

It was another few months of tedious and sometimes really frustrating work before my team was granted a vacation. Frustrating, mostly because of the amount of paperwork and a few court cases where we the TT were charged with so to speak being too rough. But the legal department showed that they are not being paid mad money for nothing. All the courts were won which was an added bonus for our marketing which attracted even more clients.

After all the necessary things were done, and vacation permits were obtained penguin commandos went off on their own. Now I'm just sitting here relaxing in "Afterlife." There was nothing to do. All my friends and colleagues are away on business or traveling. So I sit and drink and look at interesting news and stories on the net.

"Feeling sad, Mr. Archangel?" - The owner of the place, Rogue, sat down next to me.

"Good evening. Yes. There are times in life when there's just nothing to do. How are you doing? - I saluted her with my glass.

"Same as always. Contracts. Clients. Solos. Nothing new. Instead of sitting here, you could have gone and met one of the local ladies." - sighed Rogue.

"My hormones and brain are telling me that I'm not a teenager who thinks with the head down there. So thanks for the advice, but no." - I answer her with a smile.

"Well, why don't you get a pet? A lot of lonely people do that."

"If only it was a living being and not just a robot with artificial fur and wool. Can cold iron convey the warmth of real life." - I shook my head and sipped from my glass.

"You know. Perhaps there is an option that will satisfy you completely. One of my friends works in the field of animal husbandry and can get you a real live pet. He was saying the other day that one of his orders got screwed up. The customer turned out to be a bit dead, and now the poor animal will spend hell knows how long in a cage. Would you like to help the poor thing out?" - Rogue smiled at me and sent the contact of her acquaintance.

"First we have to find out what kind of poor thing it is. Maybe it's a crocodile or a hippo. I've got a big apartment, but it's not going to be able to accommodate that kind of guest." - I answer her jokingly, but I send a message to the pet merchant.

Okay. A courier should be arriving soon with a real live cat. The cat was artificially bred, but other than that fact, he's just a regular cat. And the fact that it costs the hell of a lot more than two nice cars. At first the price scared me away from the idea, but when I saw him I immediately agreed to buy and transferred money. For such a fluffy and fat... I mean healthy cat I wanted to have all my life. 7 kg of happiness is what was missing in my life. That's what I thought when I gave away a lot of money. I can make more money later on while cat is a cat.

"Оh. Judging by your smile, you found what you were looking for,"- Rogue said with a laugh and raised her glass.

"Yeah. Now I've got to get everything I need in a couple days and find a good vet, not a ripperdock who implantsts gas masks in cows. No one on your radar?"

"This is Night City. You can find anything here. All you gotta do is search and pay. I'll ask around and let you know tomorrow. Well, here's to the newest member of the Archangels. Ha-ha-ha-ha." - We clinked glasses together, laughing.

The next couple of days were filled with running around looking for things for the cat. Finding a crib. Buying insurance. Paying for a couple years worth of vet care. And most importantly. Food. My fat...I mean big guy needs proper and organic food. I had to call Yerinobu and ask him to help with that. When he found out what I was calling him for he laughed for a few minutes, but then promised to help with it.

It was D-Day. The courier along with the escort should have arrived half an hour ago, but they are still not here. It's already evening. Nervously I lit a cigarette and paced around my room. Just as I was about to get another cigarette, I got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello. Are you the customer waiting for the package?"

"Yes. You're late. Why are you late?"

"Let's just say we got caught in a little firefight. Don't worry about the package, the case is intact, but the car's a little out of shape. So if you are ok to wait a little bit more we can deliver it straight to your place but if you are in a rush we can meet at our garage to pass you a delivery."

"Shit. All right, I'll be right there. Send me the address. But if this is some kind of prank or joke, the Archangels will be coming for your heads."

"Ahem. No, no. It's really bad for your health to mess with them. Here's the address. We'll be waiting for you."

I quickly order a Delamain cab and grab the cat carrier and head downstairs to wait for the car to arrive. The feeling of annoyance scares people away from me better than a holstered pistol. Finally the cab is here and I get in it immediately.

"Delaimain! Less words, more speed!" - without letting the AI start the usual speech about the importance of customers and stuff, I make it take off.

After 15 minutes I find myself in a sector with garages until the cab stops next to one of them inside which is a small red car with two guys standing next to it. One is a big guy in a black vest and a 21st century Night City samurai style haircut. The other is skinnier in a leather sleeveless jacket and with torn patch marks hinting that he's a former nomad. Strange company. Just in case, I take a quick look around and get my implants ready.

I get out of the car and walk toward them. My semi-aggressive look makes them tense up a bit.

"The customer waiting for the package is me. Which one of you called me?"

"That's me. My name is Jackie Wells, and this is V."

"And I'm Marcus. Now, show me the case and explain why you're late." - they didn't really like my tone, but realizing they were late made them comply with my instructions.

The car was riddled with bullet marks, and there were holes in some places. And they were all pretty fresh. So they weren't lying about the shooting. Now we need to find out how the cat is doing and who the fuck was trying to take him away.

"After we crossed the border, a couple of Arasaka cars showed up to intercept us. We had to run and gun in the suburbs until we finally broke away." - V pulled out the case container carefully enough and placed it on the hood of the car. The sensors indicated that everything was fine and the cat was still asleep.

"Arasaka? Are you sure? Not Militech or Biotech, but Arasaka?" -I asked them at the same time I was texting Yerinobu.

"Yes. The numbers. Signs and scans showed they were Arasaka's men." - Jackie replied.

Hmm. I shouldn't have gotten mad at the guys. They did the right thing. I'll have to ask Yerinoba to find out what happened.

"Okay, guys. I'm sorry I made you nervous. You did what you could and delivered the shipment. The rest of it's just petty stuff. Here's the transfer." - I'm sending them the payment with what I consider a small bonus. - "Now tell me step by step what happened."

"Well... "- Jackie began, and then together with V. told how they met, crossed the border and paid the bribe with the subsequent chase. They were even honest about how they didn't trust each other and wanted to screw their partner. Yeah, that's a funny team. And now, apparently, after going through the ordeal of the shooting and the chase, they're starting to put a little trust in each other.

"I see. The only lead I can think of is that corrupt officer at the border. Thank you guys..." - before I could even speak, the container with the cat started to shake, and the monitor was showing the necessity to open it immediately to give the cat oxygen otherwise it would be asphyxiated.

I quickly typed in the code and opened the case container. From there, a big, fat cat stares at me. A staring contest ensues. Jacky and V look at us in disbelief with dropped jaws. 10 seconds. The struggle continues. 20 seconds. Fatigue is evident. 30 seconds. I fucking give up. Let me give you a scratch!

I grab the cat and start scratching. The cat, as if not noticing that just a minute ago he was sleeping in a closed container, starts purring. And I'm grinning like a retard just keep scratching him.

I look at the guys and suggest they scratch the fat guy. V starts first, followed by Jackie. Now the three idiots are just standing there stroking the cat, who takes it for granted.

"Times and generations change. But people have been adoring and favoring fat cats since ancient Egypt, and they still do. And with the advent of the Web, things have only gotten more fun." - I say out loud, and after I say that, we all start laughing together.

Damn, that cat is heavy, almost like a rifle. I'll consider it a workout.

"Hey, guys. Thank you so much for bringing him back safe and sound. Uh, you know what? I'm gonna name him after you. VJ, V and Jackie. How about that?"

The boys were happy to receive such an honor. In the end, we exchanged contacts and a promise that they could come visit me and fatty VJ.

I got in the cab, put the cat in a carrier and gave him a bunch of treats to eat.

"Uh, sir. What's this?" -Delamayne asked. It's probably the first time he's ever seen a real, live cat, much less one like this.

"This, Delamayne, is the most dangerous creature to which many generations of the human race have submitted themselves! Fat Cat! - I answer him loudly, as if on ceremony, and stroke the cat.

Meow! - VJ confirms my words with a loud meow.

Eh, I feel like my bed won't be mine anymore. But whatever.

Purr, purr, purr.