Returning home and changes

After flying for the rest of the day they finally saw the red keep and they also saw a ship sailing towards it flying the Targaryen banner, but neither of them bothered with it and they just flew straight above the city and they could see the changes that were done the entire city smelled fresh and they could also see with enhanced vision that the people were happier working, talking and spending time with each other, but that wast all the streets and houses were remade better than before along with statues of dragons in the walls of the city and in the streets where they could see them, all in all the entire place looked like a place fit for the dragons and on the walls of the red keep they could see the three headed dragon and as they landed outside of the keep they climbed down from their dragons telling them to leave, once they did that they made their way to the red keep walking through the gates, once they were in the keep Edward decided to have a conversation with Daemon about some non important stuff.

"So Daemon how much do you want to bet that Otto is not happy about our victory and he was hopping for us to lose" said Edward and Daemon gave a smirk." I wouldn't be surprised if his head caught on fire considering the amount of thinking and brooding he does all the time, also with us emerging victorious and your influence on the people he really must be at it's wits end trying to find a way to cause a few problems for us not that it matters"he said to which Edward nodded." Remember Daemon we need to play along with them and make sure the people are strong and happy, because patience is always the key to victory just like in the step stones if anyone makes a mistake and decides to act against us then we will crush them completely but we will take it slow and make it as painful as possible for them" said Edward as they strolled through the keep making their way to the throne room.

After a while they were near the throne room and Edward turned to Daemon." One more thing Daemon don't act recklessly again, from now on you will need to be more cautious and one more thing annul your marriage to Rhea Royce because we both know that it is not a consummated marriage and you both are unhappy" Daemon agreed with what Edward said and he would annul the marriage after his visit to kings landing.

Once they were at the throne room they strolled through the room and stopped in front of the iron throne, almost everyone was present from the council and a few lords, Edward also saw Rhenyra amongst the crowd and he had to say she had matured fine which made him have a smile on his face but his thoughts were interrupted by the king.

"I bid you welcome to both of you and I am happy you have both returned safely from this war" said Viserys as everyone in the room clapped." Thank you for the warm welcome your grace however there was never any real threat at all, with me and Daemon side by side no one can ever hope to even come close to posing a threat to us" said Edward.

"Yes I gathered as much from the news that we heard from the step stones during the war and from what we gathered it wasn't even much of a war at all just a one sided massacre even with the overwhelming force that you faced it only took you two alone to completely overwhelm them and destroy the triarchy once and for all" said Viserys as everyone in the room was saying things like, they really are twin dragons, they look handsome, I wish I could be like them and so on which made them both smile.

"Now I wouldn't say that brother lord Colys helped as well with collecting the spoils and expanding our naval base in the narrow sea, although even more than half of it was constructed by Edward and his men which he had in Esos during the time of the war" said Daemon as some of the people in the room chuckled at the jape that Daemon said about the sea snake.

"Anyway we thank you for what you have done for the realm however we still need to clarify who holds the step stones" said Viserys." We do your grace and we also control the sea completely, our presence in the seas is unmatched by anyone House Targaryen has shown once more that the blood of the dragon still lives" said Edward to which Viserys nodded and spoke again." Thank you for clarifying that and now that we are done how about we go to the feast that has been prepared in your honour and victory" he said as both Daemon and Edward followed him and they went to the garden where the banquet was prepared in honour of them and they both began to indulge themselves with the common folk and the king was having fun with his brother which made Edward give a heartfelt smile since he knew how important family was especially for Daemon.

Edward was by itself keeping watch over everyone when one of his Generals whose name was Liam approached him and spoke silently." It's good that you are back Edward, things have been quite dull since you went away for the war" said Liam." Is that so and what has made it so dull my friend, I would have thought that with all the snakes in this place you would have been kept busy" said Edward." That's just it Ed instead of being active and causing problems they have kept quiet probably because of our strength, the influence we have is unmatched from the north to here we have the entire Westeros in the palm of our hand and the reforms you have created have been accepted without much trouble, the north has become a force to be reckoned with since our troops have started training the people in the north with new techniques and weapons also mont Caitlin has been fully restored and expanded and the economy of the north has increased immensely by opening a few mines in rich ore zones and implementing new glass gardens that we have created yielding three times the amount of food, now Dorne has been brought back into the fold and they have learned the hard way we can't be killed when they tried to poison some of us but we didn't retaliate as for the rest of the realm new mines and order has been implemented to make sure everyone is living a happy and fulfilling life" said Liam.

"That's good to know if the people don't have any problems then everything is good for us, also what of the princess what has she been doing during this time" asked Edward expecting Liam to answer however he heard another voice."How about you ask her yourself master of order Edward" said Rhenyra which surprised him since he expected her to be talking with Daemon or something." Greetings to you princess and thank you for granting me the honour of your presence, but shouldn't you be with your family enjoying the feast with them" Asked Edward." It was getting a bit boring for my taste I thought to talk with you since you are always doing something interesting" she said."You flatter me princess I am not that interesting as to warrant your presence during this celebration" said Edward." Even so I am here and I ain't leaving so what were you going to ask about me" asked Rheynera." Alright the thing I was going to ask is if you were acting like the heir to the throne meaning being engaged with the prosperity of the realm after all that is why some of my people are here in the palace to help you with anything that you might need or ask, also do not mistake my help as manipulation I don't care about any of those games, all I care about is that whoever sits on the iron throne has the realms best interest in mind" said Edward which made Rhenyra relax." To tell you the truth I have been getting to know more about the realm and what the people need because of your men since they send news from all over Westeros and their response is always quick and swift, I have also learned how to handle different situations according to the course of action your generals would take to solve certain problems that the realm had during your absence" said Rhenyra." That is good to hear princess however now that I am here do not hesitate to come to me for anything that you might need and also I will personally train you to become the best ruler of the seven kingdoms since the days of the conqueror himself" said Edward and he saw Rhenyra become emotional which he could guess why, no one helped her or offered her advice even her own father only wanted to help her by marrying her, however he forgets something truly important no one can chain a dragon or control it through ordinary means and now that he was here he was going to make sure no one would get in her way as she ascends the throne with the true blood of the dragon, the realm house Targaryens power is diminishing however they were wrong, the dragons have reined supreme since they were born and they will continue to do so till the end of time.

Edward walked closer to her and gave her a hug which she returned and continued to cry on his chest as he comforted her." You aren't alone Rhey and you will never be alone, the blood of the dragon is thick and no one can contend with us or even try to understand us, our realm of power and responsibility is not only to Westeros but the entire world, however we can understand each other and help each other until our last days" as he said that she hugged him tighter and calmed down, she had finally found someone who understood her better than anyone and that made her happy.

Edward himself was holding her tight and a relaxed expression on his face however his mind was far from quiet." To think that he would bring his own daughter to the breaking point and be swayed by the sheep of his council, he is no true dragon and he doesn't deserve to be called the dragon nor the son of Baelon and grandson of Jaherys the true dragons of the realm, no he is weak being led along by these snakes" however the house of dragons was still at it full strength and even stronger, with five emperor dragons and two true dragon kings at full strength but also getting stronger as time passed, he would also make Rhenyra a warrior queen just like Visenya Targaryen who was the real power behind the throne during the reign of Aegon the conqueror.