Progress and finishing the war

Once they had finished the business with the council they both went to get their dragons and as they did they saw both Vermithor and Ceraxes had four legs and built like dragon emperors with the same strength of magic power, they climbed on top of their dragons and flew to each island burning down their forces and conquering them, they were in sync completely with the dragons , dragons would provide air support while Edward and Daemon carved a path through each of the islands and they rescued the Westerosi sailors along the way while burning down their ships and any one of the soldiers from the triarchy and by the end of just one day they had rescued a thousand of their men whom had been captured and they healed their injuries and they joined the fight, that was just from six islands in the step stones which left another nine to be exterminated from the filth of pirates and the free cities.

When they returned to camp with all the people they had saved everyone was shocked however both Daemon and Edward didn't bother with them and went straight to the war council." Now do you believe when I say that I could end this war within a week but I will let it continue so the free cities can waste their resources and men while we fortify the islands we have conquered and create a blockade which will prevent anyone from passing through, once they have wasted their resources we will launch a complete attack to decimate both the crab feeder and the free cities" once Edward said that they all agreed since they knew he was a man who spoke with action.

Everything happened as Edward had said during the first year of the war they managed to create forts and an impenetrable blockade through the fist islands that they conquered all thanks to Edward who brought ships of materials to build but he also brought food for every soldier to last four years and most of all anyone who would be injured during the skirmishes was healed thanks to Edward.

During the creation of the blockades Daemon and Edward didn't stop destroying the ships and burning the soldiers that the triarchy sent alive they had once sent eight hundred ships only for them to be engulfed in flames and burned to ashes, when word reached the free cities about what had happened they sent a threat through a raven saying that they would use their full might to destroy Westeros if they continued to oppose them ,however what Edward answered with made them think twice "Winter is coming with fire and blood, just try and raise your armies against Westeros and what we did to your ships will feel like a summer breeze compared to what we will do to you if you try" once he sent the response the free cities didn't make a move, which allowed them to build a naval base that stretched through eight islands and they managed to create a fishing lane as well as transport more goods which Edward himself had made before this war even started.

Now the things in Westeros could not be better because of the people Edward left in charge and during a year and a half they have recruited fifty thousand people who were all trained and given the same potion as them which made their training quick and by the end of seven months he had fifty thousand perfect soldiers with military knowledge and combat training, after they finished their training they were equipped with armour created by Edward himself which was black with the symbol of house Targaryen in front and two dire wolf sigils in the shoulder plates and also they all had swords created by magic which were light and stronger than any other weapon other than Valyrian steel.

Once they were all ready he spread them over the realm first he sent five thousand north to better the situation under the guidance of his personal guard, five thousand went west to help house Lannister, five thousand went to the Vale, then to the iron islands, the reach, Dorne and finally the rest went to kings landing which when the king saw them he asked who they were and they answered saying that they were his shield against those who would do him or the realm harm.

Also other important things were the news that came from the step stones which shocked the council since they thought they would be losing the war but it was quite the opposite they were wining and not only that their position and strength was growing each day without pause thanks to the dragons, Edward and daemon since they did most of the work during the war, house valaryon also participated but the five powerhouses always kept an eye on them not to lose any good men for nothing and thanks to their vigilance they experienced no loses, because of that the respect the soldiers had for Edward and Daemon reached new heights.

They continued to press on the attack and making sure that no one would dare to attack them and after two years the alliance between Edward and Daemon with the sea snake had prevailed since the crab feeder and his men were in their last line of defence since the free cities experienced heavy loses and since their slaves were saved by Edwards men and were now in Westeros they didn't have anything to do with Drahar anymore so now he only had about two thousand soldiers left, with today being their last day on earth.

The council was discussing when and how to attack when Edward decided to say his piece." Your forces lord Colys will stay put whilst me and Daemon finish of this war it's time we took full control of the narrow sea and went home" as he said that he gestured to daemon that they were leaving, taking the dragons this time he took Atlas, they flew towards the last island where the last of the enemy forces was and as they landed out of site he turned to Daemon.

"Now that it's just two of us how about we make a wager, let us see who can kill more and whomever wins they have to become each other's subordinate, what do you say Daemon you up for the challenge or are you scared" Daemon didn't answer however he unsheathed his sword and just smirked at him which he returned and they both made their way to where the enemy was hiding once there they called them out, which when the enemy saw them they attacked at full force however Drahar wasn't among them and so the slaughter began.

With every swing of their swords an enemy would fall and once they were done the entire terrain was covered in blood and corpses which Edward didn't want to let rot in the ground so they both whistled and both Ceraxes and Atlas rained down fire purging the land of their filth and turning their bodies to ash, once that was done him and daemon went into the caves where they found Drahar with ten men waiting for and as soon as they saw them they attacked which only made their death quicker since they were all cut in half and soon Drahar was dead as well cut and burned but his mask was taken as a trophy, once they got out of the caves they saw the Valaryon fleet and three dragons flying overhead one of them being sea-smoke , when the soldiers saw them coming out of the caves they cheered,"Hail The Twin Dragons of Victory" over and over again, but what neither Daemon or Edward knew was that their monicker would soon be how they would be known to the whole realm.

"Now that the war is finished we should form a full naval base here to monitor and gain complete control of the sea and also route out any more pirates or opposition towards us, once we have done that one of my generals will come here and maintain control while we return home" as Edward finished everyone agreed and with that the construction of the naval base was under way because they had layed the foundations now it only needed to be completed and so another seven months passed and in that time ten fortresses were created in ten islands fortifying the entire sea from anyone who would dare think about causing problems and each fortress had scorpions archers watch towers and resources to function as a complete unit along with a fifty ships in each base ready to be deployed at a moment's notice, the symbol they had chosen was a new symbol that Edward created with fourteen crowns in a circle and in the middle of it the symbol of house Valaryon and Targaryen with a lightning bolt through the middle which when everyone saw it they were amazed so each fortress had the new emblem into them, once everything was finished lord Colys and most of his people sailed home, while Daemon and Edward flew to Westeros since it had been a long three years that they had been gone.