A New life

After three years of living at Katagawa's house, Kuro grows accustomed to it. He learns the alphabet, how to cook, and more about the world. Kuro's younger life fades away as he forgets about it. Kuro finds a book about the bodies and learns it as he learns more about the bodies two years pass and kuro goes to a Medical school and as he's about to get in the guards stop him and ask how old are u kuro says 22 and the guards laugh and say u can't get in.Kuro asks why the guards say only children aged 10 to 15 can enter and he is 22 years old. Kuro leaves and returns to his home. As he nears home, he passes through a village and sees a house full of injured people. When he gets inside, he asks what happened here, and a person says a bandit attacked a village. and he saw an old man saving a man's life he is shocked Kuro stays at the house as the old man saves some man's life kuro stays for 5 hours as the sun goes down the old man gets out of the house and meets kuro kuro says can I be your apprentice the old man says no kuro says why you are old go back and farm kuro gets angry i'm not giving up the old man fine by me, Kuro kneeled at the old man's house for 4 days and the old man gave up, and as the old man picked up kuro's shoulder, the old man said can u promise me to never give up to save someone's life can u promise me that can u Kuro says what if the person is evil can I save him the old man says of course yes every person deserves a chance if u gave a person a chance and didn't change then There is nothing you can do; every life has a meaning, such as how you met me; this is known as fate.

and kuro says yes, I promise the elder says then let's get you some food you've been starving for 4 days kuro says what is your name just call me master ok kuro gets in his master's house he sits at the table master says before u eat says thank u for the food. After eating, master shows kuro his room, and the next day kuro talks to master and says what can I do master says nothing just watch me kuro says ok master is stunned that kuro followed his order master is happy that he got an apprentice at his age 3 months later kuro can now assist master a year later kuro gets his first time saving a persons life kuro's age now is 24.

Six years later, Master died of old age, and Kuro plans a grand funeral for everyone he saved. As he meets master's friends, he discovers master's name but does not call him by that name because master is master. As he meets master's friend, he meets master's younger brother; Kuro says, "Nice to meet you, sir Zeng Ai," and Zeng asks, "How was he?" Kuro says, "Master lived a great life," and Zeng Ai says, "Yes, he did." After the funeral, on the third day, Zeng Ai approaches Kuro and says, "How about you work in the palace?" Kuro says, "I wouldn't humble myself sir, no your not just come work there this is the last favor I can do to my Brother Kuro say yes Zeng Ai says, "I'm sure he is proud of you." Kuro says, "I wish I heard him say that."