
Have you ever regretted a decision? Yeah I guess everyone have their own regrets.

Here I was curled up like a ball in the trunk of a jeep wrangler hiding from the driver whom I basically didn't even know.

It was the time to regret life decisions. I wasn't even sure what I was doing there.

It could turn dangerous right? Or it could be a total waste? Either way I should worry.

I tried hard to not wince in pain everytime the jeep jumped which caused my head to smack the metal. By the time we'll reach our destination I'm sure I will have a memory loss.

It wasn't even fun I was feeling sleepy but anyhow composed myself.

The car finally stopped and it looked liked we were going to enter from the backdoor of wherever we were.

Maybe I should just shake hands with him and offer him to work together.

The door to the hoodie man side opened and I buried myself more inside the trunk. He moved to the passenger's seat and hung a bag over one shoulder before running off towards the front.

I lifted my head slightly to look at him. He made swift moves towards a large wall which looked like great wall of China. He turned around probably to confirm nobody's watching and I quickly put my heads down again.

After a moment I hesitantly looked up. He was standing in front of that long wall and in a blink of an eye he jumped up crossing to the other side.

Smooth like butter!

Maybe he was just a thief breaking into houses? But now if I've come so far then let's go see.

I jumped out the jeep yawning. This was too much work. A lot of my respect to detectives and police.

I walked towards the wall trying to be as swift that hoodie man but failed miserably.

I stood in front of the wall and went in deep thoughts that how could I even make it to the other side.

I jumped until my lungs gave out. This was basically how it felt to workout. I breath rapidly having second thoughts on my plan when I saw a tree that was starting from this side and ending on the other.

It wouldn't hurt to give it a try,would it?

I climbed up the tree. Thank to God it was having a weird shape that made it easier to put my legs on. The other side came in view and it kind of looked familiar.

I looked down from where I was half sitting half standing in a awkward position. I felt dizzy from this much height and quickly looked away.

Lesson: Never climb a tree unless you know how to come down.

I tried going back the way I came from accidentally slipping my foot and losing my balance. Once again my hands searched something to grip on,and I held the hand of the tree tightly.

Now I couldn't even call for help. I tried lifting my left leg back to where it was but couldn't manage to do so. My arms started hurting violently, I wasn't aware of my weight.

I knew it wasn't that above the ground level but it looked high from here.

Arms or butt?Arms or butt?

Ending my debate I let go of the tree and fell straight on the ground.

"Ouch"i whispered rubbing my butt. I looked around and then I recognized it. I was at the backyard of Ian's mansion. Now sure a thief couldn't go to related places.

I stood up dusting myself feeling like maybe it wasn't a bad decision. I walked towards the mansion and got frustrated in two steps. Damn why do they had to make such a big garden.

After walking a bit and carefully avoiding the guard who was sleeping I saw the back door open. I entered it slowly looking around and closing the door behind. It was dark inside and some muffled voices came from a distance. I tried to follow it getting lost in the way multiple times. Finally the man came in sight. He was standing by the stairs alone checking something on his mobile. He switched on his flashlight and made steps up the stairs.

I followed behind him cursing under my breath at the same time. This was too much workout for me. We reached the floor of Katherine's room where I stayed last time. He looked around a moment and then continued his walk towards the next flight of stairs to the floor where Ian said me not to go,where I almost died last time when I went there.

My sleepiness bid me goodbye as anxiety said hello. That was a serious floor and I was literally here alone following god-knows-who bare handed. I didn't even had any knowledge of martial arts nor self defense.

I bit my lip thinking about what to do next, "Curiosity kills the cat" Ian's voice ran in the back of my head. I took a vase from the third table following the man to the second floor. He wasn't at sight so I was being extra careful so that he doesn't surprise me from behind like 'boom bitch I caught you.'

I reached the floor and slowly made my way to the corridor. I remembered that there was one room which was Ian's here at the straight and I didn't turned towards the right last time. It was a L shaped corridor.

I made my way towards the end and poked my head out to glance at the right. Yes, my guess was correct. There was another room and the doors were left ajar.

I took out my phone and texted Chloe.

Me: If I die then please bury my diary and tell my family I loved them.

I kept it back inside my pocket and took a deep breath. "Relax you can do it"i mumbled to myself.

I marched towards the right taking baby steps as my heart pounded loudly against my chest as if it would come out any moment. My legs and hands went cold and I clutched on the hem of my shirt tightly.

I peeked inside the room,the vase still in my hand. I picked it up in front of my face protectively in case you know..

I made no sounds while walking further inside. It was darker here and there were no lights switched on.

Maybe I was following a ghost?

I started reversing on my tracks while trying to catch a glimpse of the room before bumping into something.

Or someone.

"Oucxhh"i whispered the second time today.

Whoever was standing infront panicked and attempted to run away accidentally hitting the wall and lying down straight on the floor.

I quickly went for the switch slapping my hand anywhere in the wall and eventually finding the lights.

"I'm sorry I-I"he stopped mid sentence looking at me.

He was a lean man with freckles on his cheeks. He was a little tan and had pink plump lips.

"Wow you're kind of... Hot "he said using his elbow to lift him up the floor.

I rolled my eyes. Seriously this was happening after all this?

"Who are you? And why are you here? Why did you secretly break in the house? Answer now or else you have to face the consequences " I said trying to threaten him with the vase.

He lifted his hand in innocence" Wow you're even feisty."

I gave him the hardest glare I could muster trying to intimidate him but I knew I wasn't looking scary as his amusement grew wider.

"Alright I'll call the cops"i said taking out my phone.

"Oh no wait I'll tell everything "he requested. My phone dinged and I saw a notification from Chloe.

Chloe:You can't die without returning my money or else I'll kill you.

I smiled at the text.

Me:How are you going to kill me if I die?

"Hey are you even listening? "the man asked giving me a weird expression.

"Oh y-yeah "i said putting my phone away.

"Look I was just here for some research.. You know...I mean I was looking for some information "he confessed nervously.

"What kind of information? " I asked.

He narrowed his eyes at me and said "First tell me who are you? I've never seen you here before. "

Now it was my turn to become nervous. "Uh I-I'm Diana.."

"And what are you doing here? "he said standing up and folding his hands across his chest.

"What do you mean?I came here following behind you." I replied folding my arms as well .

He sighed and said "Look I was just here to find some evidence against whoever is behind all the mess"

"You mean the uncle Lester case? "i asked surprised.

He looked as surprised as me. "Wait.. You too? "

I raised an eyebrow at him" Are you being honest? "

He grinned widely"Oh I forgot to say."he said slapping a hand on his head "I'm Fezco and I'm currently doing law.. My dad is handling the case right now and he wasn't giving me a chance to prove myself so I decided to do it on my own. "

"So that makes you?".Colin's brother?

"Mr Lorenzo's son"he said shrugging.

"I didn't knew Colin had a brother ". In reality I knew nothing.

His smile dropped and he scowled a bit. "Of course you know him... My dad only trusts him and never me. He never talks to me about this case. "he said pouting.

And then his face lightened and he snapped his fingers as if he got a wonderful idea. "You said you are also curious about the case? "

"Er.. ..I never said that..but yes I want to know the truth "

"Great then. We can work together "he said moving a hand forward.


"1 and 1 is eleven and as we have the same goal why don't we work together,it would be easier and faster that way. "

I thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay then. Deal"

"Deal "he said happily.

"So where do we start from? " i asked.

"This is uncle Lester's room. I came here to see if I could find anything "

"Don't you think it must have been already searched? "i asked the obvious question.

"I know. But what's wrong in trying our luck? And who knows who's hiding what.. I feel like someone from us is involved in this too"

Even I thought about that earlier. "So we should search together?"

He nodded. "See ther-"he suddenly stopped halfway focusing on something.

"What happ-".

He gestured me to stay silent and hear properly. My eyes went wide as I heard the footsteps as well.

"What do we do now? "i whispered panicking.

"uh I don't know "he said shrugging.

"Wait you came here all the way without a plan B? " I hissed at him.

"You're saying that as if you have one"

There was no time to argue. He looked around while I paced back and forth feeling a pit of fear in my stomach. For a moment the footsteps stopped and then got louder.

Somebody probably stopped by Ian's room before turning towards our direction.

Fezco froze,the color draining from his face. My heart kicked into overdrive and I bolted towards the only closet in the room,snatching the back of his hoodie and yanking him with me.

"Wait that's probably the worst idea"he protested.

I pushed him inside,jumping in as well closing the closet door. It was too small for the two of us. The door that was left ajar opened fully with a bang. I felt sweat form on my forehead. Fezco who was trying to adjust in the closest properly stopped.

"What do we do now? "he asked me as if I knew about it.

An idea hit me and without having second thoughts I started pulling out his hoodie.

"Wait...what are you doing.?"

We just needed an excuse and this was probably the best my brain could think of.

"Take off your hoodie "I hissed at him.

"What?No!" he said pressing himself further against the closet wall.

It was too late. Fezco closed his eyes shut as the door opened.

"Well. What do we have here? "