Picnic panic

3rd persons pov

"Is this much enough "asked Marcus as he filled a basket with some snacks,fruits and drinks.

They were already popping out of it.

Katherine rolled her eyes and sighed. He had been asking questions ever since they all planned for a little picnic around.

After Sarah left with Eugene the mood eventually went down. Though Sarah insisted on staying but they didn't wanted her to get tensed and enjoy her new life. Since the events from yesterday took some really ugly turns,everyone was sick worried. Parents didn't wanted to see their children like this so they encouraged them for a little picnic.

"Does anyone knows where's D? "asked Kat changing the topic.

"Forget it"Thea replied pushing herself up the sofa,"By the time she'll decide to come, it probably would be dark outside "

"Okay let's go"Rachel said happily standing up as well. "Let's go Ian" she said turning to Ian and smiling sickly at him.

"...You all go I'll come later"he replied casually still scrolling in his phone.

The truth was he was waiting for Diana.

"Come on Iaannn I'm seeing you're ignoring me these days alot"she whined.

"Was there any time i didn't? "he said finally looking at her.

Rachel went silent.

That's the thing that made Rachel want Ian even more. He always stays tough. He knew what he was doing. Not a single girl could resist his attitude and looks. There was one more thing to Ian. He Was loyal.

Diana's steps broke the silence as she made her way down the stairs and Ian's eyes instinctively turned towards her.

She wore a beautiful yellow sundress and she struggled to put her hat properly. Her long hair in braids with ribbon giving her an altogether pretty look.

Rachel eyes turned towards her direction following Ian's gaze and she fumed in anger.

Ian stood up walking towards Diana and now everyone watched him.

True that he never showed interest in any girl.

"You need help in that? "he asked her as she finally noticed him.

"No.. I'm good i guess. "

He took the hat from her hand.She went to snatch it back but he lifted his hand up. Sure she couldn't reach it even though she was 2 stairs above him.

He gently placed the hat on her head properly.

"Now it won't fall"

She looked at him.

And all the others looked at them.


They all stood in the backyard having second thoughts on their plan.

"Er...is this okay?"asked katherine as she put a mat on the grass.

"Why don't you move it a little to the left..we probably don't want to smell dunk" Thea answered putting a weird face.

Rachel stood beside Marcus gripping his arm while he patiently watched them.

They had been doing this for 5 straight minutes.

He jumped and laid down on the mat strethching having enough of the girls sensitiveness. Kachel jumped beside him thinking that Ian would probably sit with his friend.

Diana stood with another mat on her hand as one would become too crowded for everyone plus knowing that they didn't wanted to have another argument.

"Hi"finally Colin came waving at everyone. Beside him was another elderly man with moustache and glasses. They both looked alot alike.

"You're late"Katherine said as Thea went to sit as well gulping a coke.

"I'm sorry..I got busy with some..stuffs" Colin said looking over at the elderly man.

"You all have grown up so much kids....Oh and we are probably meeting for the first time isn't it?"he said the next part referring to Diana.

"Yeah i've seen you for the first time"she admitted.

"D he's Colin's dad how come you don't know him?"Thea asked in bewilderment. "Good evening uncle"she greeted him.

"Good evening...I'll get going now.. You all enjoy your picnic. "he said and left.

Colin gestured Ian and he walked to him out of everyone's earshot.

"Do you plan on doing that anytime soon? "Kat asked Diana as she clutched on the mat and looked at Ian and Colin who were talking seriously.

"Who is Colin's dad again? "

"Uh- he is our friend and also our family lawyer or I must say he is one of the best lawyers, Mr Lorenzo ....Colin is basically doing law too " she explained with hand gestures.

They sat on the mat and Marcus pushed some sandwiches towards them while Katherine showed Diana some videos.

"Aww he's such a hawtie"Katherine said showing it to Diana as well.

"Heyy that's literally my boyfriend you're talking about " Diana replied snatching away the phone.

Marcus stood abruptly at the mention of 'boyfriend '.

"He's the love of my life" Diana said again putting a hand on her chest.

"Wait...YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND? "shouted Marcus with wide eyes.

"Boyfriend of Diana you say? " Thea scoffed eating her nachos. "Oh then it must be Jimin right? Thea asked sarcastically.

Now,anyone would have understood that except for Marcus... But if you also don't understand it then you must be unaware of K-pop.

Katherine turned to explain him but Diana spoke first.

"Yes and I'm dying to meet him"she said enjoying the sight of Marcus ignorance.

It was kind of actually true though.

Marcus eyes popped out of sockets and he stood up running to Ian straight. Kat and Diana burst out laughing. He probably was trying to play cupid for #dian. Ever since Ian

told Colin and Marcus about how his childhood crush is back to the town,Marcus is dying to ship them together.

But there were more important things for Ian to handle. He couldn't simply leave his responsibilities behind for his own selfishness. Even though he wanted to but couldn't take out the time. His dad did that and is regretting till date. Because of his negligence that he wouldn't take his brother's place the authority and the main management went on the hands of Board of Directors.

Colin and Ian were still discussing about the plan when Marcus stepped on between. "You will grow old before age if you act like one. "Marcus said in annoyance. "You are a young man go chase the girl before someone else does"

"What are your trying to say Marcus? "Ian asked rubbing his forehead.

"I don't know that but i think he is kind of correct"Colin said to Ian.

"What do you mean? This is important!"Ian said running a hand through his hair.

"That is as well" Marcus and Colin said in unison.

Marcus turned to Colin and faked a cry hugging him tightly. "You understand me bro"

Colin closed his eyes to keep his calm and turned to Ian. "Why don't you take a little break.. Trust me I'll handle everything"

"Yeah leave everything on us" Marcus said turning to him as well.

"But-" Colin put a hand on his shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

Ian turned to Diana and looked at her for A moment before sighing "Fine".

Marcus pulled him closer in a trio hug and he groaned .

"But promise that you'll keep me updated "

"of course "Colin promised.

"Uh-by the way i forgot"Marcus said scratching his head.

"Leave it don't pressurize your small brain. " Colin joked.

"No it's seriously something serious "

Ian started walking away from them and towards the picnic spot before Marcus finally remembered.


Ian turned to him as his eyebrows knit together on confusion.

"What about Diana? "asked Colin.

"Oh..she.. She said she um"

"Say it clearly "Ian demanded.

"Diana have a boyfriend "

And Colin went from oh! To ooooohhhhh???????

"Are you being serious now? "

"I swear "Marcus answered touching the nape of his neck.

"And how do you know that? " Ian asked having trust issues on Marcus.

"She just said.. She said it to Kat... Thea also know about it.. She told the name.. "

Ian's heart clutched on his chest. Nothing was going right in his life. Everything seemed to fall apart.

Marcus panicked seeing the reaction of Ian's face. "I'm so sorry BROOOO" he shouted feeling bad for conveying the news and gaining everyone's attention in the process.

Colin tried to shut him up but he continued "IT MUST HURT YOU SO MUCH ISNT IT.. OH MY ARE YOU HAVING A HEART ATTACK? "

Diana spat on her drink as she heard that. Everybody panicked and stood up running towards the trio group.

"who's having heart attack? "asked Thea as she walked up to them.

Colin tried to say but Marcus pointed at Ian. Ian stood there still not understanding why is this even happening.

Diana ran straight to Ian. "Hey are you okay? What happened? Are you stressing? What is it? Is it that same gan-" Ian cut her off putting a finger on her mouth.

"I think you're perfectly fine"she muttered drawing eyebrows together.

"Heeeyyy Iann"Rachel said pushing Diana away a little and gripping his face. He threw her hands away instantly.

Sure this girl doesn't know when to stop.

Katherine came sighing "I didn't even believed in it because obviously the words came out of Marcus mouth"

"But what happened anyways? "asked Thea chewing sandwich.

"I was telling about Diana's boyfie--"

"Birthday" Ian said cutting him off before he could make it obvious in front of everyone.

"Oh you remember my birthday " Diana asked smiling at him.

He turned and smiled back" Yeah".

"DID HE JUST SMILED? " now said Marcus, Colin,Katherine,Thea and Rachel altogether in chorus.

"why what's wrong" he asked schooling his features.

"Nothing "

"no nothing"

"uh- let's go I'm really hungry..."Colin said grabbing everyone and giving them some privacy.

Diana looked at everything in confusion. Ian turned to her.

"Why don't you tell me when is my birthday "she asked thinking that maybe he was just babbling.

"11 november"

"Wow! You seriously remember that"she laughed.

Ian's smile widened. Her smile made his heart flutter and he felt a foreign type of feeling towards the girl standing in front he had never felt before.

"Want to go on a ride? " Ian asked.

Diana hesitated a bit.

why is he acting so strange to me? She thought to herself.

"Uh where? "

"Anywhere "he replied coming closer.

"Away from everyone "