Fairy tale

3rd person's pov

Diana eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she saw the handsome man again. He was wearing button ups and jeans and his hair was perfectly styled. He looked fresh like daisy under the bright sunlight and he stood there with his head high confidently. He had his hand folded behind his back and he was looking directly at her.

Katherine turned to Diana to bid her farewell and was stunned seeing that both his brother and Diana were looking at each other from the very start. Mr Jade called Katherine from inside the car. She nodded and turned to Diana.

"Back to world D"she said snapping her fingers at her.

She finally came out of her inner battle and looked at Katherine with pleading eyes sure she didn't wanted to be left alone with this intimidating man but Katherine winked at her totally unaware of her pleadings and went off leaving her alone. Katherine was unaware about Diana's last night incident, she just thought they were looking really cute gazing at each other as if nothing existed other than them.

As Katherine and Mr Ronald's car departed, a long awkward silence fell in between them. Diana shifted her weight from one leg to another before deciding to break the silence.

"I'm really sorry I actually didn't mean to sneak into your room.... But you know some real sick people started chasing after me and I had no idea what to do man"she groaned frustratingly.." I mean i thought I was a guest here so I just went to take a small walk and what I see the next moment is that I'm running for my life I mean what the hell? "she said raising her voice at the end.

A moment of silence fell again between them. "You have a good sense of humor" he replied calmly. Ironic! His lips didn't even twitched to form a smile. She scowled at him. "That's all you have to say? "she said narrowing her eyes at him.

He shrugged "Your tactics were too childish for me".

She pouted angrily"How did you know my name? "

"How would I not? "he answered moving towards her. "You are here to stay at my house how would I not know who is entering my house or who is staying in there? "he said standing infront of her.

That made sense Diana thought to herself. She made a thin line with her lips and smiled sheepishly. If he thought she was weird before, it's definitely been confirmed now. She opened her mouth to say something and then closed it again. She looked down and played with her hands. She was highly embarrassed now.

Ian exhaled deeply. "Don't ever go to that floor again"he commanded in his deep voice his face yet expressionless . Diana nodded slowly,very slowly. She didn't expected Ian to be so... Normal?

She had so many arising question in her brain but she chose not to speak.

"Shall we? "he asked gesturing her to move first towards the car. He opened the door for her and Diana narrowed her eyes at him.

He sat in the drivers seat and started the engine. The car ride was silent expect for Diana staring at Ian from the corner of her eye. He looked hot while driving and Diana intently watched his every moves.


The car parked outside the familiar farmhouse where Diana spent most of her childhood with her family, relatives and friends. It was like a ritual for everyone to meet here at least once a year and enjoy altogether. Diana really loved those days when she made friends of her own age.

She clutched on her hoodie tightly as she started feeling nervous again. Sure she wanted to meet everyone but she doesn't wanted to be seen by anyone.

Ian stepped out so did Diana. He put his one hand on his pocket and used the other to shield himself from the sunlight. Diana inhaled and exhaled sharply.

"Nervous? "Ian asked out of the blue startling Diana. She shook her head as no. And anybody would have missed but not Diana..a little smile crept on his face which made Diana smile automatically. It looked genuine..

"Let's go in"she said

They both walked together towards the front door. The farmhouse was still the same as Diana remembered from her childhood. It was surrounded with varieties of beautiful flowers and plants. The location was chosen precisely for the peace it held.It was kind of situated between a forest.The house was protected by a long fence alongside. There were very few other houses around far by at a distace. It was enormous compared to them. It was a perfect setting for a fairy tale shoot.There were horse sheds at the back of the house and some chicken coops. From the backyard a lake could be seen which was nearby. Of course housekeepers were kept in charge of maintaining it until everyone gathered again together. Birds were chirping and cool breeze was blowing... Diana felt refreshing inhaling the fresh air of nature.

"DIIIAAAAANNNAAAAAAAAA"shouted someone and Diana jumped at the sound. A girl stood by the garden with a basket of flowers in hand. She saw Diana and instantly dropped down the basket and started running in full speed towards her.

"Sarah? "Diana asked almost in disbelief. She jumped on her arms almost falling in the process. Ian stood there quietly looking at them.

"OHMYGODOHMYG-"Sarah grinned cheekily

She pulled away and they both looked at each other with teary eyes. Though they weren't in contact exactly but they did recognized each other from social media.

"I'm so happy to see you"confessed Diana.

"Me too"said Sarah.

Ian cleared his throat and Sarah's attention quickly shifted to him.

"Oh hey Ian it's been a long time" Sarah said happily giving him a side hug.

He simply nodded at her without moving a muscle. She shaked her head at him"Seriously some things never change."

"Finally finally you are here"said Thea walking up to the three. She stopped mid track looking at Ian who was currently standing beside Diana. He looked like a Roman God she thought to herself.

"uh I think I should introduce y'all "Sarah said noticing the confusion on Thea's face.

"This is Ian..the eldest son and the upcoming heir of the Ronald family"

That was a news to Diana too.. She hardly knew anything about him.

"hi Ian I'm Thea..nice to meet you"she greeted smiling sweetly.

"Im heading in" Ian said frustrated his face devoid of any emotion.


"This is so weird"groaned Diana pulling out her hair. She currently sat on a coffee table by the pool texting to her friend Chloe everything that was bothering her.

Ian went straight to his room without even giving a side glance to the stares.Diana followed behind nervously with Sarah who assured her that everyone would be happy to see her. Thea trailed close behind when everyone met Diana and tried to converse with her in return to which she just smiled and nodded. Thea rolled her eyes at her sister.

Diana:I wondered what's on that floor and who was the woman crying. Do you think that place is haunted?

That sounds even crazy being said Diana thought to herself. She locked her screen and started replaying everything in her head to check if she missed something. Her phone buzzed and she checked the message.

Chloe:Maybe. But if it has nothing to concern with you then stop being nosy...

She smiled at the text. Chloe was really a listener indeed.

"Yooooo beautiful what are you doing here alone"someone said full of energy.

Diana turned around and saw a male who was in his twenties. His teeth displayed nicely as he grinned to her. He was wearing a casual t shirt and had long chains around his neck. His right ear was pierced and he wore a cap backwards.

"Uh-me? Diana said unsure of who he was talking to.

"Do you see anyone else around? "he replied calmly sitting opposite to her.

When Diana didn't replied he took out his hand"Hi I'm Marcus"

Why can people leave me alone she thought to herself.

"Marcus I swear to God I'll kill you"said a girl voice from behind where Marcus came.

Diana turned again and saw a girl with raven hair and dark eyes. Her hair was perfectly curled and she wore a stunning, fashionable dress which hugged her form tightly.

"Oh I was just greeting the special girl who came here with Ian"he said shrugging.

She came over and and looked at Diana up and down making a judgemental face.

"You must be mistaken surely"she said taking a seat as well by the round coffee table.

"Stop it Rachel" said another feminine voice but this time Diana was relieved to hear that voice.

Katherine came in with Sarah and Thea with cookies in hand. She pulled some tables by another close coffee table and joined the group. Sarah and Thea settled the cookies in between and sat as well.

"I didn't even do anything "said Rachel raising her hand in innocence.

Sarah sighed and said"Tomorrow is my wedding day guys I expect y'all to maintain peace"

Katherine and Rachel glared daggers at each other for a moment and then turned their head.

Thea clapped her hand as if she found a amazing idea and suggested "Why don't we make the most of tonight and play some games?"

Marcus nodded in encouragement chewing on his cookie"let's bring everyone and play some truth and dare."

"That's boring"commented Katherine checking on her nail art.

"yeah right"Sarah added.

Rachel wanted to say the same thing but when Katherine said it she decided to oppose her.

"We'll play that only. And if someone isn't interested they are free to go"

"You are the most unwelcome person here"kat retorted.

They both got into a heating fight where Sarah tried to calm them,Thea quietly dig into the cookies and Marcus and Diana silently looked from them to the pool then at each other.

This was going to be more chaotic than Diana had thought.