
Chapter 9

I was heading out of the house when I bumped into Darcy, she left this morning expecting to come back and not see me but unfortunately I was standing in front of her.

She looked at me and I could still see that fear written in her eyes.

She walked passed me as we brushed shoulders against each other, I turned back to look at her, still having hopes she would ask me to stay but nothing, she just walked into her room and I could hear the door closing.

I took a deep breath as I began heading out with Bullet following me behind.

Here I am

Walking to no destination.

Darcy POV

I left my room when I realized he was gone, I watched as Clouds kept whining at the door, his only friend was gone, and he'll never be seeing him again, never, and even if it was going to be possible, I wouldn't let that happen.

Can't still believe what my eyes saw last night, I felt like I was in a horror movie, and finding out Theon had been lying to me the whole time made me feel like a total fool.

But I still came to wonder,

who is Theon? Or should I say,what is he?

Whoever he might be, he must be really deadly and I feel so stupid to let an unknown man stay at my house.

" Clouds, get inside, it's time to eat"

I said as I watched him turn away and follow me to the kitchen, he was really moody, he didn't even eat much from his food and I began to wonder if I had made a mistake, maybe I should've just kept only the wolf, but he would have surely eaten me alive for sending his master away.


        Clouds was barking so loud that i couldn't clearly hear the person knocking on the door.

I stood up from my bed and went to open the door, annoyed at Clouds barking that was already hurting my ears.

I met a woman standing at my door on a police uniform, with another man on the same uniform standing by her side.

My heart skipped at the sight of them and I already knew why they were here.

" we need to see you in the police station ma'am" she said to me and I spotted their car outside, there was no doubt that Theon must've been arrested, why else would I be called to the police station.

But the thought of that still feared me deeply, my heart was racing hard against my chest, I didn't ask any questions, I just agreed to go with them.

Theon POV

My hands were handcuffed behind a chair in the custody room as I played def ears to the police that were questioning me, I just wanted to wait until Darcy was here, I wanted to hear her answers to the questions they were going to ask her but it didn't take up to a minute before she walked into the room and her eyes first landed on me and I could tell she was almost scared to death, regret written in her eyes.

She sat in between the police woman and me, while the officer was seating in front of us.

" did you get any word from him"  the woman asked the officer who shook his head in disappointment.

" he's too quiet" the officer testified and I was laughing behind my mind, not only if they knew how I was planning on killing every one of them that saw my face.

I looked at Darcy who was damn anxious, her hands were vibrating on her thighs, I think I could see sweat dripping down her face, and her mind was in a whole different world.

It was like she was with us but at the same time, she wasn't with us.


Is this how much she gets scared, her clothes were even vibrating to the beating in her chest, this was just too much.

" hey miss" the woman said and Darcy stopped her every movements like she just heard a lion growl behind her.

She turned to look at the lady who had also noticed the whole scene going on around her, which will even create more suspicion in her mind.

" we just called you here to ask you a few questions about this man" she said trying to sound nice so the tension in her body could calm down.

Darcy nodded and swallowed down saliva.

" Do you know this man"

Darcy nodded again and glanced at me and at this point, I wasn't taking my eyes off her.

" and since when have you known him"

she looked at me again and I saw that she was trying to calm herself down by taking several deep breaths as everyone waited for her answer.

"I've known him for a while now"

" are you guys close"

" no"

" so why was he staying at your house" the woman stared into her eyes, searching for any signs, if she was lying.

Darcy opened her mouth to talk but the woman  continued with her questions.

" you're aware he killed a man right" the woman said with an unfriendly tone and this time around, Darcy stare lasted on me.

" I'm sorry but they have to know the truth"

My heart skipped after I heard what she said to me and I started becoming scared.

Obviously what did I expect, for her to try to defend me when we were total strangers to each other, and after she saw me in that scene yesterday, I'm sure she had already planned on calling the police herself but she didn't, and here was her chance.

I guess I should start getting used to the new environment in the prison or how I'll spend my eternity in hell.

" let me confess, I'll say everything"

The police officer sat upright to listen and the woman moved closer to Darcy.

And my fear kept increasing, I don't know why but I should've expected this.

"Yes,he killed the man"

She said causing the two police to turn and look at me and my heart was racing with a high speed.

" but, it was a mistake and I was a witness. That night I was coming back from work and the man attacked me, it wasn't the first time he had done such a thing, he would beat me up and collect all the money I had earned, he threatened to kill me if I let anyone know about him" Darcy's voice began trembling and I was surprised to see tears falling out her eyes.

" I was so scared and terrified that I was going to die if I told anyone,and that night when i decided to be brave, refusing to give him my hard earned money, he started beating me up and brought a gun to shoot me, it was at that point that he arrived and fought for my sake, and while they were fighting, he tried shooting him but before he could do that, he turned the gun away from him and the bullet....that was when he died"

I watched as tears filled her eyes and rolled down like a stream, and I was still trying to understand what she was doing.

" we wanted to report the case but we were scared that they were going to accuse the innocent for the death when he did nothing"

She wiped her tears.

" I was so scared and terrified that my life would be ended in the hand of that man" she began crying painfully and stood up from the chair.

" that man has done so many wicked things to me that'll never forget, he was so cruel"

Her crying became louder and the police woman stood up and hugged her tight to console her, while I was drowning in the state of confusion.

" shhh.., it's okay, I understand"she pat Darcy's head slowly and she stared at me from behind the woman's back and that sad expression of hers disappeared to normal and I couldn't help that side smile from appearing on my face, when I realized what had  just happened,everything she said was a total lie.



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