
I stood there clueless. My entire body froze on the spot. In front of me stood a God sculpted man. I stared at him in total awe.

He bent down to my eye level and only then did I realize I was too short for him. I quickly looked away anywhere but at him. His sight was too tempting. If simply put he was devilishly handsome.

"I'm waiting for an answer kitten"he said lowly and I felt chills running through my spine.

We were standing face to face and our lips were inches apart.

I looked down"I.. Uh"i said. He raised his hand and used his index finger to tilt up my chin gently.

"Chloe "he whispered "I want you to look at me when you speak". My breath hitched in my throat and I suddenly felt short of breath. He stared straight into my eyes and I felt weak in my knees. I hated the effect he was having on me. Sure he was not fooling around unlike me. These people were dead serious. Where did I got stuck man!

Should I lie to him or-Should I lie to him or- seeing that the other option never dared to came I ended my mental debate.

"I lost my way.. I uh came with those electricians you know to.. To repair that.. That" I cleared my throat unable to find my voice anymore. Sure it was a bad idea knowing that I was in my Pjs. My throat went dry and I gulped hard.

This is it..this is how it ends!

"Oh is it? "he asked raising an eyebrow. Now I couldn't go back on my words so I nodded frantically. He started moving his face closer to me slowly and I backed away my face until I made a weird C shape with my back.

I put my hands on his chest because obviously I am not that flexible .He stopped and looked at me"Fine then"he said simply. That was easier than I thought. Did he really buy my story? It was hard to read his face as it was expressionless and he was just... staring.

It was silent for a moment so I cleared my throat again as he was making no move

"so.. Can I go? "I asked with a lot of hope. He looked at me for a minute longer and then stepped away. He put his one hand behind his back and used the other to gesture me the way outside .

I straightened myself and grinned happily. I walked past him towards the door and slowly removed the chair that he was sitting on to block my path from running.

I touched the door knob..


"Hm?"I turned answering him.

Holy Jesus Christ!! Did I just got tricked?

My eyes went wide as he cocked his head to the side and smirked. There was only one thing I could do now. RUN FOR MY FUCKING LIFE!

I turned the knob opened the door and ran out almost tripping. My heart pounded against my chest very fast as I couldn't find the right way to my room. I searched for the stairs running and skipped 3 stairs at a step. My room came in view. I quickened my speed. I entered from the glass window from where I went out. Nobody saw it open thanks to the long curtains. I came in and closed it quickly and turned around leaning on it. I was breathing rapidly. Once I saw that that man didn't followed me here I sighed closing my eyes. I dropped on my knees and thought to myself what was happening? Why are people here with guns? Who was that man? And most importantly how did he know me??? I groaned frustratingly pulling out my hair. Katherine was still sleeping soundly. I picked myself up and fell onto the bed.


I woke up from the rays of sunlight. I tutted pulling the pillow over my face.

"Good morning "Katherine wished me from the dressing table where she was currently fixing her make up.

"Yes morning"i replied dryly.

"You should get ready we are going to leave for the farmhouse"

Oh shit how can I forget about Sarah. I sat up like a whirlwind. "What time is it? "

"Oh it's already 11 in the morning "she said. "go freshen up I'll bring some breakfast for you"

"Oh thank you I guess"

She chuckled and stood from her seat turning to face me.

"You know I'm really sorry for yesterday act-"

"It's okay I really don't mind"i said waving a hand at her.

"haha you're really nice you could actually be my friend" she said coming closer and putting a hand out at me. This time I shook hands normally.

"you know my brother just doesn't let me do anything "she said.

"huh? " I replied dumbly.

She laughed "oh yeah I forgot to explain it to you yesterday...I wasn't talking to my boyfriend it was actually my elder brother who was ordering me not to go to parties anymore because last time when I sneaked out of the house he caught me red handed "

I nodded. She had an elder brother? I went inside the bathroom and did my morning routine. I came out and yet again breakfast was served in our room.

"uh...Katherine? "

"you can call me Kat for short"


"what were you saying"she asked after a moment of silence.

Now I didn't felt like trusting her but the curiosity got the best of me. "Kat what's there in the second floor? "

"oh there is my brothers room"she shrugged digging into her breakfast.

She then looked at me and asked"why do you ask? "

"what if I tell you that I went there last night and saw weird things? "

She choked in her food and I freaked out seeing her reaction. She gulped down a full glass of water and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Tell me you're joking?"she almost pleaded. I blinked at her and she sighed. "Look Diana since you are my new friend now I should tell you this"she said in a serious tone. "We aren't supposed to go to that floor. It is meant for mostly business purpose and only my dad or brother goes in there..We use to come here more often when I was small but since my dad's brother aka uncle Lester sucided here we stopped coming here for awhile.. I remember him he was a really nice man.. "she said with a hint of sadness. "I don't know what you saw yesterday but I would recommend you to stay away from there...the farther you are the safer you will be.. "she explained in short with a lot of hand gesture.

That made me even more curious. Uncle Lester sucided after which they stopped coming here. Could it be that someone from the family was involved that's why they ran away from here? That's suspicious. I mentally noted all the details in my head.

"okay but isn't your father a reputed businessman then why does he have... Guns? "I asked

"For safety?"she shrugged. Then came closer to me and lowered her voice"D I don't know properly but I think my family is involved in some underworld business.. I always feel they are keeping secrets from me...but I never ask.. They say it is for my own safety.. They are very serious about whatever shit they are hiding.. "

So does that mean that they were some low-key Mafia's? Lol that's getting interesting.. And what could they be hiding? Why didn't my father came to meet me even once after we came here? It was very strange of him knowing that he would never leave me alone no matter what.

Kat saw the wheels spinning above my head and said"Dont worry much.. Let's go to Sarah's I'm really dying to see her"

"You know Sarah too? "

"Yeah..his dad..your dad..they both work for my dad...we often visited them so that's how I know them"

I nodded sure that made sense.


We made our way downstairs after talking for a little more while. She wasn't actually the bitch she had been at first but that's okay. Now I was really determined to know the answers to my questions.

"What took y'all so long"asked Mr Jade who was currently sitting on the couch of living room sipping in his tea.

"We were talking father. I think i really like her" said Kat surprising me with that comment.

"Good to hear that"he chuckled and then looked at me. He didn't knew I went up last night did he?



"Your father was waiting for you but then since you were being too late I insisted him to leave first. "he said. Phew he don't know anything I'm saved. "So now it is my responsibility to take you safely to the farmhouse" I nodded.

"Katherine you'll come with me"he said looking at her. "And Diana will come behind in another car with your brother"

Katherine protested for staying with me which was kind of cute but then one glare from Mr Jade was enough to shut her up.

We went out together following obediently behind Mr Jade.

"Oh see that's my brother"kat said pointing towards a tall man"Ian".

I looked up and and the floor beneath me shifted as I saw the same man from yesterday night.

"Ian?"I breathed out.

He raised an eyebrow at me and mouthed"Hello kitten".