
Ian's pov

"Seriously.... What do you think you both are doing here..? " I growled looking at Diana and Colin's brother Fezco,who were alongside each other.

Diana quickly let go of Fezco's hoodie letting it cover his midriff and Fezco's face tinted crimson.

Earlier Marcus did said Diana had a boyfriend. So is it true? Was it Colin's brother? But he was abroad for studying. When did he even came back and why didn't Colin told me about it.

"Uh w-we thought it was Mr Jade so were just trying to hide" Fezco confessed coming out of the closet.

"In a closet?" I asked feeling exasperated.

Fezco pointed towards Diana "Ask her "

I turned to her when she was looking at Fezco like she would kill him but instantly changed her features. I looked at her expecting an answer. She looked down and played with her hands, something she always does when she is nervous.

"What was your plan for such a situation?"i asked after a moment since she would never speak until spoken to.

"I don't know. Maybe a...secret hookup?"she said looking uneasy.

I felt millions of pointed needles slicing through my chest. Now I really felt bad to try and kiss her. But maybe if I would had confessed to her earlier this wouldn't have happened. I could never take out time for me on top of that the blackmail have started again and we yet couldn't find any proof.

"We are sorry for intruding here. I know you must be very close to this room. " Diana said sensing my hurt wrongly and nudging Fezco urging him to say something.

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off "It's okay " I said feeling my chest tighten. "You... You both continue. "

"NO"They both shouted. "It's nothing like you think "Diana said moving away from Fezco .

"Yeah"Fezco agreed moving away as well. I frowned at them. Why are they Lying!

"Isn't Fezco your boyfriend? "i asked facing Diana losing the last bit of patience.

Her eyes widened with shock "What? NO!"

I folded my arms across my chest "Don't lie.Marcus told me everything "

"Heeeyyyyy what did you tell them about me? I literally met you 10 minutes ago "Fezco asked Diana.

Her eyebrows joined together and her mouth hung lowly. "When did Marcus say this? "She asked as if already knowing the answer.

"...On the picnic day" i answered glaring at Fezco.

She exhaled, shaked her head and started laughing.

"What amuses you? " i asked feeling irritated with the whole situation now.

"Oh Marcus is such a fool."she again shaked her head. "Hey Ian he misunderstood me... I said Jimin is my boyfriend ".

"So Fezco isn't your boyfriend.. Someone else is? " That doesn't even make any difference, she's yet taken.

She laughed again and I seriously doubted what's wrong with her. Fezco's tapped his chin ,"Hey are you talking about Park Jimin? "he asked Diana and she nodded. He also started laughing but when he looked at me he stopped at once. Sure I found none of this funny.

"He is boyfriend to almost half of the girl's nation " Fezco said.

"What do you mean? "

"Bro Jimin is a famous K-pop singer..All girls drool over him. "Fezco said shrugging.

"So you mean..you are single? "I asked Diana curiously.

"By birth "she joked chuckling. "Seriously we just met like 15 minutes ago"she said referring to Fezco.

"But what were you here for in the first place? "

"I came here following behind Fezco. He was standing alone at the backyard with hoodie and he kind of looked suspicious so-"

"So you followed someone 'suspicious' alone? You know that's the craziest shit you've done today "I said "What if it wasn't Fezco and something really serious.. What would you've had done then?"I asked feeling angry and worried both at the same time.

She took out a vase from behind her hand and showed me proudly.

Seriously, this girl!

I sighed running a hand through my hair "Fuck... You don't understand this isn't a joke Diana.. "

"I was just trying to help"she said pouting and she looked so cute but this was a serious matter.

Focus Ian!

"Look Diana, leave it be. I'll do that part. You don't have to worry about any of this. "

"Even I have the right to know the truth why can't I do this.?" she said turning angry.

I tried my best not to scold her at her stubbornness. "This could be dangerous.So please stay out of it. " I said as gently as I could.

"It won't be dangerous I promise I'll be more careful from next time onw-"

"There's no next time Diana "I said sternly.

She huffed,"Fine .". And then added "If you don't want to help us then we'll do it on our own"

"Who's us? "

She pointed behind me and I turned only to see Fezco comfortably sitting on a spinning chair and checking it's highest speed.

I closed my eyes to not get affected by their clumsiness. They would reach nowhere together but only create more problems.I can guarantee that.

I inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly before turning back to Diana. "Fine.. I agree. "she grinned ear to ear.

"But.. "and her face expressions instantly changed with a pleading face.

"Promise me that you will do nothing without me"

"I promise "she said again smiling.

I smiled back at her and her smile widened. Diana is like the light in my life. Ever since I've seen her, I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Though I've taken things for granted and thought I almost lost her,but now when life's giving me a second chance I won't let it waste. I'll confess to her before it gets late. She is the only person I want to look at everyday. She is the face I want to look at after a tiring day. She is the person I want to have my babi-

Oh well okay I'll stop there .

A long silence fell between us but it wasn't awkward, it was comforting. I looked at her with intensity wishing that maybe she could read them. I've never been good with feelings. I always feel my heartbeat stop and then suddenly accelerate in full speed whenever Diana is around. She is rare. She is innocent, that's what makes her unique.

I feel tangled in her long brunette hair, she makes me want to write poetries.

"Er.. Am I the third wheel? "said Fezco teasingly shaking me off my thoughts. Diana quickly averted her gaze blushing.

I cleared my throat and turned to him "Should I inform Mr Lorenzo that his son is here? "

His face turned horrified. Good. "No no no " he said moving his head vigorously.

"So.. "Diana said .

"So? "I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Where do we start from? "she said giving me a quizzical look.

"Tomorrow "I said simply. She opened her mouth to protest but I said first "It's almost going to be dawn and you haven't even informed anyone from home."

She closed her mouth and nodded giving me a thumbs up"You're a genius "

"I know "I replied cockily. She rolled her eyes at me.

Did she just rolled her eyes at me?

Don't worry I'm nothing like fifty shades of grey.

"Okay then we'll start from tomorrow and promise you won't go back on your words "

"I'm a man of my words "

"Excuse me you'll are forgetting about me " Fezco croaked from the bed where he lied half on it and his legs hung on the air. He could sleep any minute.


"So what's the plan?" my dad asked me about the new project of the construction of factory.

I drove Diana back to the farmhouse also having to carry a sleeping Fezco. She must be still sleeping. But I had to come to take care of this month plans.

"We need to go to look at some plots for its construction " I pointed the obvious facts.

He sighed "Ian just take a break.. It had been a stressful week for you. Ever since childhood all you have done is work "

"I AGRREEEE UNCLLEEE" shouted none other but Marcus.

He jumped beside me on the couch grabbing a apple juice and slurping on it making himself home.

"Even Marcus understands this but not you "my father said pulling a long face.

"YES UNCLLL-"I slapped the back of his head mid sentence.

"Don't scream near my ear" I warned.

Bc the whole state can hear him.

He pouted and turned to Mr Jade. "UNNCclleee "he lowered his voice when I raised my hand again.

"Instead of hitting me go hit on your crush "

Marcus said.

My father head snapped towards him at a speed I wondered if he broke his neck.

"Crush? You mean Ian has finally a girl in his life "he asked shocked.

I tried to stop Marcus from speaking but who could ever stop him."Yeesss uncle.. And it is none other than Mr Bennett's daughter "

There that is. I was trying to first find out whether Diana feels the same way or not but he destroyed everything. I didn't wanted to take things in a rush.

My father face looked shocked surprised happy all at once.

"Tell me that's true ?"he asked me getting enthusiastic.

There was no point in denying anyways. Taking my silence as a cue to yes he stood up and jumped with Marcus.

Now you are so gonna die Marcus.