Chapter 2


I sighed. The awkward encounter with Liam at work was something I didn't expect. I had noticed that Liam had acted strangely. I had felt his gaze on me while I was making his drink which made me slightly uncomfortable.

Brushing of that thought, I continued working hoping to complete work fast and go home early.


A week had passed by after that encounter. Liam and I had been making sudden eye contacts while walking on the hallways and I often catch him staring at me with a smirk on his face.

I entered college and caught sight of a crowd near the lockers. I assumed it was probably because of Liam. Sighing, I squeezed through the tiny gaps making my way towards my locker. I sensed Liam staring at me as always which made me roll my eyes.

The bell rang and I headed towards the classroom. I entered the classroom and heaved a sigh of relief since Mrs.Martha, our History teacher, still hadn't come. I took a seat next to Ariana and Emma who were busy whispering about something.

"What are you guys talking about" I asked making both of them startled. Ariana screamed being the over dramatic girl she is. "When did you get here?" Emma asked. "Just now" I said. "Anyways, what were you guys talkin-"I was interrupted when Liam suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Hey ladies!" Liam said in his deep excited voice. "Hey" Ariana and Emma replied. "Do you guys mind if I seat next to Sophie today?" Liam asked making Ariana and Emma smirk. "Sure no problem" they said at the same time before leaving to sit in another place. "Have fun" Ariana mouthed towards me making me shoot daggers at her.

Liam sat beside me and soon Mrs.Martha walked in. I was in my thoughts not paying attention in class when Mrs.Martha's words left me in shock. "Ok students you guys will have to do a group project with your seat partners. The project is about the economic impact of the Titanic's sinking. Know that this project is marked so you need to perform well." Mrs.Martha said as I widened my eyes and I sat there shocked.

"No! This can't be happening! There was no way I was going to do a group project with Liam!" I thought while screaming internally.

Soon History class ended. As I walked out of the classroom, Liam called me "Sophie wait up!"

I turned around and waited for him to catch up to me. "Meet me in the library during lunch break for the history project" he said once he caught up to me while panting. I nodded and headed for the next class.


I walked over to the cafeteria. I noticed my friends sitting in a corner . "What the hell guys! Why did you do that during History class!" I said as I walked up to them. Ariana and Emma looked at me stupefied by my sudden commotion.

Soon they regained their composure before smirking. "Come on let's be honest, you kind of needed that" Ariana said acting like she didn't know what she did wrong. "What do you mean by that!" I asked bursting out a bit. "The thing is, we are worried about you Sophie. Before you were friendly with everyone, but after what happened last year you became distant from everyone including us. So when Liam asked to sit next to you we thought it would be the perfect opportunity for you to start talking with boys again and even start dating" Emma answered in a calm and serious tone.

I sighed. I finally understood how much my friends cared about me. "I am sorry" I said. "It is okay. We know it has been hard for you these few months. But we just want you to move from all the negative thoughts and become happy and cheerful again" Emma said assuringly. "I will try" I said smiling slightly as I took a seat beside them.

"Honestly speaking, Liam is so fine looking. You should actually try dating him. I think you guys would be a cute couple" Ariana said trying to lighten up the gloomy atmosphere. I glare at her when suddenly I remembered something. I was supposed to discuss to History project in the library!

"Guys I have to go. I was supposed to discuss the History project with Liam in the library" I said before quickly rushing out of the cafeteria and heading towards the library.

I entered the library and took notice of Liam who was laying his head down on the table while being buried by a pile of books. I slowly went near him and noticed he was in a deep and peaceful sleep. Not wanting to wake him up, I sat down beside him and laid my head down too. I stared at him while thinking about Emma's words.

"Have I really been so distant from them? Will I ever move on? Can I ever become happy and cheerful again?" the thought filled up my mind.

Suddenly Liam's eyes twitched and he soon opened his eyes. He put on a sly smirk on his face when he caught me staring at him "Had fun admiring me?"he asked. "You wish" I replied trying to play it off.

Liam rolled his eyes before sitting up straight "Alright we should start discussing about the project since someone showed up late and now we don't have much time left before the bell rings." "Sorry about that" I replied. "It's fine and I did do some research on it and found some information we could use" he said. "Mind sharing them with me?" I asked. "What if I don't?"he asked jokingly. "Then I won't help you with the project one bit" I answered. "It's not like I need your help to begin with" he said after letting out a scoff.

I glared at him. "Shut up and pass me the books" I said which he did. "Jerk" I muttered. He chuckled softly after hearing my comment.

We spent most the rest of the lunch break finding ideas and soon the bell rang. "We should continue this discussion later"I said. Ok, you can come over to my house. Give me your number and I will text you the address" he said nonchalantly. I hesitated before nodding slowly.

Just like that, we had exchanged our numbers. While proceeding towards the classroom, I kept thinking about Liam. Initially, I had thought he was a self centred jerk who barely cared about studying. But maybe I was wrong. Well, he was a jerk, but he did care about his studies and he was indeed talented.


Ring! Ring! Ring! The school bell rung as everyone walked out of their classroom chatting animatedly. Suddenly, Ariana and Emma popped out of nowhere.

"So how was the study session with Liam"Ariana asked, highlighting the words 'study session' while wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes knowing what she was running through her mind before stating "Normal I guess."

"Did you guys do anything other than studying" Emma asked curiosity rising in her. "No, plus I thought study sessions were only meant for studying" I added. "Yeah, but you know, sometimes people study other things during study sessions. Like Biology? Topic Reproduction In Humans?" Emma said giving me a playful smirk. I scoffed before commenting, "I think those so called things only happen to you both." "They used to happen to you too before" I heard Ariana mutter under her breath.

"Anyways, I better head to work or I will be late" I said when we finally reached the school gate. "Alright, tell is if something happens between you and Liam" Emma shouted as I headed the opposite direction. I glared at her before she disappeared from my sight.