Changes and getting attention

The next day Edward woke up to a knocking on the door and he could hear Bianca from the other side of the door asking him to wake up in an urgent tone, so he got up washed his face ,made his hair and put on his armour, after he was ready he opened the door and saw that Bianca was a mess her hair was like a bush and her face looked like a ghost which took Edward by surprise but he composed himself and asked.

"What's going on Bianca and why do you look like you just ran a marathon" said Edward Bianca became a bit embarrassed but answered straight away." Never mind that why are there people in front of the inn asking for you so early in the morning" she asked." Well it might have to do with the training ground that I have created yesterday for anyone who wants to train in this part of the city" answered Edward and his answer surprised her but she got over it and said." I see so that's what all the commotion is all about, I had honestly thought that you were all just talk when you said you were going to change things around here but it seems that I was wrong" she said and bowed before leaving, after she left Edward went and opened the door and one of the pro outside spoke to him.

". Pardon the intrusion sir but are you the Edward who spread the rumour that you were opening a training place around here and that we didn't have to pay in order to get trained" said a guy who was wearing ragged clothes but his built up was impressive considering where he grew up." That is correct I have the place ready to begin training anyone who wishes to join and I will also pay you five gold dragons for every session that you come in to train" once the people in front of the inn heard that they were more excited to join the training ,so he closed the door behind him and started walking towards the dojo with the people following him and after a short walk they were in front of it ,as he was about to go inside he turned to the people in order to explain what the training would consist of, but what he found was a group of dumbfounded people.

"Hey guys what are you standing around for gawking at the building I told you this is the place where you are going to train, come on let's get inside" after he said that one of them finally decided to ask." Is this really the place where we are going to train because we thought it would be some barracks with swords, shields and other stuff like the city watch uses" as he asked Edward turned towards them and said. " By the time I am done training you, you will be the most powerful knights in the realm so let's get started and see for yourself how much of a master I am and one more thing I am not like those children who play as warriors I am a real god of war I have mastered myself to the point where I can control what my body does in an instant and that's what will happen to you people if you follow my instructions " once he said that he went inside the dojo and the group of people who were about forty followed straight after him.

Once everyone was inside the dojo he closed the door and turned on the air filter which worked through his magic, after they finished looking around he made the drink the same serum he had because he didn't want to kill them with his training, the only difference was that the serum would help them to keep going and heal any injuries or problems they have with their bodies but it won't make their physique like his in the blink of an eye.

After drinking the serum they started to Dee the effects since every disease or physical disfigurement was being healed with each passing minute and they were being filled with stamina and strength which needed to be use and so he spoke to them.

"Go to the shower rooms and clean yourselves up and get yourself ready for the training sessions, also throw away your clothes that you are wearing now because I will give you new ones and you can also find your uniform as well as everything else you need on your separate shower rooms now get moving we have no time to waste" said Edward and everyone followed his instructions and went to their separate showers and Edward waited for them as they got ready to learn everything they would need from Edward.

After a while they got out ready for his training and so he spoke to them." From today onwards I want you to come to this dojo to train every day and each time you progress and become stronger I will double your pay also make sure to tell anyone else who wants to come to this dojo to train that they are welcomed any time, now without further ado let us begin, the first phase of your training will be to build up your strength, endurance and stamina along with your physique in order to give you a good foundation , the second part would be training in hand to hand combat and the last part will be weapons training so without further ado let's begin" said Edward and so their training began with the first month being pure torture for them he first started them with 50 reps of push ups, sit ups, squats and a mile run which considering the serum he gave them it was a lightweight begging and most of them got used to it by the end of the day but that was just the beginning because their gear weighed around fifty kilos at the start which didn't seem challenging enough so it doubled in weight for each one of them and he also made them wear the weights even when not in the dojo.

As time passed four months had gone by and in those four months their progress was tremendous first their physical strength had gone through the roof which was thanks to the serum but also the suits they were wearing which healed them and revitalised them during training so no matter how hard he pushed them they would keep going without getting tired and also their mind was breaking through the limits because all of the intense exercises and because of that they became much more exited to get stronger, which worked because by the end of the first month their physical strength and build was insane.

They were ripped and he finally saw what his serum did to whomever took it, the serum served as a limit breaker which in turn made the person who took it make as much progress as someone who trained for five years in just a month, once he figured that out he started their hand to hand combat training as soon as the first month ended, he first showed them the techniques during the first week and after that he spared with them which helped all of them progress at a tremendous rate including him, by the end of the second month their hand to hand training was done and he figured the best way to train them and make more progress was to have them fight him because that way they could see different techniques as well as develop their own.

So the last two months were spent fighting him as well as for them creating their own techniques but he also trained them in weapons combat which made the sparring matches even more exiting and progressive which in turn made each and everyone of them more deadly and stronger than any wannabe knight, so as the four months came to pass he also focused on the situation in kings landing and so far he had placed at least fifty criminals in the black cells and the others who were unredeemable he just killed them and burnt their remains to ash and because of his activities in kings landing he got the attention of the city watch but also the attention of Otto Hightower who wanted to visit him but no one would tell him where he was so he just told someone to tell someone and soon his location reached the hand of the king.

As time passed most of the people left once they felt the training they had was enough so now he only had his pupils which were fifty of them who stayed with him because he had earned their loyalty and since they stayed with him he pushed them even harder and gave them orders to patrol the city ,to make sure everyone was safe, he also created an emblem which was a shield and sword through the middle horizontally and the symbol of the wings of freedom in front and everyone of the fifty men he had loyal to him had the emblem in their armour plates, every time the people saw them walking through the streets they greeted them with respect and enthusiasm which made them even more determined to make sure every one of them was safe.

He also made sure to clean the streets of flee bottom and make some changes to the structural integrity of this part of the city so for that he hired the best architects and had them rebuilt each part from top to bottom and he payed each one of them with a chest of a hundred thousand gold dragons which to him was nothing since his magic allowed him to make as much as he needed.

The remaking of flee bottom started the first month of his training and he also produced whatever products they needed which was top quality which made the work much quicker, which led to the complete restoration being done in five months since he hired a lot of people to work and with the payment being so hight they were eager to join, now that it was finished the people had better homes and places where they could work ,he also opened a two shops one for food and the other for wine or any other stuff such as armour or medicine and this made his fame grow because he sold everything almost free, the people could find anything they needed in his establishment which made him happy because they weren't being ripped off every time they bought something instead they were getting everything for the cheapest price, he would have given everything for free but he needed to maintain a certain cover for himself.

Since his fame was growing at a tremendous rate some of the thugs from the city watch tried to couse problems which only served to give them a concussion or dislocated bones for those who pushed to far and because of this no one dared to make trouble anymore he also made sure to tell his men the same.

Another month passed and at the present time he was sitting outside his dojo meditating when he felt few presences hiding a few metres from him and he stood up stretching his joints and put on his long kimono which fitted him like a second skin with e symbol of the wings of freedom on its back, afterwards he turned towards them and spoke.

"Whomever you are come out now and I will go easy on you but if you don't I won't be responsible for what happens next" said Edward and that made them jump but they showed themselves since they knew they were discovered, once they showed themselves Edward was a bit surprised since he saw Otto Hightower among them. " Well this is certainly a surprise, I didn't expect the hand of the king to be among the people who would spy on me so what is it that you want from me lord hand" said Edward.

" I have come here to see you and speak to you because your influence has become a bit of a problem since the people of kings landing respect you and are loyal to you they seem to not bother with the city watch anymore and that is a problem" said Otto." I see well they know who keeps them safe and I don't ask for anything in return but if the city watch have a problem with my presence maybe they should stop exploiting the people they are supposed to protect" said Edward." Those are some accusations that you are making because we haven't heard any complaints from anyone even before you came here" said Otto." Well the reason might be because they were scared of what might happen to them but I am not so if you have a problem with how I do things you should first talk to the king before you make a decision you will regret" said Edward since he could see the surface though in his head and as Otto heard that he became uneasy and spoke to the men he had with him which were around to twenty so once he did they surrounded Edward which made him sigh." I thought I told you not to make any rash actions but you don't listen so I guess a demonstration is in order" as he said he vanished from his spot and the next he was next to Otto with everyone knocked out.

"Let this be a lesson to you do not ever try to threaten me because I can just as easily rip you in half but that would ruin my reputation so you should count yourself lucky that you are hand of the king, now go back to the red keep and tell the king everything, then we will see what action he would take, run along now and do not test my patience again" after he finished what he had to say he walked towards his dojo and he saw five of his best pupils standing there a bit surprised about what happened.

Otto on the other hand got his bearings together and left the place to report the mater to Viserys, after he left his friends decided to have a talk with him. "Hey Edward what was that all about did you get into trouble again" asked one of them." Nothing to worry about Oliver just someone who was trying to be intimidating without knowing who he was dealing with" said Edward. " Do we have anything to worry about then or is just some nuisance like everything else that tries to get in our way" said another one of his friends whose name was Arturo." No it's nothing to worry about Art its just a nuisance since we have changed the way this city used to be there will always be someone who would try to jeopardise our mission but it will only backfire on them" after he said that Edward and his five generals/ best friends went inside the dojo to spar which had become a routine for them since no one else was up to their level of skill.

"Now that I have the attention of Otto it is only a matter of time till I receive a summons from Viserys and that's part one of my plan done" thought Edward to himself as they got ready for the fight.