Hhloe Coward

What happens when you watch too much web series? Well it's simple..you start acting like your life is a series and you are the main character going around to save the world. If I was normal I would have silently slept as instructed...

Well I never said I was normal.

I slowly stood from the bed. Katherine was sleeping soundly. I made my way to the door and turned the knob. Holy crap! It's locked from outside.

I've often characterized myself as someone whose curiosity was insatiable and the situation now wasn't helping at all. Now it was confirmed that surely something fishy was going around.

There must be some way out. I started scanning the walls blinded by the darkness. Large curtains hung around. By the coffee table were some glass windows to the corridor. I tried opening the first one,it didn't open. I sighed giving up. Stop being so dramatic as if you are in some serial killer movie I scolded myself leaning against the door like long glass window and the windows burst opened causing my butt to smack the floor. "Ouch" so much for being suspicious.

After that realization hit me. I was actually out of the room even after their stupid attempt to lock the door. I grinned to myself feeling a little triumph. I stood up from the floor only to be confused what to do next. I thought for a moment before deciding a little walk to this beautiful mansion wouldn't hurt. Would it?

I started walking aimlessly through the corridor. Until I reached to an end. There was a painting of a horse hung on the wall and a small shelf with few books. Do they even read it or it's just a showpiece I thought to myself.

I turned to head back to my room as I started feeling sleepy when I heard a voice of a lady crying. I froze on my spot could it be Katherine crying again because of her boyfriend?  No but then how can I hear her here.  I turned around to look at the source of the sound but there was a dead end.

Please God I know I have always wanted to be the lead role of a movie but I don't want to be in a horror movie. "please..no"again came a lady voice. Ghosts are the last thing I want to see now. 

I started tip-toe-running-walk. My room came in sight and I felt relief for a minute but then I saw Mr and Mrs Jade Ronald standing beside our door and talking to each other. "No. Funny. Business" my father's word rang in my head. Sure If I went now they would tell my father. And it's better if I don't test his patience. I backed a little hiding behind the wall. I saw a flight of stairs upwards and my brain said why not.

I climbed up the stairs secretly praying that I don't get involved in another problem. As it was dark I couldn't see much. Why don't they buy some brighter lights. Sure there were lights but they probably didn't even lit it's own table forget about the corridor.

I heard some voices from a distance and squat down behind a table to hide.

"sure if that air conditioner gives you any more trouble let me know"


"I shall take my leave now"

Okay then maybe he was an electrician who was here to repair an air conditioner almost at the midnight I think I'm just wasting my time phew. 

Suddenly I felt something press at my temples. "Put your hands up"said a male voice from behind me...Everbody puts your hands up it's fridaaayyy.

It took me a moment to realize I was at gunpoint. Please tell me you are talking about a party.

"Do you have a hearing problem"he shouted making me quickly put my hands up. Woah what's going on..please tell me I slept awhile ago in Katherine bed and I was dreaming. My heart started thumping in my chest I didn't know what to do.

Doomed I'm so doomed.

He took out his phone and started dialing in. He lifted me by my arms harshly and said"now let's see what is to be done with you". Though it was dark I could see some more men from the other corner coming towards.... Us? Why are they all holding guns what the hell is happening. It's a do or die situation I said to myself and in an instant kicked the man in front right in his balls. He definitely didn't saw that coming .

After he left my arm I ran like bats out of hell. I didn't know where I was going to but I ran away from them. They shouted behind me and I wondered what would happen if dad would find me like this.

I stopped for a while because let's face it I'm not athletic. I held my stomach as I gasped for air. Opposite to me was a room. "someone is there " came a voice from the my right. Behind me were already some weird people. Now I was trapped in that L shaped corridor.

The opposite room being my only option I walked in there and closed the door behind me. The room walls were black and it had a chill vibe ar-"She went in"said a voice from behind the close door. I panicked and ran and hit the table. I crouched down and went behind one of the long curtains as fast as I could. As I positioned myself the door barged open "Who is here" they were probably the second group of people who found me because the first one already saw me right. "Sir i think there's an intrud-"..said a panting man. I ran faster than them at least.

"Who is it"not knowing what to do next I did what first came to my mind..which was never wise.



There was a little shuffling and whispering before one of the man said "let's go". I heard some footsteps out the room and then the door closed.

I sighed thanking god and started coming out the curtain. But then I heard a chair scratching against the floor which made me stand dead in the tracks. I thought everyone went out.

"Now"said a husky voice from that part of the curtain. "Would the kitten like to come out on its own or does it need a hand in help"

God I take back my thank you.

I tried looking through the curtains to check how scary the man is but it was of no avail. I didn't knew what to do.

"Show yourself"said that deep husky voice again"NOW".

"promise you won't bite"

"Don't make me repeat my command"

I took a deep breath and held onto the curtains tightly. I poked out my head a little still covering my face. He was sitting right in front of the door. His face wasn't visible as that part of the room was almost dark.

I came out slowly out the curtain and stood there awkwardly. I thought i was a guest here. He sat there still.

"Uh-hiieeeeee"i said with an exaggerated wave. But when he didn't even move I put my hands down using my other as if it was working without my consent.

If I said I was awkward before then I must say I was super duper awkward now. Not knowing what to do in such a situation I started looking here and there. As I was saying the room had a chill vibe in it and the be-"Look here"he demanded. Why don't people let me complete the description.

"look where? "I retorted "At the black space?" He straightened his back and I instantly regretted for saying those things.

I suddenly started feeling sweaty as he glared straight at me.

"What's your name?"

No. I would never tell my name. If he complains to my fath-

"Hhloe Coward"

oh shoot.

"Ch-Chloe Howard I mean"that was the only other name I could think of right now. Sorry bestie I do love you I just hope he doesn't do a background search and get you killed.

"Chloe"he said standing up. I instinctively backed a few steps. "Scared? "he asked.

"Why would I be? "I answered with another question.

"Very well"he said marching forward. Only then did I saw his face. His hair was dark which was currently in a messy state. He had rolled up his sleeves and had a very masculine frame. Then I looked up at his eyes and got mesmerized in them. He had green emerald shiny eyes which shone even brightly under the light. His nose was perfectly shaped and he had thin lips.

"Now"he said and I suddenly realized he was standing chest to chest in front of me. "Explain".