Too romantic

Diana's pov

Cool breeze fanned my face soothingly as I poked my head out of the window of the car. The sky was clear and the weather was awesome.There were random'Coos' and whatever other sound the mysterious birds made. I closed my eyes at the sensation feeling myself calm in nature.

Beside me in the drivers seat sat Ian who was focusing on the narrow path to whose both sides were thick forest. He looked damn irresistible in a white shirt, blue trousers and nike sneakers. And the fact that he was so focused on the road ahead was like cherry on the top. His sleeves were folded giving a nice view of his veiny hands

and I'd be lying if i said my heart didn't felt something looking at the man beside.

Now when Ian announced that we were heading somewhere I expected Marcus to jump and shout and ask questions but he just said"OKAAAYYY". I just received some odd reactions from Thea and Rachel. Katherine raised an eyebrow at me smirking slyly and i just shrugged mouthing "don't know ".

Now to be honest I really didn't know where this 'somewhere' was but i really needed a break from all the attention.

"Where are we going?" i asked suddenly getting curious as the forest ended and a brigde came in view. It became a little more brighter as the tall trees didn't surrounded the car anymore.

" Why don't you just enjoy ?"he answered with another question.

He always answers like that.

"Look outside"he said turning to me again with a smile.

I turned my head out.

"Oh Wooowwwwwwwwww" the words came out of my mouth instantly seeing the scenario outside.

It was a retro kind of wooden bridge and beneath it,was shimmering water. As far as you can see it was water and higher altitude land in a zig zag manner. The water moved quietly and it has a therapeutic aura in it. To be honest I'm a big fan of disney and this looked nothing less than a dreamland setting.

Ian stopped the car at the middle of the bridge and went out. He came to my side and opened my door for me.

He won't drown me down there. Would he?

But I already felt drowning in him as he took my hands in his and helped me out. He looked at me intensely and i couldn't break the connection. It felt strong.

He looked down at our hands and rubbed it with his thumb before exhaling and looking at the right taking in the scenario. Butterflies danced in my stomach and if took all in me to not melt down in his sneakers.

"Uncle Lester and I used to come here often when I was small"he said looking around as if he was reliving the past.

I nodded. He must be close to uncle Lester.

"This is a very beautiful place"i confessed. Of course it was indeed the place anyone would have wanted to stay in. At least anyone of my type.

"I know. "he turned to me again. "After he left me I always came here whenever I missed him"he said smiling sadly.

"Sooo.. "i asked teasingly "you mean you're sharing your secret spot with me?"

He chuckled a bit and nodded.

I grinned widely"Well then thank you so much because i really loved it "i said bowing a little.

"Want to take a closer look? "

"Why not"

We moved towards the edge of the bridge. It was round a little and the reflection of it sure made a full circle.

"Wow this is too romantic "i said again looking at the river. From my peripheral vision i can see that he was looking at me.

"This river joins the lake behind our farmhouse "he informed me.

I nodded.

I took out my phone. Of course i have to capture them in my moments forever. I clicked 56 pictures zooming in, zooming out, panorama, focusing on some main elements, waiting for a fish to jump. Ian watched me patiently.

"Let's take some pictures together "i suggested already jumping and settling the phone infront the tire to support it stand still and setting timer.

"How should we pose? "i said panicking as the timer beep beeped. I never act good under pressure i guess.

Ian smoothly slid his left hand across my waist and I moved my hands behind his large back or else it would have been nudged awkwardly between our bodies.

I felt tingles in the entire area where his grip was. I turned to him and he was already looking at me. I felt blood run to my cheeks standing so close to him. He felt my nervousness and said. "Smile kitten".

And i instantly blushed controlling myself from grinning. How can he say anything so smoothly?


The picture clicked and i went running to look at it trying to avoid Ian 'cuz HE SET MY HEART ON FIRE. If anyone who didn't knew us looked at the picture they would have assumed that we were some couple on a romantic date looking at each other lovingly.

"Now that's too romantic"he said standing behind me peeking at the picture. He copied my tone from previously how i said 'too romantic '.

I felt his hard chest behind me and clutched the phone tightly. I've never been used to this close to a boy. My throat dried and no words came out.

He leaned in forward bending a little towards my ear resting both his hands on either side of me. And my body heated up. I was sandwiched between him and the car. He looked at me with a smirk and i looked away trying not to show him my red face.

"Do I make you nervous? "he all but whispered adding fuel to the fire he set. "hm, Diana? "he said resting his head on my shoulder "Does me being this close to you makes you nervous? "he said slowly.

I resisted the urge to jump or hit on something furiously or facepalm myself. The feeling was overwhelming.

"I-I I'm -"

"Look at me"

I turned to him. His green orbs looked in my hazel eyes. His eyes went down to my lips and he bit his lips.

Give me some holy water oh holy Jesus fucking Christ.

He raised his right hand towards my face and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

His eyes roamed all around my face. I turned a little trying to face him fully. His other hand rested on my hips as he cupped my cheeks with the first one. He leaned forward slightly.

I was sure going to pass out, I could feel my legs giving out at the slow intimacy.


I flinched at the sound as my phone buzzed in my hand. Ian cleared his throat and moved back scratching the back of his neck and looking anywhere but at me.

I sighed loudly. This was going to be my first kiss. Which motherfucker decided to call me now?

"Chlowweee" I groaned silently.

" YOU AR-" I stopped mid sentence as Ian's attention was on me.

I excused myself from him saying that it was urgent he said he too had to make a call so we stood at the two opposite sides. Our back facing each other.

"Oh you're such a cunt"i shouted whispered.

"Why why why"

"I was just going to share my first kiss and you... "i stomped my foot on the bridge crying inwardly.

"Oh shit I'm such a cunt"she agreed"I'm so sorry i didn't wanted to be your enemy"

I sighed shaking my head. Of course it wasn't her fault. Had she known about it she would have never called in between. In fact she had always tried to ship me with random boys but to be honest i can never keep my cool because of which no boy ever tried on me.

"Leave.. What is it? Why you called? "

"Uh next week is our first day to College i just called to inform you about that"

"Oh yeah I'll be back soon to the city"

We talked for a while. She explained me some stuffs which i missed and i didn't understand anything but still said okay.

I hung the call only to feel nervous about how would I face Ian. Would he try to kiss me again? What was that even all about?

I turned to see him still on the call. His forehead was creased in stress as he spoke only few words. "Yes","No","Okay","And","hm"

He hung up the call and turned to me. "It probably is going to be dark soon... Let's get back home"

I nodded.


I sat on the terrace chewing popcorn as i scratched some points on a sheet of paper.

I still had that dead threat of Ian which I intentionally kept and fortunately he forgot about it.

I tried to write down all the possible reasons that could happen. I mean i had to start with something so i had to have some assumptions, some suspects, some clues, Right? I have watched enough of Sherlock Holmes to know this much. I was in deep thought when i heard some noises. It was 2 am sure everyone was asleep.

I peeked down standing at the edge. I roamed my eyes everywhere until my eyes landed on a lean figure. It was wearing a hoodie and I couldn't clearly see his face.

What if he's one of the men from that sick gang?

I watched his moves carefully. He was trying to break something. I picked my phone out and tapped on the click multiple times without actually seeing what it was covering.

After a good number of minute he looked here and there and started walking off...towards a car?

I couldn't let him runaway like this and i didn't had the time to inform anyone else. I quickly made my way downstairs secretly praying that he would still be there. I made my way outside and was about to run towards him when I saw he was still standing there in his position talking in phone.

I ran backwards and hid behind a wall. A jeep was parked in the driveway and i knew it belonged to him. I tip toed my way till his car and lied down in the trunk of his jeep wrangler.

I was thinking who to call when the door opened and the engine started.