Unexpected Saviour

Easier said than done.

Yeah right.

I had this piece of information in my hand and now I didn't know what am I supposed to do with it.

I read it again.

'Until wedding's over '

Which was technically over.

"Ian"i breathed out finally understanding the situation "Oh god he's in danger! "

And then I ran in the speed of light. Carefully not trying to trip on my way.

I came out the house and to the bunch of people. I looked around for green eyes and tall frame. Anyone?


"Hey did you brin-"

"Where's Ian? "I cut Sarah off.

"uh- I think he's th-"

I didn't wait for her to complete and marched forward gripping on the paper tightly.

There were fewer people in the buffet area. Just waiters. I turned my head 360° and felt relieved at the sight of Ian.

He was standing alone at a distance talking in the phone. I sighed. But that didn't last long.

A waiter started walking towards him at a speed....to not alert him? And then i saw it. He had a revolver in his pocket and he slowly tried to take it out.

I called out to Ian but my voice ditched me. My heart thumped against my chest faster as the waiter pace quickened a bit.

God please dont let me die!

I ran towards him and for a moment I thought everything went in slow motion.

As I was about to reach the waiter my heels cracked and I tripped taking the waiter down with me.

Oh frick!

Ian's reflex worked quickly.

"Diana what are you-"he asked shocked but when he saw the revolver that fell on the ground his expressions changed.

He grabbed the waiter and picked him up harshly and gritted his teeth in anger.

Though I've never actually seen him cheerful but I haven't even seen him angry. His composure always remained cool in every situation.

"Diana are you okay"Colin asked as he came over to help me.

"Yea-"I was cut off with a loud thud.

"There must be more of them"

"Take everyone to a safe place. Cancel the celebrations. NOW! " Ian ordered.

He knocked off the waiter in just a punch and the guards came in to take him.

"Spread everywhere " Colin said to the other guards and started walking off.

Ian grabbed my face and looked at me thoroughly.

"Did the hurt you? "



I flinched at the sudden rise of voice.

"Keep her safe"

"No"i said stopping him from moving "I want to stay with you. "

"Now's not the time"he said lowly gripping my shoulder tightly before leaving them altogether.

I reluctantly walked with Colin. There was another bang and Colin instinctively moved me behind his back safely. I didn't wanted to look at violence but still gave a tepid eye glance.

Seems like there are more imposter.

Colin and I walked up to house which was shielded by Ian's men with guns where I saw everyone standing.

"Oh my!"my mother exclaimed almost at the verge of crying.

"Are you okay? "dad asked holding my arm.

"Did they hurt you"kat asked hurrying up to me.

"It's such a relief to see you" Thea sighed.

"yes... I kind of agree"Rachel muttered who was having a wild make out session with Marcus just moments ago.

I smiled at them"Im absolutely fine..don't worry"

I felt warm. They were all worried for me. No matter how distant we were to each other, we all cared.

Eugene and Mrs Ronald were consoling a crying Sarah. Colin walked out after safely escorting me here and I kind of was stuck in my mind again. All the questions that I had did only increase in number.

After a moment Ian came back.

"We took them down"he said simply. His calm posture came on again.

"Were they..?"my dad asked looking at Ian with a face that wished to answer him no.

Ian gave him a nod with a tired look and I resisted the urge to question everyone. Why am i kept in the dark?

"Aayyee what's gooiinngg oonnn" Marcus called out to all of us appearing from behind.

He looked at our faces and said"What?Is it Sarah's farewell already? "

At least I wasn't the only clueless one.


"Toast to that"we all clicked our glasses as we celebrated our little victory because 'there could have been worst'as Mr Jade would put.

We all sat on a long dining table for family dinner. After the incident guests were sent off safely by Colin as instructed by Ian. Mr Mrs jade,dad mom, Sarah's dad and Colin's dad-whom I haven't met yet-went to have a private conversation right after. Thea Kat Rachel tried cleaning up, Sarah attended the parting guests and Marcus? At least he was trying to understand..

"But no matter what y'all say the actual hero of today wasn't Ian "Sarah said teasing Ian.

He quietly dig in his food.

"Oh yeah then who? "asked Rachel.

" I guess y'all don't know but.. Diana went running to save Ian all of a sudden.. Like she was given some God secret word" Sarah said and all the heads turned to me.

"Oh yeah.. "Colin tapped a finger on his chin as if remembering "She was the one who fought the first imposter and took him down or else he would have attacked Ian long ago"

Did it looked like that? I laughed nervously " It wasn't that worth mentioning haha"

Thea added"Oh it was so unlikely of you.. But I have to agree you really did a great job"

I looked at my food embarrassed. The truth was I actually fell down and in the attempt to hold something the imposter fell with me. Accidentally saving Ian at the process.

This is so embarrassing.

"Thank you so much for saving my son" Mrs jade said smiling at me.

"I'm proud of you kid"My parents appreciated.

All took their turns to thank and praise me and it took all in me to not tell them the truth because that was too lame.

One by one everyone stood up after finishing their dinner and thanking God.

"I'll also go"said Rachel standing up.

Kat pinched Sarah and took her also dragging before winking at me. Marcus followed suite winking at me. Colin smiled at me showing his cute dimples before leaving as well.

Ian sat opposite to me. And I realized what they were up to.

"You shouldn't have come there"he said breaking the silence.

" Is that your way of saying thank you? "

"You are too stubborn "

"At least admit I saved you"i said with a pout.

He hummed in thought and said "Do we pretend that you didn't tripped on your heels?"

My cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

"I -i did-" I stuttered and he chuckled.

He chuckled?

I couldn't fight back the smile that crept in my face. That was a rare sight.

"Wow! You look good while smiling.. Why don't you try it often?"

"I don't have a entertainer with me often"

"Heeeyyyyy"i said faking a throw.

"But seriously you shouldn't have come there"he said putting a serious face again.

"uh but why were they... attacking you? And what's with that uncle Lester theory.. What's happening? "I asked with a lot of hope to him answer.

"So you read that letter? "

I nodded.

He sighed. "Look you don't know an-"

"Then tell me.... Please"i pleaded again.

"Curiosity kills the cat"

"But I'm not a cat"i pouted.

"But you are a kitten"he smirked.

He was talking about our first encounter where i meowed from behind the curtain.

I blushed again. Embarrassment is my best buddy!

" I swear I won't tell anyone "I pleaded again.

"It's not about telling it's .."he ran a hand through his hair in frustration and then said "fine".

He paused looking at me probably deciding from where to start.

"I'm all ears" I said bending forwards toward him.

"Look.. It's like.. Uncle Lester was the eldest son of the Ronald family that time.. After grandfather expired he was about to take on the company..but something happened and he sucided... We didn't knew about it until he left us.. Someone had eye on that position of the company and they tried to threaten all of us which was probably the reason y'all never came back to this farmhouse after that.. It was safe that way.. "

He paused for a moment and I urged him to go on.

"The floor which I said you not to go to.. There was uncle Lester room where he had sucided.. Seeing that we all came back to this town after long..we knew something might happen and it did. I received a dead threat for me because I'm the next heir of the company.. which was also the reason the sick people chased after you with guns" he said copying my tone when I busted in anger.

I smiled at the memory.."So.. Do you know who they are? "

"..no..we don't "

" We means probably all the adults know this.?"

He nodded.

"And other than that just you? "

"Colin Marcus and Sarah also knows about it... Sarah's mother also died because of this gang. "

Now everything started clearing in my head. Of course I remembered that we were informed about Sarah's mother death in the farmhouse..about which my parents didn't quite tell me about. I stayed with Sarah the whole night and eventually left this town the next morning. It was all too hasty and quick.

Ian noticed the frown in my face and said

" Come I'll show you something "

He helped me with my seat and I followed behind him towards the horse shed.

I stood there scanning for a minute before pointing towards a wall. It had something written with chalk in chicken scratch handwriting.

"Oh! "I exclaimed instantly recognizing the writing.

"I used to write here"i said grinning.

"And do you remember this? "he said pointing at the farthest doodle.

I saw it and definitely understood why he was showing this.

"Wait!Was it you? "I asked in disbelief.

He nodded scratching the back of his neck.

When I was little I used to come here and write down anything foolish I wanted to. Few days later I saw that there were replies to them in the same scratchy manner but the writing was still better. Basically I replied to them and the replies came back too.

"Oh my and I believed that godmother is talking to me"i said shaking my head.