Sandwich and screwdriver

Diana's pov

I took out the paper from the pocket and stared at it in confusion. I thought  to give it back to Ian as I didn't wanted to invade in his privacy but knowing that he could also turn out to be suspicious I opened it.

When the clues are coming itself walking to me then who am I to deny it?

My phone buzzed as it got network back and I looked at the caller ID.


" 'Sup Chloe"

" Oh I just saved all your snaps they were hilarious" she answered from the other side of the call.

Oh did I mention about the photographer personality in me? I love clicking snaps of every random thing and mostly send it to only Chloe. The last one was Sarah pressed against the wall as Chloe and Thea slept wildly.

" BTW I hope you remember our first year college is about to begin"

"Yeah yeah"i replied sitting back.

We talked for a little while mostly giving each other random life advices which we would never follow and judging the people we hate together. It's actually a blessing. We talked until the network again went cross and I scowled at it.

It was 3 in the morning.

Such a small talk!


I sipped in my coffee like it was the only thing that gave me energy. It was finally the wedding day. Sarah's wedding day. She was very happy and excited since the time she woke up. I was happy that she was happy.

Sarah stood by the closet as pile of clothes laid on the bed covering the whole bed. We decided a theme of white and lavender and every possible lavender dress was thrown on the bed in a mess. Rachel helped Thea check on her fitting as Katherine applied her 'face mask that will make your skin glow naturally throughout the day' as she would put.

"D would you like this? " Thea asked pulling out a short strapless glittering dress.

"That's weird"i replied imagining myself in the short dress. Comfort is my only priority.

"Don't tell me that you are going out there in a hoodie"Rachel said rolling her eyes.


I wanted to say but instead I said"Let me see"

I stood up from the chair and Rachel handed me the dress. Sarah looked carefully at us probably worrying if we would start fighting again. I pretended examining the dress and hummed in thought.

"So? "

"No not this "

They all clicked their tongue together. This was the 7th dress I rejected. Not my fault though they were either to revealing or too tight. I went to the bed and shuffled some clothes.

"Uh can I have a long gown? "

Sarah digged her head inside the closet rummaging through the piles of clothes before taking out a dress and everyone looked at me curiosly. I bit my lower lip in contemplation but anyways nodded and there shoulders dropped in a relaxed manner.


The door opened revealing Sarah in long white gown and a veil which cascaded down beautifully. Eugene was standing on the little stage that had been prepared for them. Since it was a memorable place, Sarah wanted to get wedded in the farmhouse which was kind of a good choice. The decorations were done with flowers which contrasted the nature behind. There was a red carpet that led to the stage. And all the guests were sitting around left and right in round tables. The colors matched perfectly with white cloth tables and voilet ribbons.

Everyone clapped as they saw Sarah. She blushed and smiled looking at Eugene who was staring at her in awe. She started walking forward with Uncle Jack. Eugene took her hand from his father and promised " I'll love her till the end of time"

He helped her climbing up the stage and the priest started with the ritual.

"I pronounce you thee man and wife"he said in a unique accent. "You may kiss the bride. "

Eugene lifted her veil and they both looked in each others eyes. He cupped her cheeks and pressed his lips against her. Marcus shouted and jumped like crazy standing between two girls with whom he was flirting awhile ago whereas the other two clapped decently happy for them. Thea and Rachel went to click pictures together as Katherine talked to the guests.

Where's Ian? I thought realizing I haven't seen him whole day.

"You searching for someone? "

Talk of the devil!!

"uh-noooooo"I said averting my eyes from him.

"Look at my eyes"he said. And I looked up at him. Though I was wearing the longest heel that I had ever wore in my life I didn't reached his eye level. His coat hung lowly in his left hand while his white shirt sleeves were folded and a few top buttons were open revealing his hard chest.

"Done staring? "he asked shaking me off my thoughts .

"uh-huh no.. I mean.. I wasn't staring"i said lifting my hand up casually as if it was the most obvious thing. And his eyes flickered in amusement.

"Ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention please" Marcus said in mic gaining everyone's attention. "now it's time for the new couples dance soo... PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER FOR SARAAAHHH ANNDD EUUUGGEEEENNEEE." he all but shouted even when he was clearly audible to everyone. Everybody clapped in appreciation.

The newly Wed came in the centre as slow song played and they danced together happily.

"They look so cute"i commented staring at them while my head fell to the side and I resisted the urge to cry at my single af life.

I noticed Ian noticing me but still didn't said anything then an idea came to my mind and I asked " Do you have a partner for the dance? "


"Great then be my partner"

He looked taken aback by my sudden request but he said "I don't dance "

" Neither do i"

He made a noncommittal sound. I was about to say'come on its not a dance competition'but then Marcus appeared all of a sudden.

"Ian and dance are like sandwich and screwdriver "

I thought for a moment before saying "That doesn't make any sense"

"Exactly "

I pursed my lips to avoid smiling as Ian looked at Marcus angrily.

" Don't worry I can accompany would be my honor. "he said taking my hand in his with a bow to kiss it but Ian snatched away my hand from his and said "fine"before pulling me towards the centre.

All gazed turned towards us. And I tried not to fall as the heels weren't cooperating . I would have simply wore my sneakers but since Katherine insisted I wore the smallest heels she had which was still very big for me. Everything went silent for a moment as they saw Ian walk up to the centre.And this time I tried not to shake from all the attention. Marcus grinned broadly folding his arms across his chest leaning against a pillar.

Ian turned towards me. He looked unaffected by anyone around and I envied that.

"Shall I have the honor?" he asked.

I blushed. Hard. Very hard. Like deepish red. He noticed my blush and put a hand gently on my arm nodding lightly. I nodded back. He took my hand and guided them around his neck as he held my waist.

Now I don't know what I'm going to do but something in his eyes told me to trust him.

Another soft music was put on speakers and he slowly moved and I followed suite. Sarah and Eugene left the ground for us and everybody were staring as if they saw a ghost. I clutched on his collar absentmindedly and he said" Didn't you said you don't care about what people think about you",his voice was low yet deep. He was talking about when I snapped back at Rachel .

"I don't "I murmured looking at his chest.

"Eyes Diana ". I shivered at how he said my name.

I looked up at him. His eyes bored in mine. He bent his head down a little to my ears and said almost whispering "You know your lips doesn't support you when you lie"

It took everything in me to not facepalm myself and jump at how my heart fluttered.

Stay still, Heart!

He backed away a little and looked at me again. We were looking at each other when everyone started clapping again as the song ended. I quickly pulled away. PDA wasn't really my thing. Marcus was jumping with excitement.

At least he had the freedom to jump.

The next song was put on and Rachel and Marcus entered together dancing as a pair. Katherine and Thea danced with some random boy and Sarah danced with her father.

"Hey"Colin said to us. I looked at him. He looked like he had been running all day.

"Hi"i replied.

He smiled at me and then looked at Ian. He said something with his eyes to him and Ian shook his head as no. I tried to comprehend the code language the were speaking in.

Katherine waved over to Colin "Heyyy "

He looked at us and bowed a little as a goodbye.

I turned to Ian who looked at space deep in thought. I was about to say something but he said first " I'll catch up with you later" patting my back a little before jogging off to Colin.

Something's not right.

"Hey D"said Sarah coming to me."Could you bring some pins it's there in the dressing table"

I agreed walking away from the crowd inside the house.I mistakenly first entered the room beside ours and was stunned to see Marcus and Rachel furiously making out.

"Sorry" I squealed closing the door instantly.

I entered the other messy room that we created while getting ready hastily. I went over to the dressing table.

Pins pins pins where are you?

It was in the third drawer. I took it out happily as I started to return.

"Oh I forgot to return this"i realized looking at Ian's jacket by the hanger. I took it and the paper fell down which I forgot to read  yesterday. I opened it again and read.

My mouth agape in shock as I read it.

Lester was wise that he moved from our way on its own but since you refuse to do that..I'll take the opportunity to help you..

You will live until wedding's over because I know that it would probably be your last wish...

Live the little life you got.!!

I shakily looked down to see who the letter was meant for.
