Quick Start

Those were very strange few weeks I have to say. Night City Trauma Team branch management had quite a headache as what to do with me until one of medical department heads haven't received deep analysis report. He was quite impressed when he read it and pressured others to agree on signing me in and train as one of their security specialists. I would provide them with very useful universal blood until I start getting cyberware or when my body starts showing signs of standard level of contamination with chemicals and etc. Roughly saying they would milk me as long as possible and only then turn into combat specialist.

Internal security have run few checks on me but I was ZERO. Person without any traceable background. After some interrogation where I made up a story about being hold since small age in some kind of hospital. They didn't believe me and wanted to perform some let's call it deep research and investigation but company medics told them to leave me alone since such process will require some cyberware implants which can decrease purity of my blood.

For a lot of them I was a mystery until some people dig some info about hidden laboratories which belong to top dogs of the world. Those laboratories focus on providing high quality back-up organs and other body parts for rich people. They are like organ farms where kids are treated like luxury cattle since old people may not always want to put themselves of risk of cyberpsychosis so instead of replacing faulty organs with implants they go for organ transplants. So my fake background starts to make sense. I was out of date product so they get rid of me by throwing away hoping I will die on junkyard. People from those farms live in sterile and safe area but lack education or social skills since they are just walking organ supply box.

Anyways enough of really dark stories about living in Cyberpunk 2077 world. Let me tell you that for the last 6-8 month I spent on training and re-educating myself. I have learned how to shoot and use weapons as well as other combat oriented equipment to very basic level. I also learned a lot about the live of corporate run world, like what to do and not to do when crossing invisible boarder of land owned by corporation as well as when I can open fire and when better refrain from it. For me it was quite new and novel thing but for locals this was like common sense level of knowledge since they grow up in this world. That also reinforced my fake background story since for them I looked like a man without any knowledge about world out there.

After few more month of vigorous physical training medics reported that my body started showing signs of contamination reaching world standard level. This meant that my body is no use anymore so I can get my first set of cyberware implants. All my earnings were barely enough for me to get standard Kiroshi eye implant and general neural enhancement with Smart Link. If I want to have something extra I have sign new contract which will result that for at least 2 years I will earn only 20% of standard salary while the rest will go to cover my training and other costs for Trauma Team. So nah, let's hope that I can make it without another deal with a devil hmph I meant financial department.

I was so scared about my implantation operation that doc had to knock me out using some strong sedatives and painkillers. However after few days of adaptation and rehabilitation I was able to start using my implants. It was really new experience, like life added new colours and things seem very different. Whole week I was like a child running around and playing with new toys. Well, until combat instructor got fed up and forced me to spend 8 hours on physical training and 8 hours on braindance and VR practice room. VR was good for training and practice but Braindance was much more valuable. Why? Experience. Braindance allows you to see various situations that Trauma Team experienced and see how to deal with similar situations or develop certain degree of combat intuition. Every step can be analysed. Instructor explains why certain decisions have been made as well as tell what could be done better.

Another very important aspect of braindance is emotional experience. It helps to prepare fresh meat like me to real life experience so that during my first REAL job I won't freeze for long or won't vomit from stress or disgust. Very rough way of hardening and tempering. So next 6 months of intensive training passed that way until during one of practice exams I passed minimum requirement level. Now I can officially join one of Trauma Teams.

Ideally I would have to train on team work and cooperation with my new team for at least two weeks. But reality is that Trauma Team doesn't have enough teams to provide such time for us. So no time to waste.

I was looking at my green paramedic suit with white bulletproof vest on top for last few minutes. Big red letters TRAUMA TEAM. I sighed realising that I had walked long path to achieve that. Blood spilled on training grounds and screams of pain in Braindance. But it really worth it.

Loud buzzer sound and quick message telling to equip and be ready to start shift in 5 minutes. I started putting on all my equipment after checking that everything is fine and not feeling tight I grabbed Kang Tao G-58 Dian. Smart tech submachine gun that can reach enemies even behind thick wall, good one although I hate it having only 30 bullet mag as it has quite a rate of fire. Quick check and then I started filling pouches with magazines and grenades. Smoke, shock, emp and one frag grenade. Weapon of last resort A-22B Chao. Little bastard that can become quite dangerous at close range but lacks in power at more than 30 meters distance.

I started walking towards hangars where I have to get into one of aerodynes and wait for orders. I have made it just in time as I saw 2 pilots already heating up engines so I quickly rushed in.

" Hey blood bag you have actually made it!" one of the Emergency Medical Technicians waved at me. His voice sounded familiar but I can't remember him. Wait a second blood bag. I have been called like this only once. It was that guy who requested me almost voluntary blood donation when I end up in this world.

" Ah blood sucker it is you. What a reunion don't you think so? "

" Haha, fate has quite a humour. Well let's make it official. I am Jorg Webster." then he started pointing at other crew members naming each of them. Pilot Alex Cruze and co-pilot Rene Macha were busy preparing aerodyne so they just waved at me. According to him nice guys as long as you don't try to smoke or spit in their little bird. Then he pointed at another medical technician and told that is Samuel Ringo aka one more stitch. But then I asked him what about another security specialist when I felt someone patting me on shoulder.

" Ha our blood bag is not blood bag anymore. " - that was captain with shattered helmet!

" Yeah, due date passed on that" - I smiled at him and we had handshake.

" Since you are officially one of us why not tell you name? By the way I am Ron Haizenberg but everyone calls me cap or captain. "

" Security Specialist Markus Berkut, Trauma Team!" - I shouted parodying marines from old movies.

" Well well, hey lads we got another John Wayne here. Be careful with him, he might just kill everything with his mighty shouts."

Everyone burst laughing and I just smiled at that. What can I say it is good to be around another man of culture.

" Ok, let's get in. It is another day in Paradise for us."

" You think we gonna have a nice shift today?"

"Oh boy definitely not today since our operational area is Pacifica ex-paradise to corporates. And today is big fight championship in one of the pits. So you can expect that at least dozen or more corporates will be there to watch bloody brawl. And sooner or later drunk and high white collars start causing ruckus which will result in firefight so today we are definitely going to have some shooting and blood under our feet. So yeah another day in fucking Paradise for us. Ok stop chewing your snots and lets get it started. Cheer up we can make some extra bonuses today!" - he roared giving pilots sign to take off.

" Hurraah"

Engines started roaring and our little bird started flying towards Pacifica.