Marcus of parallel universe

Diana's pov

I yawned for the 99th time today. Now, being a sleep lover and then only sleeping 3 4 hours really hurts. I love sleeping for the fact that I can avoid reality when I sleep. Just a pitch black of nothingness. I like it that way. This world bores me and I don't even know what am I supposed to do here, I mean what's the purpose?

Feeling annoyed I laid back on the bed because, let's face it I'm jobless. My phone beeped and I lazily threw my hand here and there until I finally found it.

Unknown Caller I'd

"Hello? "

"Agent Davis your presence is requested. Now !" said a male voice from the other end.

I moved my phone back and stared at it for a second as if it's an alien. Presence is requested ? What is it some king?

"I guess you've dialed some wrong number" I said not so confident.

"Ouuff Diana just come to Ian's study this is Fezco "

"Oh.... Where.. Did you get my number from? "

"I have sources "he said and I imagined him shrugging.

I reluctantly stood up from bed to the mirror. I, for sure looked like a ghost. But.. Who cares? I simply tied my hair up in a bun and walked out.

"Where's this Ian's study? "I asked a passing housekeeper.

He pointed towards a room on the next floor. I thanked him and made my way there.

I knocked on the door and almost immediately Fezco opened the door yanking me in and closing the door behind.

I saw Ian sitting in the head of his table and Colin and Marcus sat opposite to him.

Wait what's that.

"What happened to your face Marcus? "I asked him. His left side cheeks were swollen and purplish blue .

He looked at Ian and then Colin then back at me and then to the ground.

That was so not like Marcus. He being decent and silent? That sounds parallel universe.

Colin said first "Come sit here. Ian told that you also want to be a part of this so we are discussing it today "

I beamed with happiness. Ian actually listened to me? Fezco brought two chairs from the corner of the room and sat in one passing me the other.

"That's not her seat "Ian interrupted "This is "he said pointing to the chair beside him.

I ignored how Fezco grinned mischievously as I took my seat.

"So,what are we discussing? "I asked after becoming comfortable.

Colin and Ian exchanged glances and then Ian said "As I told you whoever this is behind all the mess is after the company's position so we are trying to get to the root of it.Now, since the legal ways aren't working.. "he stopped and Colin continued. "We are planning to do it on our own "

"So how do we start "Fezco asked with keen interest.

"That's what we are here for " Colin replied.

"So it means we'll be one team? " Fezco said "Then we should name it nicely. Like I did with Agent Davis "

"Hey that won't be my name I don't like it "

"No it's the best. We need to stay alert and hide our identity "he said seriously.

"Then you'll be Agent Fiona" I replied acting serious.

He pouted and Ian cleared his throat. He really was being patient with us after all.

"To start with anything first let me make this clear It's. Not. A. Joke "he said calmly yet dangerously eyeing both me and Fezco.

Colin tried to continue "Whoever it is can go to any extents that's why we have to be extra careful. They can hurt our family.. They have done it before when we were being too close to the case. "he looked down and then continued. " I think we should start from the beginning and then join the pieces together only then we could find something strong enough to prove something. "

"So we should start from uncle Lester's case? "i asked .

Ian nodded. "Though it was said that he sucided but.. "Ian stopped mid sentence.

Now, I'm not good at consoling people but I've watched romantic pamperings a lot so I did what I knew.

I held his hand and squeezed it tightly. I hope I'm doing it right. But I really wanted to show him that he's not alone in this. I wanted to share his pain.

He looked at me for the first time today like he always did. I don't know how to describe it. A few moments ago he looked emotionless and serious and his eyes were darker. Even now he has a straight face but his eyes are a lighter green and whenever he looks at me like that I feel something strong , I just couldn't really put my hand on what.

He continued "We aren't sure.. We think he was... "he took a sharp breath.

"It's okay if you're not comfortable " I said soothingly.

"He was murdered "he said exhaling.

Murder? Like serious murder? No I won't ask this dumb question.

I stared at him. I felt really bad for him. Life has been really cruel to him.

"Whenever they both are together why do I feel like I'm the third wheel? "asked Fezco destroying our intense eye contact.

Colin shushed him and Marcus..?

"Why is he so silent today? "I asked feeling weird and also trying to change the topic.

"His jaw hurts from speaking "Ian said casually.

"Yeah but who did this to you? ".

Marcus looked up from the ground and again back.

"Diana "Colin said shifting my attention from Marcus to him. "I'm going to collect all the information that my father has and then we can go through it together."

"Perfeectttt"Fezco said slamming his hand against the table excitedly. "But..we haven't decided the group name. "

"Where will F and D fit between the MIC boys.?" i asked.

Ian cringed at the mention of MIC boys and Colin giggled at his reaction. I smiled looking at them. They both were like own brothers. Even Marcus is close to them but I don't understand what had happened to him today.

The door of the study room opened and we all turned to the direction of it. Mr Jade Ronald in a teal suit came in walking towards us.

He turned to Ian and saw me sitting beside him. He gave me a ugly look before turning to Ian and saying "So have you decided? "

He thought for a moment and then nodded.

Mr Jade smiled widely showing his wrinkled beside his eyes. He turned to Colin "You'll take care of the rest won't you "

"Sure "

"what is he talking about? " I whispered narrowing my eyes at Mr Jade and leaning in to Ian.

"I'm taking a short break from the work "he replied in my voice level and I turned realizing that we were too close. I abruptly straightened on my seat awkwardly.