Case 007 - Part 1(secret name)

After that weirdo moment at a brothel I had quite relaxed work shifts, well, relaxed by Trauma Team standards. Saving people from bleeding to death in the alleys or trying to make it on time when another client got overdosed. Boring routine.

Today we had another routine patrol shift over Night City since today is Friday. This means that most of our clients will go to bars, clubs and other places for relaxation after long working week. We have prepared a thick plastic film on a birdie as we probably will have few clients that will vomit all over the place. And cleaning sticky vomit is one of a hell pain in a neck.

"Trauma Team A-77, your patrol shift is cancelled. Instead, you will be appointed to follow one of PetroChem representatives." - dispatcher started sending us all the necessary info such as client's photo and plan of his trip.

"That just sucks. Instead of going for calls and make some extra bonuses we have to babysit a guy who has enough bodyguards on his own. What a waste." - Jorg grumbled.

"Yeah, seems we have picked short straw this time." - Ron said out loud and we just nodded.

"Captain, our client will reach outskirts of Night City in 1 hour. What should we do?" - Alex asked.

"Just get us as close as possible to borderline and we will just wait there. While waiting we can run some checks since we have free time at our hands." - Ron replied and pilots started moving our bird to the border of Night City territory.

After landing we have started checking our weapons and equipment as well as doing some cleaning and minor maintenance work. Time quickly passed when we have been finally able to see a convoy of cars coming to border check point.

"Alright boys. Our client is here so it is time to take off. Time to be a shepherd dog."

"Cap, even from here I can see that they have a lot of heavily armoured cars. I feel like it is not us but them who will be playing role of a guard." - Jorg said putting back his helmet.

"Aye, but there is nothing we can do. So shut up and let's get back to work. I just hope this shit show will end fast." - Ron replied him.

Our bird took off quite quickly. But to our anger border forces have stalled our client and his convoy for another hour due to some check and etc. Damn bureaucracy and games of power aka mine is bigger.

Finally they have been granted green light and convoy started moving towards a city. It will be another half an hour or hour before they reach the city. We were following them from a distance for the last 10 minutes when shit hit the fan.

All of a sudden forward car exploded. Ambush! Convoy got itself in a trap. People started coming out of hiding dug out and small trenches. They started firing at convoy and from time to time you could see smoke trails of rockets flying towards armoured APCs.

"Everyone get ready! If client will not manage to breakthrough in next 30 seconds we step in and evacuate. Pilots! Check clients whereabouts and prepare to kill anyone whose tracker signal doesn't match IFF (Identification Friend or Foe). I will try to get in contact with client. Markus man the SAW and change to AP bullets! Now!" - Ron roared and we started doing what we have been told.

"Cap! Scanners show at least 50 tangos! Moreover long-range radar shows a large group of cars approaching us from a side!." - Rene said while preparing his Gatling gun.

"Client will not be able to breakthrough. We are stepping in! Pass info to Petrochem troops on ground. Can we land near the client?"

"It's too hot down there. I can only make it 30 meters also enemy got some RPGs so I would immediately take off and come back for you later. I can't wait like sitting duck to be shot!" - Alex replied trying to perform evasive manoeuvres and shooting off flares.

Our bird was able to land and we quickly jumped off while flyboys took off and started proving us with CAS. Well seems we have to make it through this hell's highway.

"Move!" - Ron shouted and we started running.