Bulldog fight under a rug.

After that story with local Sara Connor and her Skynet kindergarten our team had to talk with NetWatch, Military and Police. They were quite worried about the whole thing with AI and that it remained hidden for so long. We had to tell them everything, they were also quite interested on why I decided to start negotiations and how I managed to win trust of overprotective AI.

This was quite long and tiring experience although not as bad as going through internal committee that wanted to accuse me of taking unnecessary risk and putting client at danger. At first I got quite surprised at such reaction. Instead of standard assessment process and so on, it turned into a bad parody Judge Judy. They tried their best to twist my words and show my actions as awful and dangerous. But my skills and experiences from past life started kicking in. This looks similar to planned attack I used to perform with gramps when we wanted to sink down or ruin someone's business or political career and reputation. Enough money and threats will make judges do what you tell them and whole situation will just turn into a unjust show with already known outcome.

Haha, how many times have I done same thing and now it is my turn to be on receiving end. Keep dreaming cunts. I have seen such things too many times before and know how at least turn it into a draw. First, identify your strengths and weaknesses. This means not only thinking about yourself but people around you. Who is a friend and who is a foe. Who is loyal and who will you betray next second. Second, get as much information about people behind attack and their aims. Find any dirty secret you can. Get understanding of their aim and how they plan to achieve it. Thirdly, turn blitz attack into attrition. You need to endure first and strongest push, they want to use element of surprise to its fullest and get answers they want while you are just start analysing situation.

Love it, especially last part. So my strength are my reputation and connections. Weakness, I just got back and lack info about internal situation as well as that I have limited resources. Friends? Jeremiah and Ron. Enemies? A lot of them are unknown and I put my R-4 team as possible traitors. Why? Well, I don't have good connections with them as I used to with my previous team. Moreover, they can be easily bribed and threatened. So better not rely on them too much. However, due to Jeremiah having strong hold on HR department they may not dare to take risks in trying to sink me down by providing bad confessions and reports. But they may just decide to stay away from this whole situation and provide neutral response. Yeah, no use.

What do I know about enemies and their plans. Not need to be Sherlock to get it. My enemy is anyone siding with Carrie Lachanan. Their plan is to sink me down as I am ally of their major threat, Jeremiah Waters. By trying to crash me they aim to weaken his position. Moreover, I will not be surprised if someone already snitched about my idea of creating Trauma Team's own Max-Tac version. Jeremiah and his allies see it as a good idea so Carrie and her sidekicks will do their best to try to show me us incompetent and unreliable person. Then they can just rip off my idea, place their own person on my position and gain all benefits.

Now, my favourite part, turning whole thing into a shitty comedy. How? Well there are mainly two options. One is to play dumb, another options is to argue over terms, descriptions, rules. Go for details and instead of just giving answer started asking questions back at them. I prefer to combine them both as it helps to destabilize opponents. One second you are acting dumb, next moment you are asking for details and descriptions like professional lawyer trying to catch prosecutor on any tiny detail.

"Your actions put a client in a grave danger!"

"Excuse me, but what do you exactly mean by words grave and danger? And what by grave danger?"

"You have participated in negotiations with robots without authorisation from HQ."

"Not really, I have only waved with cloth attached to baton and asked if we can access a client. Robots have not responded with standard protocol of waving cloth in response. So it cannot be really called a negotiation. Also I am not sure if we can use word negotiation in this case since situation with those robots is not clear. Are they truly sentient beings? Maybe just very basic AI or maybe standard defence protocol system with wider range of actions and options authorised by their owner."

"Also you asked about authorisation from HQ but who exactly should I ask for authorisation? Person responsible for communication with customers or person responsible for communication with organisations? Head of HR or Law/Legal department since whole situation as I mentioned before with those robots lacks in clarity."

Eat shit assholes. I already can sense your anger, hahaha, some of you are already losing temper and allowing their true emotions to show. That's good. Start getting tired and angry. Start making mistakes. Start speaking and swearing. Start leaking any information for me to use against you. This war of attrition is great for person who has enough experience and knowledge of such things as it allows you to win time. This then can be used to either solidify your defence or prepare counterattack. Combine it with frustration of opponents and slips of information, voila we have good bitch slap that can not just dishearten them but also make some of their teeth fly loose.

They can always go for brute override mode and just blame me. However, such thing can easily be cancelled in new committee meeting. On which I will be more prepared and committee will consist of more loyal towards me members since Jeremiah and co will want to fight back as well. Since they couldn't really accuse me of anything when I had zero support but next time they will be easily crashed down. Also, this will highlight their lack of professionalism and skills. Huh, simple grunt, ok not so simple grunt, managed to resist and fightback. They will become laughing stock, professionals my ass, failed to take a way a candy from a baby. Now, they will find it hard to gain new allies or keep wavering ones. People will not want to side with weakling and amateurs, especially on top of corporate level. Risks outweigh profits, get lost.

And it has ended up as I predicted. Without being able to "beat out" confession out of me they just said - it was your fault during mission and blah blah. Hurry up morons, I need to chat with Jeremiah and Ron to prepare to proper fightback to you.

I am quite lucky. They haven't really considered me as dangerous foe. Rather in their eyes I am just another brute with a bit of brains. Next time it will not be so easy. But I doubt they will have such opportunity anymore. Jeremiah and co will not let this slip and fight back ripping of chunk of meat out of them. He will also become more vigilant same as me. Also as cherry on top, Lachanan and her allies will lose pace and momentum which can be a gamechanger. Although, I doubt that this will lead to our victory in short period of time but this can be beginning of an end for them. It will take a lot of time but outcome is clear. Let's just hope that possible agony of Lachanan and her gang will not cause too much damage.

Now, I also need to ask Jeremiah to quicken the whole thing with new team I proposed to him. This maybe perfect opportunity for us. His rivals failed and demotivated, they will be sloppy so why not quickly push forward our plan. Yeah, need to give Jeremiah motivational kick in a ass to hurry up.

"Jeremiah, I hope you enjoyed whole show?"

"Hahaha, yes you have turned boring meeting in good comedy. Now, since I have control over HR and good connection with head of our lawyers we can proceed with new meeting. Bastards, I blinked just for a moment and they tried their best to sink you in shit."

"Well, this just shows that we better hurry up. You know cornered rats can do things."

"Yes, we will try to do it all in short period of time. But you still have to work with R-4 for a while."

"I hope not for too long?"

"Don't think so."

"Alright. Now let's discuss new episode of how I grilled a lawyer."

"Haha! I am really eager for that. Come to my office."

I stopped a call and started walking. Maybe I should just quit Trauma Team and become a lawyer?

Nah, too boring and they don't allow kicking assholes on balls.