Case 015-Puppy. Part 2.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight we have a battle between heaven and hell! In the right corner is Carl "Little Cerberus". Out of 30 fights he has lost only 4 and won 26, 22 of them by clear knockouts. He's known for his ruthless fists that can break walls and bend iron bars with ease, but he's especially good at crushing his enemies' skulls! Give him a round of applause!" - The referee introduced my opponent.

What can I say. This wannabe Hulk is over two meters tall and has so much pumped-up muscles that it could easily serve him as armor. His fists already seem really heavy, and on top of that I can can see small built in metal plates, which turn his fists into brass knuckles or cestuses. The icing on the cake is a slight twitch in his face, a sign that he's used some sort of chemo dope, quite common thing on the arena.

But when he threw off his robe and exposed his body, it made me feel more tight. The reason? Because the freak had a bunch of cosmetic modifications that made him look like a mutant beast-animal. And among the Animals, individuals with such exterior features are considered some of the most dangerous because of their willingness to succumb to the "inner beast" and their instincts entirely, making them akin to the berserkers of the past. It looks like I have a very difficult fight ahead of me, I need to knock him out as quickly as possible, or I would pay a hefty price in my blood.

"But his opponent is not a mere mortal either! One of the famous Archangels has descended upon our bloody arena today! He may not have fought before today, but his reputation speaks of him as a very dangerous adversary. We have all seen examples of their ruthlessness and anger, and I hope today we will see the power of the wrath of the warrior of heaven. Greetings, Archangel Marcus!" - The crowd's response was shouts and ovations. Damn, it's kind of nice to have so many people know about me and my band of dardevils.

I slowly stepped into the ring, leaving everything but my armor and helmet behind. Lucky they didn't make me fight practically naked. I had a good chance, especially with the carbon fiber reinforced glove. Just have to hit him in the temple or hit him hard enough in the back of the head to knock him out.

The master of ceremonies, or whatever his name was, was rambling on and on, trying to get the crowd fired up and provoke us to fight as bloodily and mercilessly as possible. There he was finished talking, and I took a defensive stance, waiting for the bell. Seeing that I was going to play defense, my opponent smiled like a psycho who was allowed to kill and maim his prey.

The sound of the gong drowned out the screams of the audience, and in the next second my opponent lunged in my direction. Without any feints or tricks, he just started beating me like a punching bag. I tried to take the blows in a way that minimized the damage using my elbows and palms. But this could not last long, for even blocking all his attacks I felt that my hands were humming like an anvil, which was being hit by a hammer in the hands of a heavy blacksmith.

Here the enemy apparently began to lose his initial momentum and his attacks became a little slower and more widespread. I activated my implant and, seeing how time had slowed around me, let his attack slide under my armpit, while simultaneously getting ready for a short jump.

Finally the enemy noticed his slip and pulled his arm back. But I wrapped my arm around his and using his pull back movement for extra acceleration, jumped up and hit him right in the face with my knee. There was a loud crunch and blood gushed from his broken nose. Except that was the end of the good news. My opponent was either experienced enough, or the chemicals in his blood prevented him from entering a groggy state. He quickly recovered and pushed me back with his other hand, increasing the distance between us at the same time.

Hell, if he'd staggered just for a few seconds, I might have been able to punch him in the head with my free hand, or at least punch him in the throat. I braced myself for another boxing-style exchange of punches, but this brute just charged at me like a bull. Thanks to the distance he was able to gain enough speed to ram me even after getting punched in the face, by he managed to keep going and in the end knock me down to the ground.

While I was trying to catch my breath after a hard clash with him, he started hitting me like an auto jackhammer without any breaks. I tried to block the punches and at the same time to get him off me. However, he was too heavy and so I had no choice but to save my strength and wait for the right moment.

But it didn't go the way I wanted, as the next punch of his that I didn't have time to block went straight for my head. Okay, the helmet should hold, I thought, until at the last moment I noticed a small lightning "dancing" on his knuckles. And the next second a mighty fist fell on my head and followedd by an electric shock. Almost all of the helmet's cameras were down, and I practically lost my vision.

The freak decided to fight dirty and used some version of an electric knuckle duster. And while I was trying to recover from the electric shock, he gave me a session of military massage of all the muscles in my torso and chest bones. It was wonderful. Not only was I blind, but I was being beaten by an overgrown furry.

I got overwhelmed by the primal rage from all this crap and activated all my implants, while using my remaining camera to hit him over the head with my helmet. The blow was strong enough to break one of the remaining cameras, but most importantly it managed to stun my opponent.

Roaring with rage, I threw him off using my hips and formaing a strange gymnastic bridge. Judging by the metallic sound, he hit the arena fence. Wasting no time, I started pounding him with my hands and head. He went into a deep defense, but I didn't care, I just wanted to beat him to death and soak my fists in his blood. But apparently I got too carried away and missed his counterattack. Only at the last moment was I able to turn my head slightly, minimizing the damage. It helped me, though, but the blow was so powerful that it chipped off a large enough chunk of my helmet. The helmet can't give me the same protection as I had at the beginning of the fight, but at least I can see properly now, otherwise I'd have to rely on my instincts and experience, and on the malfunctioning cameras.

I'm done with him now, he's pissing me off with a damn furry pikachu. I made a deceptive feint with my foot and while he wanted to block the kick I used my palms to hit his ears staggering him. Tossing him over myself into the center of the ring required a lot of energy due to his heaviness of my opponent's body. But finally he was right where I needed him. Gaining all the speed I can, I make a grab on his neck just before he started to get up. Using the accumulated speed, I jerk his head, along with his neck, sharply backwards. A crunch and he slowly slumps down, while his eyes show confusion, incomprehension, and fear. No one expected me to break his neck so quickly and ruthlessly.

But that wasn't enough for me personally. That asshole was going to pay for his dirty tricks. I took off my helmet and started beating him with it until his face was a bloody mess. Finally I ripped his head off and held it up for everyone to see. The reply was silence.

"Not what you expected, you sons of bitches! Where's your cheers and applause? You wanted a bloody show? Then get one and don't complain. Bastards." - Spitting bloody saliva at the arena, I walked out of the center of the arena, toward my boys.

Turning my head toward the alpha of the Animals, I demanded that they give me my client. The Amazon in the tracksuit only smirked and signaled her assistants to bring the prisoner. While I was waiting with my team for my client I did not take my eyes off her and besides the smirk on her face I could see sparks of sexual arousal and desire in her eyes. I could only respond to that with a silent challenge in my gaze. Not here and now, but sooner or later she would have to pay for today's farce.

Finally we were given the kid, and we hurried back to the base. I'd had enough adventures for one day. But damn it all the same what animal feeling still sat in me. For I don't know why, but I wanted to take that Amazon like a lion takes its prize. Damn Animals with their instincts made even me feel it. I hate Animals. I hate Furies. I hate Pikachu. I hate Furry Pikachu Animals.

Ugh, all I want is a woman's touch. A strong woman's touch.

P.S check authors thoughts and let me know what you think.