Show must go on.

Today is the final day of my torture of having to babysit that idiot Axel. Man, I should read contract more properly next time. Instead of just walking around with gun and scaring away idiots I had to a lot of stuff that personal assistant and bodyguards do. So moments with overdoses and etc kept happening. But today is final concert and then I am free.

"Night City! Let's have some nice farewell party! Show me all your love!" - Axel shouted on his mic riling up the audience.

Crowd has became restless. With every song people started becoming more and more energetic.

"Let's have some mosh pit! Are you ready? Can't hear you! Are you ready?!!!! Let's do it!!!!!" - Alex had an understanding on how to turn concert into emotional roller-coaster. Two waves of human flesh started clashing while energetic music beats pumped them up.

"Nice! But guys you seem a bit low on energy now! But no worries! Have some candy and let's keep party roaring here!" - then drones started dropping inhalers with small parachutes attached.

Are they out of their fucking mind? Giving out drugs as part of a show? This is really bad idea.

However, crowd disagreed with my opinion. They started cheering at free stuff and having fun. Party got new energy boost and Axel kept singing more and more. Thanks to helmet I am safe from getting deaf cause someone turned up speakers and now it got really LOUD. Crowd although didn't notice being almost frenzy. Wait a second, is that someone taking out flares? Yeah, stadium got illuminated with hundred of colourful flares. Seems I have worried for nothing. This is part of a show.

"Wow wow. That's some fire you got there people. But I am Axel got nicknamed Feuer for nothing. Let me show you what is real FIRE!" - he pushed a button on his mic. Fireworks started behind his back covering night sky in hundreds of different colour sparks. Then his assistant passed him a flamethrower and he lighten up a scene. More flamethrowers hidden around a stadium started releasing flames. They have been able to make it bright as if it was day time not a late evening.

But shit happened. One of flamethrowers malfunctioned or something and it covered area nearby in fire. In the beginning audience thought that this is part of a show but fire started spreading and caused panic.

Fuck. Seems it is time to pack and get the hell out of here before we got roasted.

"This is Markus Berkut. Situation got hot. Time for evac." - I contacted managers and prepared to get Axel.

"Hold your position. This is minor issue. Keep observing situation." - reply made me angry.

Yeah, great job. Let's have some BBQ made out of fans and hype it up.

Axel seems had some mind widening shit since he just laughed at situation and kept singing. His faced looked of pyromaniac seeing his school burning down with all his bullies locked inside. Madman.

Situation got completely out of control. Fire started spreading and crowd started getting violent. People fighting with each other and crashing down everyone that fall down under their feet. However, there were still a lot of doped fans that kept singing along Axel and cheering.

I tensed up and started checking my equipment. This time I had only my armour and handgun. No grenades, no sub-machine gun not even a baton to fight off.

"Where are you going?! Show must go on!!! Dance with me! Don't let fire scare you! Hahahahaah" - Axel, you shit just made things worse. Die hard fans started blocking people from leaving and fights erupted everywhere.

This was one hell of a nightmare. Stadium turned into small combat zone with music playing out loud invigorating all sides involved. In the end, fans started breaking through securities and me with other bodyguards had to step in.

One screaming fan girl got kicked out by one of bodyguards off the scene. Another fan had his face punched by another bodyguard. To make it even worse Axel turned on some combat music. This must stop right here and right now. This is not a concert anymore but mayhem.

"Let me go, you pig!"- another drugged fan screams at me trying to hit me with a flare. Quick jab and hot face smacked. Kick aimed at his hand and flares flies off injuring unlucky guy down in mosh pit. Hook from a right and crazy fan get knocked out. Kicking his body down into mosh pit. Time to contact management and get the hell out of here.

"This is Markus Berkut. Need immediate evac! I repeat need immediate evac!" - I shout into comms trying to push off fat fan from stage.

"Evac! Now! Need! Evac! Now!" - but no response.

I try to contact other bodyguards next to me protecting Axel still singing on his small podium.

"My channel with management is off. Any of you got direct channel with them still functioning?" - I asked them trying to make a small barricade in front podium using knocked out fans as material.

"Comms went silent not long before fans burst in." - reply made me shiver. What the fuck? They just left us here?

"Assistants reply!"

"Listening" - I heard shaking voice of one of technicians helping with scene equipment.

"Get all drones here and form a wall using their fan blades."

"I need autorisa...."

"Shut the fuck up and do as you told. Otherwise we will get crashed here." - I yelled at him.

Within 20 seconds I heard sound of small engines and drones started forming wall in front of us. Anyone trying to cross them ends up bleeding or even dead after having head chopped off by sharp ventilator blades.

Just the moment I thought that we are safe crowd started throwing bottle, rubbish and everything at drones damaging them. Our defensive wall started to crumble but the worst happened when someone launched a glass bottle at Axel and hit him right in a head. Crowd got really angry after this as music stopped and like frenzy flesh wave they started storming drone wall.

Shit. Shit. Shit!!!! This is really bad. Time for evac.

"Trauma Team! Markus Berkut, security specialist from A-77 team requesting immediate evacuation with injured client. Gold." - I quickly passed a message via secret channel to HQ. Trauma Team had some teams ready in case of such situation so in worst case scenario I have to fight off crowd for a minute or two.

Our numbers started dwindling. One of bodyguards got swarmed down by crowd. I started pinching and kicking everyone that break through the drone wall. Kicking a guy with tattoos all over running with a broken glass bottle right in knee. Followed with knee smash right in head. Shit. I can't use handgun otherwise gun shots will turn this place into big firefight.

I pick up on of damaged drones with partially working blades and use him as a shield. Bash and another fan flies off with blood and teeth falling out his mouth. This initiated some engines and drone ventilator blades started speeding up.

Blocking a slash from a side from guy with a metal rod. Pushing my improvised shield at his face and then blades rip off his face. Guy fall downs like a puppet that had attached strings cut off. Girl trying to stab with a pocket knife get slashing strike aimed at her arms and ends up on her knees looking at bleeding hands without fingers. Shield smash at her head knocks her out.

Drone breaks down completely after I end up hitting a fan with long hair in a head. Ventilator blades rip off his scalp but hair or skin get stuck inside of rotors and drones dies. Shit, that was nice shield. So I try to block all attack with it until it finally falls apart. I break out fans and use them as improvised shiv-knifes.

I get overwhelmed with a bunch of fans after all other bodyguards get crashed. Time to activate implants. Time slows down and I use this opportunity. Quick poke at armpit and enemy cannot use his hand. Another slashing attack aimed at his neck to finish him off. Fuck that takes too long. No time to perform proper take downs. I burst out with slashed trying to either immobilize or kill as many people with one hit each.

I shoved a blade through ear of one guys that got me into bear hug. Blade broke and most of it ended up inside his brain. Headbutting another guy trying to get close. Falls down holding his broken nose. I tried to block another punch but guy had gorilla arms and just destroyed my weapon. Guy was huge, like a fucking Goliath. He just started strangling me while lifting me up. All my attempts to get his hands off my neck failed. Fuck, seems it is time for nutcracker.

I swing my leg and kick him right in a balls with my knee. What? Guy just grimaced at but then started smiling at me with evil grin. Fuck. One more time just need to hit him stronger. One, two, three kicks. No effect. Then I realised that this not a dude but a she after looking at her chest muscles that had some specific bumps. No surprise my kicks didn't work.

Seems it is time to start shooting otherwise I am gonna get strangled or neck broken. After few seconds I get out a handgun and start firing at her. Smart bullets not that great at dealing huge damage but 3 of them got her down. She just launched me like a discos and tried to stop bleeding by covering wound with her arms.

My handgun got out of my hand when I landed near small podium with Axel's unconscious body. Seems this time I am really fucked. I saw her coming closer and closer. Big tattoo got visible after she used her shirt as bondage, it said Sasquatch. Fitting name for such a big motherfucker. I could see how blood lusting eyes and angered face. Yeah, I am fucked.

But then cavalry fucking arrived. Loud bang sounds of flashbangs exploding all over the podium. Crowd started to disperse while I saw Trauma Team arriving and throwing more and more flashbangs to repel people. They didn't use any weapons except flashbangs and CS gas since they didn't want to kill civilians. But I wouldn't really mind if they made few sprays to motivate crowd get out of here.

Haha, not this time bitch. I showed middle finger at Sasquatch and opened my helmet to let her see my mocking face. She backed off but then picked up a part of drone and threw at me. Oh fuck. That was my last thought before I got hit in a head with heavy drone part and got knocked out. Well at least my middle finger is still up.

A.N - last chapter about show biz mini arc. Hope you enjoyed it. my pat reon account. -> (pat Come and support me there!

Also more stones. Let's see how fat/far can we get!