
Chapter 8

       " what gown do you think is best for the wedding"

Sitting down on the couch and ignoring the naughty glances my mum keeps giving me anytime Priscilla asks her to pick a gown for her wedding.

I understood those glances, and I'm not going to be wearing any of those gowns anytime soon, that's what she wants, but unfortunately I can't make that happen, all I can think of is a successful model I would become in the future.

I stared at space imagining how good it'll be that I didn't even hear when my mum began calling my name.

" Darcy" she yelled this time and I turned to look at her and she stared at me for a while before she smiled.

" what're you thinking of, or should I say, who are you thinking of" her smile widened, turning Priscy's attention to me, with that devilish smirk of hers.

" is it Jamie" she said trying to compress the laugh rising up in her throat but she couldn't succeed in that.

" Darcy..., tell me who he is" my mum sat beside me, forgetting the fact she was helping Priscy look for her wedding dress.

" it's no one mum"

" Jamie" she said and Priscy looked at me and sucked in her lower lips to hold down the laugh.

"No..., oh my god, mum Jamie is just a friend, nothing more"

" that's how it always starts, just a friend" she smiled at me and I didn't return that smile.

My mum had fallen in love with Jamie just because he was handsome and rich, and he always got her lots of gifts even when it wasn't necessary, trying to gain her attention.

Jamie knew what he wanted and that was why he formed a bond between him and my mum, well I'm smarter than he is, he can never get me through my mum,not even from anyone.

" bye mum"

I waved at her as I drove out of her house, Priscy had gone since she finally picked a gown and rushed to her tailor.

As I was driving, I remembered what happened three days ago.

I hope that man didn't die from the bites, and I pray my dad wouldn't be back from Florida anytime soon, cause I know he must pay me a visit after he comes back, and he must've probably heard about Theon's case, and I don't want to think about the huge trouble I'll get into.

I was getting closer to my house when I recognized that tall figure, and that wolf, they were walking by the side of the road and I watched as people gave way for Bullet to pass, I would've done the same though.

I stopped the car beside them and whined down the window.

" get in" I said and Theon looked into the car and then looked around his surroundings, like he was avoiding someone from seeing him.

He opened the back door  for bullet to get in and he opened the door of the front sit, hesitatingly entering inside the car and then closing the door.

We drove in total silence as the sky kept getting dark.

Theon's phone suddenly started ringing and broke the silence and I looked at him as he picked the phone.

I didn't really hear a thing the person was saying but Theon quickly returned the phone in his pocket, he looked at me for a while before he looked back and I heard a gunshot from behind my car.

I stopped driving and turned back to see some group of guys, and the gun shots continued.

Theon got down from the car and opened the door for bullet, I was confused at what was happening, and my heart was racing as well.

" I want you to drive straight home, right now" he said with a warning tone and I stared in confusion " and don't look back" he said and ran towards the guys shooting at each other, I watched through the mirror as he brought out his gun and started shooting them, Bullet taking heads off their  body.

My heart raced as I drove out with speed, hands trembling on the steering wheel.

What the fuck just happened.


Theon's POV

I wouldn't have gotten into the car with her, damn , I fucked up, she saw everything, I have no excuse to make.

I stood outside the door, hesitatingly opening it and I already spotted Darcy , sitting on the chair, I couldn't really see her since she wasn't facing me.

I just wanted to walk quickly into my room to avoid whatsoever questions she was going to fill my ears with, but unfortunately, that couldn't happen.

" who the fuck are you" she said to me and with the sound of her voice, I could tell she was scared almost to death which even brought tears to her eyes.

She stood up staring at me as more tears went down her cheeks.

Why was she so scared, there was nothing so frightening in the scene she saw, oh yeah, it must've probably been her first time, damn it, I didn't think about that.

" I asked you a question" she said and wiped out the tears from her eyes but that didn't stop the rest of them from rolling out.

I didn't have an answer to give her for that question, like what was I going to tell her that wouldn't get her more afraid and chase me out of her house, I've been lying to her about a lot of things to hide my identity but about this question, my head was empty for an answer, I guess it's time I start packing my things to leave to no destination.

" you and your wolf..."

Tears kept running down her face, seems it was hard for her to finish her last sentence.

" why did you do that, why did you kill those people, your wolf butchered a man, and you were shooting and killing" she stared at me as she spoke while i stared back at her, completely speechless.

" now I really know why the police were after you, you lied to me, it wasn't a mistake, you shot that man on purpose"


It's now she just realized that.

" you let bullet and clouds attack that man on purpose, then you pretended"

Yeah and  also this one.

" you've been lying to me the whole time and I was so stupid to believe you, I hate it when I'm being lied to"

Like you would be able to stand it if I told you the truth.

" I don't give a shit  about you anymore, I don't want to wake up tomorrow and find out you're still here" she walked away.

The part I've been expecting her to say finally came, but at least she was nice enough to let me stay till tomorrow,and I have no idea where I would be leaving to.


I really fucked up big time.