Getting a partner and massacre

Once Edward and Vermithor went to meet sheep stealer and Silverwing they were a bit more wild than Vermithor but he didn't seem faced and Vermithor interfeared and spoke to them in their draconic language which he couldn't quite understand but then he turned towards him and said.

"I just told them what you did for me and they are willing to try it as well, but they also said that they would chose their own parters when the time is right" as Vermithor said that Edward agreed and he gave each of the dragons the same potion he gave Vermithor and after they drank it he was surprised at their changes, Silverwing began to change into a silver beautiful woman with muscles in all the right places and an hourglass body which looked mesmerising as well as strong( just like Irene from fairy tail) she also had fiery ruby brown eyes which looked insanely awesome, sheep stealer on the other hand looked like a wild dude with brown hair deep orange eyes and a ripped body he also wore a cloak brown in colour with an arm ring and dark brown pants and boots.

Once they finished changing he decided to create weapons for each one of them, first for Vermithor he created a sword just like dragon slayer which he could imbue with his magic, for sheep stealer he created a long sword made especially for him and as for Silverwing he created two beautiful but strong katanas with sheaths as well, once he was finished he gave them their weapons which they did a few practice swings to get the feel of them.

"Right now that we are done let's get to Valyria because I need to get my partner back in action since he has been idle for far too long" said Edward and he saw them become a bit hesitant but he spoke again." Oh common guys he isn't that scary he is just a grumpy old dragon and he needs some friends" as Edward said that they all had surprised looks in their faces with the same thought going through their minds," He seriously is a fearless human calling him a grumpy old dragon" they thought at the same time but they just followed along.

They were embarking to Valyria when Edward remembered he had the most op magic and he created a portal straight to Valyria where he saw flames everywhere and as he took a deep breath he could feel the magic in the surrounding area which by the looks of his companions they could feel it too and it felt nourishing to them since this was their homeland, they were all looking around when it suddenly got dark they looked up where they saw him the menace himself the most powerful dragon in the world and the largest as well( sorry guys but for me Cannibal will always be the mvp and I don't believe that vhagar is bigger than him) Edward was amazed but unfazed which caused cannibal to land and get closer to Edward which made him look like an ant before a mountain.

"Well if it isn't the most powerful dragon in the world, I am glad you saw it fit to grace us with your presence" said Edward as he created a pair of wings and flew to eye level with Cannibal, after he did that he linked his mind with Cannibal and spoke." Hey partner do you still have that fire burning within you ready to burn the world down" asked Edward and he heard a slow response." I have always had my fire burning bright, however there has never been anyone worthy of ever becoming my partner since the days of old Valyria" said Cannibal."Well I am here to tell you that your search is at an end because my flame burns brighter than any other flame in the world and together we will show anyone who dares to challenge us what it means to be the blood of the dragon" as I said that I did the same thing I did to the other dragons and he had a muscular appearance with all black clothes and dark hair with a tattoo running down his left eye which made him even more badass.

Once that was done I said to them that we needed to train and that's what we did for five days we trained to the ground and our progress was tremendous, my magic also evolved now I could just saw what I wanted to happen and it would happen, once we finished we teleported to an island outside of the coast where a hundred ships with five thousand unsullied were waiting and it seemed that they knew they were no longer slaves.

After making sure everything was ready we set sail for dragon stone and considering the speed of our ships we arrived there within a day and we saw another hundred ships all manned and I also saw lord Colys." Greeting lord Colys it seems that everything is in order shall we set sail" as I said that he answered." We ready to set sail Edward we were in fact only waiting for your arrival" once he said that I thanked him and we set sail to the step stones.

On our way there we were blocked by another fleet with the symbol of the triarchy and as lord Colys was about to order his men to attack I stopped him and as he looked at me I just answered." You don't have to waste your men my generals are more than enough" as I said that I turned to Cannibal which I named Atlas. "What do you say parter are you ready to show them the true terrifying fury of a dragon?" As I asked him that he didn't answer he just jumped from the ship along with Vermithor and what happened next could only be described as utter decimation because not even an hour passed and the entire fleet of more than eight hundred ships was turned to ashes and everything they had on board I had put away in my pocket dimension, once they finished they came back on board and Colys said to me."Remind me to never get on your bad side lord Edward" said lord Colys." You have nothing to fear as long as I am alive the blood of old Valyria will not perish but it will only grow stronger and if someone were to try and destroy it I would pity their poor souls as they get dragged to the deepest part of the underworld" hearing me say that we are truly allies made Colys give a faint smile as we continued to sail to the step stones and once we arrived there I together with Atlas and Vermithor cleared one of the islands completely from the pirates and triarchy infestation, once we had done that I had ten of my personal guard set up camp with tents for everyone along with refreshments and food after the long journey.

"By the way lord Colys when will prince Daemon be joining us" I asked him." Daemon saw it fit to attack the crab feeder all by himself with his dragon since he wanted to strike fear into their hearts" as he said that I just sighed of course he would do that what was I expecting him to do just sit around doing nothing but I guess the blood of the dragon burns strongly within him.

After they were refreshed we gathered around the table to decide on a course of action and just as we were about to begin Daemon arrived on Ceraxes and we began discussing our plan of attack." The first thing we should do is to take the islands one by one until we have cornered the crab feeder and his men, once we have done that we can just launch a full scale attack to wipe them out" said Vaemond." That is a sound plan however we must take caution because we don't know what the crab feeder and his allies have in stored for us, I suggest we send the dragons and burn his army down to cut down the numbers which would make it easier for us to destroy them, what do you say Edward " said Colys and that made everyone turn towards him." I don't think we need to do any of that since me and my generals can wipe them out by ourselves, the only thing we need to do is fortify the step stones when we conquer them and that's where our combined fleet of ships comes into play" as I said that Colys was relieved because he knew first hand the terrifying strength that I and the dragons possessed however Vaemond decided to speak up." What makes you so sure that you can take on the entire army of the triarchy by yourself?" Asked Vaemond and at this daemon also became interested so I answered." Because unlike you guys I am far from normal and each one of us three has enough power to decimate entire armies but most of all we do not fear death, each one of us is a being made and moulded by fire, even if the entire free cities decided to launch a combined attack we will turn them to ashes in the wind no one can contend against us" as he finished speaking most of the people present felt insulted which he could understand however the master of complaints spoke again." Even so we can not risk the entire war on your words alone Lord Edward" said Vaemond." I don't talk with words I speak with actions and one more thing to call this a war would be an insult to real war, no my lords this will be a one sided slaughter now if you would excuse me" after he said his peace Edward left and soon Daemon followed, Edward was looking over the sea with Vermithor and Atlas on his sides and as they were looking in silence Vermithor decided to speak.

"Brother when are we going to attack we are itching for action and to burn those crab feeders, just give the word" as Thor finished Atlas said his peace as well." Vermithor is right brother why do we have to wait for those humans to make a decision when to attack when we can just as easily decimate any opposition towards us" as he heard Atlas, Edward sighed." It's not as easy as you think brothers, yes our power and wealth is unmatched however we need to play the long game and let them contribute towards this war so they have something to brag about which will in turn increase their respect towards us " as they heard Edward's answer they agreed since they knew enough about how humans are and as they were sitting there in silence they saw Daemon coming towards them, Edward turned to Thor and Atlas." Would you guys mind giving us some privacy, we will continue our course of action when they start" said Edward to which they both agreed and left to go and do their own business whatever that is, as Daemon got within hearing range Edward spoke." To what do I owe the honour of your presence prince Daemon" said Edward." You said some interesting things at the war council and I couldn't help but come and ask you in private if any of the things you said are true or just made up" said Daemon." You doubt my strength Prince Daemon is that what you are trying to say" said Edward to which Daemon just answered plainly." I am merely curious if there is actually any truth to what you said" as Daemon said that Edward turned towards the sea and extended his hand." Well if you want a demonstration let me show you "Fire magic; Dragon kings slash" as Edward showed Daemon his attack the entire sea was split and he walked closer to Daemon and stopped when they were shoulder to shoulder." That wasn't even a fraction of my power and let me tell you something I don't make threats, I give guarantees so if I were to say I would kill somebody they would be dead before the day ended and I will also make this promise to you should you ever need my help I will be there, we are the true blood of Valyria, so we need to stick together" having said that he dropped a potion on daemon's hand and walked away.

Daemon on the other hand was still surprised that there was someone who had that much power under his control and his attention turned to the bottle and note that he had on his hand, first he opened the note and he read." If you wish to experience the true level of power that is sealed in your blood drink this potion come and find me, only then you will understand the true meaning of the word power and also will be with Ceraxes since I have a gift for him as well" once Daemon read the note he opened the bottle and sniffed it before drinking it and as he did he felt his body burning but it felt extremely relaxing, however the process didn't last long and as he opened his eyes , he also felt stronger at least four times stronger than before and as he was checking his changes he saw that his health and age were restored to its fullest strength meaning everything that he went through had been healed.

Meanwhile Edward was with Ceraxes as he turned him into a human he saw Ceraxes look red long hair green eyes and a super lean built, he also had black combat pants and boots along with a dragon coal draped over his body( just like Acnologia) once Ceraxes changed he looked towards where Daemon was and spoke." It would seem that my partner has also awakened, that is good now we can finally communicate with each other even though we had a bond stronger than most dragon riders we still couldn't understand each other fully and I thank you for helping us Edward, should there ever be anything you need from me I will always help you" said Ceraxes as he went to talk with the other dragons and once he left Daemon arrived looking leaner with pure muscles and the warlock Valyrian look which was pure silver hair glowing violet eyes and a few dragon features such enhanced senses, strength,speed and agility which Edward could see with his vision that could see the strength of someone even when they don't show it.

Once Daemon was face to face with him he saw a mountain that it's peak couldn't be seen when he looked at Edward as he decided to ask." The potion you gave me what was it and how did you make it so quick" he asked." It is part of my magic I can create whatever I wish for and they would have the desired effect that I want them to have, now that the explanation is done it's time I taught you real magic and combat techniques that will help you in the long run" as Edward said that he grabbed Daemon and teleported to Valyria, once there he created four talismans which could affect the flow of time so he put them in four corners of the place of training once he did that he began training Daemon and showing him what real hell training looks like.

Two days later and the training had finished but within the training ground of the talismans two years had passed and in those two years Daemon became a monster in strength he now looked like Edwards twin with the same built and aura, he had learned strengthening magic, fire magic, rune magic and also dragon magic which allowed him to gain all the abilities of a dragon while in human form and as for his magic power because he was pushed to the breaking point each day for two years it had grown to almost the same level as Edward which showed what sort of prodigy he was.

Once they had finished training Daemon turned to Edward and asked." Master why do you act like a mortal when you can reshape this world in your own image without any unnecessary wars and politics" hearing what daemon said made Edward give a small smile because Daemon was right however he never did understand the bigger picture." The reason why I don't act as you said my naive student is because of two reasons, one if I were to act like Aegon the conqueror did I would unite the world it's true and the balance of power would shift in my favour however that would make people unhappy and because of that they would rebel and countless lives would be lost, second as soon as I die or step down the vultures would try to fill the power vacuum and that would plunge the world into an unending cycle of suffering, in the other hand if we were to achieve peace and unity which is created by people working together towards a better future then that empire would last for all of eternity because each person is working towards one goal instead of trying to manipulate people to get what they want" once Daemon heard Edwards response he thought for a second and answered." What you say may be possible master but not in our time, human nature is greedy and unforgiving as soon as you show weakness they will use that against you to gain whatever little control they can over you" once Daemon said that Edward thought for a moment before replying." That may be so but every living being has the capacity to change and evolve, they just need a light that they can follow which is where we come in, we have the power to reshape the world but we can only do it if the people are with us, until that time comes we must play the part in their midsts" once they finished talking they teleported to the camp of the valaryon war council.

Once they got there they were still deciding what to do even though they had destroyed most of the triarchy in one of the islands close to them and we heard Vaemond speak." If we continue attacking without pause we will tire out our men and we wouldn't have anything to do against the triarchy we must figure out a different way to attack" once he finished Corlys was about to say something but he was interrupted by Edward." The triarchy will fall and we will make sure of it now prepare the battalion's for war" once he said that he left to get Vermithor which he had told to transform into a dragon since he needed to show of amongst the people so they wouldn't doubt him anymore.