Master of order

After the visit from Otto two weeks passed and he continued to better the lives of the people by offering them jobs and paying them fifty gold dragons a day which made more people come and ask him for jobs and he accepted by either letting them work as security guards at the places that he had opened or working in said places as staff, he also reconstructed the entire in that Bianca had by making it a three story building with the bottom being a night club ,the second floor being a restaurant and the third floor being a hotel where people could sleep or spend a night or two and it was the best place in kings landing with any Lord or other people who would visit kings landing for business spending the night there with a full service.

He had also started trading with high garden, Castely rock, storm-lands and any other place who wanted to trade with him and each place had different princes for anything they needed, he also started trading with the north more like he gave them what they needed since he didn't need the gold and he also sent a letter to lord stark to send him a list of whatever the north needed and he had received it a few days ago with also a thank you note from lord stark and as he read through the list he sent a letter to high garden and Bravos to purchase enough food to last the north for five years and he also created weapons, armour and clothes which were the highest quality since he created them using magic, they could also keep a person warm no matter how cold it was.

Once everything arrived he created twenty large carriages which were pulled by four horses each, he had bought them from Bravos as well and the north would keep them, so as he prepared everything which took four weeks to arrive, he also made twenty of his men to go with them as security and considering one of his men was stronger than a hundred men the caravan was safe.

He sent them on their way to the north and afterwards he focused on the other kingdoms with whatever their requests were and he managed to make everything ready for them as well, another two weeks passed and he got word that everything he delivered to every part of Westeros had gotten there all in one piece and safe.

As he finished reading the reports on his office in the dojo Oliver came into his room with a rush on his step." Edward I just heard that the king has summoned you to the red keep today" said Oliver and as Edward heard that he got up from his chair ,got ready to go to the red keep and he turned to Oliver and said." Make sure you hold down the fort until I come back alright Oli and do not worry nothing will happen to me" as he said that he left and made his way to the red keep which after a short walk he arrived in front of the gates which the guards opened since they knew him.

Afterwards he meet sir Westering of the kings guard and they greeted each other with a handshake." I would like to finally welcome you to the red keep Edward Newgate and I hope you have a pleasant stay" said Westerling." It is good to be here as well and as for my pleasant stay we will see once I am done with my business in the small council" said Edward as he gestured the lord commander to lead the way and soon they arrived at the council chambers where he could hear them discussing the new marriage of king Viserys since the death of his wife a year ago and so he went in the room of the small council, which in turn made everyone quiet since some of them knew him.

"Greetings lord Edward and welcome to the small council, we have much to discuss now please take a seat and let us begin" said Viserys." Thank you for the invite your grace although I had expected it much sooner considering I meet your hand two weeks ago" said Edward which made Otto flinch a bit even if he didn't show it." I apologise for the late invitation Edward, I didn't know my hand had already been to meet you, but that is in the past the reason I have called you here it's because of the happenings these last few months" said Viserys as Edward looked at everyone in the council and saw approval in their faces which he nodded towards them and spoke." What happenings would those be your grace" said Edward." Do not sound so modest Edward I know that ever since you came to kings landing you have been helping the seven kingdoms thrive, you first started at kings landing where you turned an entire city in a well functioning system which has made the lives of the people prosper and safe, another achievement is helping the seven kingdoms such as the north, river lands, storms end and high garden prosper through trade which I have heard from sources you charged the bare minimum to wealthy houses but to those who need your help more you do not charge at all and that is why I have called you here because a person with such accomplishments should be awarded and for that I wanted to give you a position in the small council but we don't have any open spots" said Viserys and Edward thought for a bit and answered." Your grace how about creating a new position the master of order, because it will be the perfect position for me since then I can accomplish much more than I already have with your authority" answered Edward which made Viserys think about it, however Otto decided to interrupt again." There is no need for such a position in the small council, however should any of the members of the small council resign we will let you know" said Otto thinking he had won but Viserys spoke." I have thought about your proposal Edward and I think that would be a wonderful idea, since you have already been doing what your title entails I see no reason as to why you shouldn't become a master of order" said Viserys as Otto was a bit upset but no one could see it exept for him.

"Thank you for this honour your grace and since I am the master of order I will ensure that the realm is kept peaceful and prosperous" said Edward and just as they had finished discussing his position lord Colys came into the chamber and he looked mad which Edward could guess why." Five ships have now been lost the last one was flying my banner I want to know what is to be done about it" said Colys." You will be compensated for your loses but at the moment we have more important matters to discuss" said Otto which only seemed to further anger Colys more." I do not want compensation I want to cease the steps tones by force and burn out this scourge of the free cities" as he said that Viserys was about to reply however Edward beat him to it." The triarchy will be destroyed lord Colys and I will help you to ensure that the narrow sea will be ours" said Edward and lord Colys turned to him asking." Who might you be, forgive me if I am not familiar with new faces however I am not always in the small council" said/asked Colys." Don't worry about it and as for who I am, my name is Edward Newgate and also the master of order, which is why we will destroy the triarchy and if they try to retaliate I will personally show them what happens when you anger a warlord" once Edward finished Viserys was a bit surprised with one so young sounding so ruthless and he decided to interfere." We can not enter open war with the free cities, that has never happened before and it won't start by my hand" as Viserys finished talking Edward spoke again." Don't worry your grace this war won't be that much of a problem and I will cover the cost for it from my own gold so you do not have to interfere at all, which would in turn make Westeros safe since they know we are acting without your authority and it is the best way to make sure they are destroyed but to also get compensation for the damages that they have caused" said Edward which made everyone agree with him, after everything was finished Colys left the council together with Edward and as they made their way outside of the red keep they ran into Rhenyra which was in the yard talking to Alicent and as she turned towards them they both gave her a nod, but Edward just gave her a wink which made her a bit shy and she just nodded leaving together with Alicent.

After they left the confinement of the red keep they made it down to the port of kings landing where Edward spoke to Colys." Lord Colys you should go to dragon stone fist and speak to Daemon in order for him to join this war since it would help his reputation and while you do that I will prepare my forces to join you in dragon stone within a week's time" said Edward as Colys nodded to him and said." Very well then I shall expect to see you within a week in dragon stone and by then my forces would be ready as well" said Colys as they shook hands and both went on their way.

Once Edward was out of site he created a portal straight to dragon stone and from there he went to the dragon mount because he needed to get himself a dragon but before he did that he created a potion with his magic to make his bloodline pure Valiryan and From the line of the first men,

Once he took it he didn't feel any thanks to the serum which allowed him to accommodate whatever he needed, his appearance on the other hand changed, his muscles became denser and purer, his hair and eyes turned into that of a pure Valyrian, such as pure dark silver hair and deep colour violet eyes which shone with power and considering his level of magic before now it wasn't a surprise but with him gaining the gift of old magic of Valyria and the first men he truly could say that he was a beast now.

Being done with admiring his looks he went into the dragon mont where two of the most badass dragons reside Vermithor and Cannibal, he was going to get both of them Cannibal as his dragon and Vermithor as his sons dragon which he was going to have with Rhenyra after the war was over and they became engaged.

He went into the dragon mont and as he did he could feel the heat around him even though to him it felt more like home and so he started walking further inside the dragon mont until he heard movements in the dark and as he pried in the dark he could see thanks to his vision becoming much sharper and from the colour he could tell that it was the bronze fury himself the dragon of king Jaherys the conciliator, he stopped right in front of Vermithor and he saw he was about to breathe fire but he didn't say anything and the flames engulfed him completely, as they did he felt at peace and started absorbing the flames as he did all the impurities left in his body were burned away and he felt reborn.

As soon as the flames died down Vermithor saw he was unscathed and he rubbed his head against his body and that made him chuckle." It's good to see you to boy how about stretching out those wings outside of this place" as he said that Vermithor roared." I will take that as a yes, however I have a gift for you and your friends here " said Edward as he presented him with a piece of meat which was not ordinary and it could turn a dragon into a human, but it would still keep all of the advantages of being a dragon and they could become dragons at will as well (kinda like the dragon gods from fairy tail).

He took out the chunk of meat and placed it in Vermithors jaws and as he ate it he saw him pulsing and his skin glowing as he started shrinking and gaining a human form.

"Well you certainly are an interesting human being capable of such magic is not an easy feat and I look forward to our future battles together" said Vermithor in high Valyrian which Edward could understand perfectly.

Edward observed Vermithor and he was almost about to shout at how badass he looked, he had brown hair with fiery eyes as well as a perfect ripped muscular body filled with explosive power, he also had a coat made of dragon scales which was bronze along with boots and pants dark brown in colour.

"Now that we got that out of the way how about we get the other two dragons in there and if you don't mind my asking where is Cannibal" said Edward as they made their way deeper into the mont." Well he has never been fond of us serving the Targaryen line since they were not a very powerful house in Valyria according to him, so he ate the humans who wanted to tame him and he also ate a few wild dragons who challenged him, after that he flew to Valirya since he said that humans in this continent weren't worth his time" finished saying Vermithor and Edward knew what he needed to do which was to go to Valyria and get him to become his partner but that could wait until tomorrow once he is done with the other dragons.