me after billy spoke.

"I told you I don't need anything," I said looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Are you going to tell him billy" Harry Clearwater whispered to billy?

From the way they looked at each other, I'm guessing it's about the Cullens.

Billy gave Harry a side glance when he spoke.

"yes, you did I apologize, but there is something else that you need to know"

"A hundred years ago some of Our tribe members came across a passing family of cold ones." He said.

"Our warriors at the time deemed them not a threat because they only drank animal blood. So they made a treaty with them, they would stay outside the tribe lands and they would live in peace so long as they killed nor turned a human"

"If you're talking about the Cullens, I saw them this morning," I said

"You did," said billy

"Hmm" I nodded

"And you're okay with them, staying I mean"

It was a man I didn't recognize that said that part.

"So long as they don't interfere with me they can do whatever they please," I said

"Anyways billy the same goes for you now that you know i didn't come here for you, If there is a problem of any kind you may ask for help but if it's anything else keep me out of it" As i said that I stood up and shushined straight home.

' I wonder when that suicidal girl will come'


Billy (POV)

"So long as they don't interfere with me they can do whatever they please," said Madara

As he said those words he looked me straight in the eyes, and like earlier, it gave me goosebumps.

"Anyways billy the same goes for you, now that you know I didn't come here for you, If there is a problem of any kind you may ask for help but if it's anything else keep me out of it" as he said those words he disappeared in a swirl of wind and leaves.

"Sigh I feel a headache coming," said Harry

"You and me both," I said.

And like that, everyone went their own ways and I went home to sleep.

'what a long day'


Hey guys!

Author here I will releas 3 more chapter if we can get 20€.

Any help will be apreciated the link to paypal is