Power Rangers

The sun had completely been set now as the living area sofas and stuffs were removed to create a larger space for everyone to gather to play the game of passing the pillow.

After Katherine and Rachel started fighting like crazy Mr Jade and Mr Bennett handled the situation by deciding on playing a total different game. Diana went to talk to her dad but he seemed quite busy meeting his relatives after such a long time. Diana's parents looked happy and all the adults were having a 'remember when' conversation. They refused to play passing the pillow saying "you kids enjoy yourself".

Sarah is like a younger sister to Ian just like Katherine though he doesn't express much he really cares about her like his own sister. He was busy the whole day probably re-checking everything for tomorrow. By the time he came back he saw everyone sitting on rounds silently talking to each other.

"HEEEYYY IIAANN COOMMEE HEERREE" shouted Marcus although he was the closest to him.

Ian looked at him and was about to leave when his eyes fell on Diana. She was chewing on her nails sitting beside the girls who were talking,spaced out. She looked beautiful in her baggy clothes. Her brunette hair was tied up in a quick ponytail and her hazel eyes looked straight ahead at the wall. Ian found her interesting. She was different from any ordinary girl.

Diana turned her head at the mention of his name and saw him already staring at her. Katherine saw it and wolf whistled. She averted her gaze.

"Wow what is happening here "said a male voice entering from the same door Ian has just entered from.

"Oh my COOLLLIINNNN"Marcus shouted again standing up and engulfing Colin in a bear hug. Colin had a little curly hair at the ends and when he smiled dimples formed in his cheek. He wore glasses and looked smart and cute.

"Reunion of the MIC boys"Rachel commented. Katherine Thea and Sarah giggled. Diana looked at them expectantly.

"When they were kids they used to call themselves the MIC boys"kat explained.

"If everyone's here then let's start the game"Thea said excitedly.

The one day Thea stayed here she got to know everyone and very easily got comfortable with them. She was super friendly and people liked her here.

Marcus pushed Ian and Colin forward to sit together.

"Can I sit here" Colin asked Diana.

"Uh-sure"she said giving space for him to sit. Beside Colin sat Ian and then Rachel then Marcus.On the right to Diana was Katherine then Thea then Sarah and a boy whom Diana didn't know. In particular she exactly knew nobody.

"Okay so I hope everybody knows the rules of the game"sarah said"one will play the song and we will pass the pillows..at the end of the song whoever had the pillow in his hand would have to perform a dare or answer in all honesty. "

This is just the updated version of truth and dare Diana thought to herself.

"YEEAAH YEEAAHH LETTSSS STAARTT"obviosly Marcus shouted.

"Who will play the song? "Colin asked a good question and everyone looked at each other.

"I'll do it"Diana volunteered as she didn't wanted to participate.

"That's the first time I heard you Diana you know"Marcus said"You have such an angelic voice"

Rachel nudged at him with her elbow. Diana thought it's better to ignore them and stood up towards the music box.

Diana turned towards the group"I'll start then? "

"Yeah yeaahh". Marcus said enthusiastically.

Diana played the song and Rachel started passing the pillow. She passed it to Marcus, he passed it to the unknown boy. Then Sarah then Thea then Katherine then Colin then Ian and then back to Rachel. Every now and then Ian would look at Diana. He wanted to talk to her. But he also didn't wanted to put his guard down.

After 3-4 rounds when Diana didn't stopped the song Colin turned his head and gave her a look 'that's enough you can stop'. He seemed nice. Diana paused the song and pillow ended between Colin and Ian's hand

"Ohhhh"all exclaimed in chorus.

"Okay so I guess we all would love to see the iconic MIC entry? "Sarah asked.

"Oh yeeaahh let Colin and Ian do it together "Thea added .

Ian groaned as if it was the stupidest thing to do.

"Huh but it's incomplete without the M"kat said.

"No problem I'll join too"Marcus said jumping and grabbing Ian by his arm. Colin stood reluctantly.

Marcus positioned his hand to the left and shouted "M". Ian looked down totally embarrassed by this act and dryly said"I"

Colin giggled and positioned his hands towards the right and said "C"in a high pitch note.

"And we together are the MIC BOYS"Colin and Marcus shouted laughing at the old memory.

Now that was not what I was expecting. MIC? That's such an odd name.

Ian started going away but Colin grabbed him and seated together with him.

"Ian you look really cuteee"Rachel screeched.

Ian looked at Diana who was secretly smiling at the cute Power Rangers entry they put on. She resumed the song and they started passing the pillow again.

This time pillow ended in Sarah's hand.

"Okay so Sarah go slow dance with any man you like"

Sarah confidently stood up and turned to the stranger boy. He got up as well and they both gestured Diana to play a slow song. Diana panicked to choose a song between million choices. Marcus stood up and came over to help her.

"Thanks"she said.

"Menntiioonn noottt"he replied with a genuine smile.

Though he was a little loud but at least he made Diana feel comfortable. Rachel looked at Diana furiously while Sarah and the boy slow danced to the song.

As they ended all clapped together. Sarah blushed and the boy kissed Sarah's cheeks.

"Eugene you both look so good together" complimented Colin.

"yeah they look made for each other"kat added.

"please you'll have your whole life to show off your relationship get off the stage" Marcus said cringing as they both looked at each other lovingly. 

Sarah giggled and came towards Diana.

" We'll take care of this you can go play"

Diana nodded slowly though she thought she was better here at the corner.

"Oh yeah I forgot"Sarah said slapping a hand on her forehead "This is Eugene my fiance and Eugene she is Diana"

Eugene smiled sweetly at her just like Sarah and said"Oh I've heard a lot about you.. You are really Sarah's favourite.. She was so excited to see you "

"She is my favorite too"katherine added from her seat.

"Guys all she did was kept mute the whole time forget about being favorite I literally don't like her" Rachel said eyeing Diana.


Thea was cut off by Diana "why. "

"Because you don-"

Diana cut Rachel again.

"No. Why do you think I care? "

The next sound was jaw dropping of the spectators. Marcus tried to control his laughter but failed miserably. Thea and Katherine laughed holding their stomachs.

"Now she is my favorite too"said Colin who was amused by the situation.

Ian just watched everything silently. She's just exactly what he wanted.

"You ugly brat! "Rachel stood up raging with fire.

Ian held her wrist to stop her from moving any further .

"No matter how hard you try you can never compete me! Ask any of the boys"she said turning to Ian. He left her wrist and she smiled seductively at him. "Tell aren't I pretty Ian? "

"Of course you are pretty"he replied which made her grin wide.

"pretty ugly"he completed.

Thea snorted from the side. And once again Katherine burst out laughing. Eugene looked at Sarah worriedly who looked at the thick tension ahead worriedly. Marcus praised Ian "THAATT'SS MYY BOOYY"patting on his back like he had just returned from war with victory.

Colin stood up silently and said"Alright guys I guess that's enough of games for tonight. Let's go to bed we all need to wake up early tomorrow. "he faked a yawn and stretched to make them believe him so that they leave before anything serious happens.


Diana was currently sitting on the rooftop watching YouTube dance tutorial. After the another heated argument Sarah requested Diana to apologize for peace which Diana did but Rachel didn't quite accepted her apology. After that Eugene went back to his home and Katherine Thea Sarah Rachel and Diana were left with only one room to share. There was a little controversy on who would sleep on the couch so they decided it with rock paper scissors. Sarah lost the game but since it was her special day tomorrow they played the game again except Sarah and eventually Katherine went to sleep on the couch.

Now a couch was still better than a bed with four people. Diana fell over on the ground as Thea kicked her out of the bed. Rachel slept with her mouth open in the middle and Sarah silently apologized to Diana for it. Diana told her not to bother and went out for a walk.

In the living room,Colin slept on a long armchair peacefully. Marcus was on the floor on his stomach snoring loudly. Ian slept on the couch putting his arm behind his head to use it as a pillow.

They left the upper floor for adults as Marcus said "We are young responsible kids ladies and gentlemen. "

"I shouldn't have volunteered for being a bridesmaid "Diana muttered to herself sighing.

It was cold and silent outside. She couldn't see very far from the rooftop as it was dark but the lake towards the south shone brightly under the moonlight.

"Damn internet sucks here"she said annoyingly as her screen went black for the fifth time now.

She looked at her reflection on the black screen. She still didn't had the answers to her questions and she was doing literally nothing to actually know the truth because sure she felt lazy. It would be too much work for her. But yet she felt the strong urge to solve the case. She have always wanted to do a adventure. She was lazy but ambitious.

Another reflection came in view behind her.

"What are you doing here? "she asked

"What are you doing here? He replied casually.

" Isn't it what I asked you first"she said turning her head.

His hair was patted down his head and his green orbs were darker than usual. He looked tired and his face was hard to read.

"I saw you coming here so I came to check on you"he said.

Diana smiled at this. He was rude to everyone around here but not to her. Though he was not very sweet but his care was evident.

"Sarah said that after the bride and groom dance she want all of us to join...so I was just practicing a little. "she explained.

"With thin air? "he asked raising an eyebrow.

Diana pursed her lips." I haven't asked anyone yet for dance and I actually don't know anyone here so I thought I would decide that later"

She fidgeted with her hands and Ian gazed at her. After a while he said.  "Aren't you cold? "

Sure it was too cold outside but Diana was too lost in her thoughts to notice that.

"Now when you say it I realize it's actually cold" she said rubbing her hands.

Ian took out his jacket and draped it across her arms. She blushed inhaling his sweet cologne. That was too cliche.

Ian saw that Diana is blushing so he cleared his throat.

" Don't catch a cold" he said formally before turning on his heels and leaving her alone.

Diana cheeks tinted crimson red. That was the first time she got attention from someone..that too such a handsome someone.. She hugged the jacket close to her hiding her face.

She felt something inside the pocket so she slipped her hands in and took it out.

It was a folded letter. It looked like it was scrunched and straightened many times. Her eyebrows knit together in confusion as she opened the letter.