Rock stars either burn bright or fade away

Black Op despite our losses was considered quite successful. Maelstorm and Scavengers got really badly beaten this time. Both gangs lost some of their elites and leaders not mentioning simple cannon fodder. But most importantly, their reputation got really downgraded amongst other gangs. This caused some fights over turf to take place. Scavengers and Maelstorm will be in a very low for at least a year or two. If not backing from some corpos and Night City officials they would be destroyed within a week. However, they are still useful tools so they will stay although it will take time for them recover to their previous state. This will lead to new wave of gang wars which can be beneficial for corpos and other parties so everyone is ok with that, just a fucked up circle of life in Night City.

This didn't really bother since I got paid and now going through some recovery and cleansing procedures. Chemical cocktail from using stims and short swim in waste water required proper treatment but I was lucky nothing serious. Just had to shave of all my hair and "scourge" my skin few times as well as taking a lot of medicines.

So nothing serious as I say just another day in Night City. I was more interested about money I got. I had some options on how to use them. First of all get some new weapons. But I discarded that idea since Trauma Team requires to use Kang Tao weapon and I lack reputation and influence within company to allow me use something else. Second, get a small room to rent. Nah, I better save money and get proper apartment. I have fed up with living in small rooms and flats especially after Uni. Third one, hire or buy good trainers and experts that can teach me something new or hone my skills further. I liked third option, those knowledge will always stay with me. But there big BUT, really good training will cost me a lot. VR, Braindance, Trainer fees and so on. I could get some nice good army-level training but I want to get training that only elites and real dogs of war get. All my savings including Black Ops money will barely cover even a 1/10 of costs.

How do I know this? Thanks to Ron and Jeremiah which have some connections. When I have told them how weak I have felt fighting in scavengers base and that due to luck I survived sewage river they told me that I can go simple path of getting implants or more challenging path of harsh trainings that even Max Tac specialists barely manage to survive. They said they can negotiation that thing and provide their recommendations but this is as much as they can do. I still have to pay a lot. In total around 1,000,000 eddies. That's a lot but this because it will cover everything from VR and Braindance to special training equipment as well as psychological support. There is a way around that problem which is sign up and work as Black Ops operative for a while, this will not make an outsider so that they will not charge me as much.

No, thank you. When you work as Black Ops for government you can easily get dumped on some suicide mission or get terminated when politicians want to cover their mistakes or if there is changes in who sits in White House. Fuck that. I already had fun with Trauma Team and have no desire to jump deeper into stinky bunny hole anytime soon.

Sigh, so again I have to earn more money. Seems I am back on a Way of A Scrooge. Ok, let's go and check what HR department can do to help me out.

Since my team still was temporarily dispersed and had completed my quota on working in "leftovers" they offered me a very special job. I have to babysit a rock star Axel "Feuer" European musician performing world tour thing. He got quite popular and this year aims for new heights which requires him to go for world tour and now he end up having few concerts at Night City as his final part of world tour.

Amazing. As if I don't see enough drugs, sex and Rock and roll at my work everyday. But this job offered x5 my daily wage as well as bonuses in case I need to step in situation. Not without a hesitation I agreed. So now I am going to meet my "dear client and the most important person" for next 10 days.