
Chp 14:-Subconscious

"I'm heading out. Please be quick " Katherine said shoving a lipstick inside her purse and rushing out.

Today is going to be our last day at the farmhouse and now I really don't feel like going back. Yesterday evening Colin did bring all the papers and case matters and shared it with everyone. There were some bruised neck pictures of uncle Lester and some deep cuts on the basis of which Ian assumed he was murdered. Ian have finally decided to officially announce that he is ending the case and work low key. After that, Ian, Colin and Fezco had some very matter of factly conversation where I and Marcus just blinked at them. Marcus didn't speak much because of his swollen face but he neither did jump like he used to do. I wonder if maybe he and Rachel broke up?

I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath before heading out as well. No matter how much I tried to concentrate about my upcoming college life.. *sighs*

"What are you doing here? " I asked surprised looking at Ian by the front door.

"Want a ride? "he answers with another question.


"Sure "i reply smiling.

He opens the door for me and I take a moment to let my heart dance. He always manages to be a gentleman. To be honest I see no red flags and I really envied whoever would be the lucky girl Ian would want.

"Where are we going anyways? "I ask as he starts the engine.

"To a proper picnic?.. Last time picnic took some really ugly turns. Colin told that after we left, Kat and Rebekah got in another big fight. "he said casually.

"Who's.. Rebekah? "I asked trying to remember if I missed something by chance.

"That girl with raven hair "he replied swiftly driving out the car from the parking lot using one hand.

Raven hair you say?

"Her name is Rachel!" I exclaimed. Is he being serious? That girl literally be around Ian everywhere.

"Yeah whatever "he said. "Kat really acts immaturely "

"Of course because she's your sister " I replied teasingly.

He hummed and said "But we are very different.. She is hyperactive "

"Oh yeah correct. You are a old man" I replied rolling my eyes.

"I'm just 21"

"Still you are 4 years elder than me" I tease him again. He doesn't say anything so after a moment of silence I ask again. "Where are we going? "

"To the other side of the lake. "

I nodded.

After a seven minutes car ride he stops the car and turns to me.

I blink, blink, and blinked.

What is it with him staring at me always?

"Erm.. Let's go " I say in a tone I wished sounded normal.

We walk together towards where everyone was seated. Katherine acknowledges us and wave her hands. As we reach there I'm invited by a scowl on Mr Jade's face.

What is it in my face that everybody hates me for no reason?

He then looks at Ian and say "Come we've been waiting for you ". Ian turns to me hesitating for a bit then goes with his father before Mr Jade shot me another ugly look.

Holy Jesus? Did I steal his mac n cheese?

"HEEYYY DIAANNNAAAAAA" I flinch as Marcus shouts just standing beside me.

"I see finally your soul is back." I say turning to face him. He grins but with a lot of pain. His face was healing but it still had a blueish color.

"Come over D "Kat says and I walk towards them and sit down on a chair under the big umbrella.

The lake was on the north direction. It was far from where we were sitting. There were 4 camps under a large umbrella under which was a table surrounded by chairs to sit on. It looked more like a park.

"I'm not even surprised you're again late"said Thea lowly so that Mrs jade or mom doesn't hear her.

"Shut up BIT-"I stop mid-sentence as all the attention turned to me. My mom holds her head in hand and my dad from the other corner glares dagger at me.

"BBiiteeephhhuull" I complete chuckling nervously. Then turned to Thea and put a hand on her shoulder "You're biiteephull stop saying you're ugly" ,Thea on the other hand tried to play im-the-best-kid as she said "Thank you.. ".

Damn! Who do we call for Oscar's again?

My mother looked at her worriedly "Come on who filled that nonsense in your head. You're prettier than your sister "she joked at the end.

At least I hoped she joked.

"Hey Dav-Diana" Fezco says coming over to us. Thankfully saving me from erupting like a volcano. He wore a casual T-shirt with jeans and his freckles kind of looked too cute under the bright sunlight as he smiled cheerfully.

"Hello Fio-Fezco" I reply winking at him playfully.

"You both know each other? "Kat asked chewing on her snacks.

"Yeah we.. met earlier."I say rubbing the back of my neck. I didn't felt right lying to her. Even Katherine had the right to know everything. In my defense, I think 'it would be safer this way'. So I kept my act together.

He took a seat beside me as Thea decorated a plate nicely for the men's section and moved on to serve them. Mr Jade smiled broadly at her and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him. Of course Thea ends up being everyone's favorite.

I was distracted from my deep thoughts as Marcus shouted "LET'S PLAY BADMINTON" excitedly as he brought four rackets. Behind him followed Colin smiling at his friend and behind him walked Ian stiffly. He had a poker face and squinted his eyes from the harsh sunlight. He wore a V neck T-shirt and everytime he moved his muscles flexed smoothly. He looked like a walking God shining from the rays of sun.

"So who's in my team?"Colin said as he reached us.

Katherine almost jumped on the opportunity accidentally shaking the whole table in the process. Fezco held on his beloved milkshake protectively as he warned Katherine with his wide eyes. She smiled sheepishly, apologizing silently before taking a racket from Colin and heading towards the ground.

Both dads stood up even more enthusiastically than Marcus. Marcus pouted because he too wanted to play but was dragged by Ian before he got kicked out by Mr Jade.

Ian sat beside me and Marcus sat beside Fezco, looking through all the containers searching for food.

Mrs Jade asked "What are you studying currently? "smiling warmly at me.

Now I know it was a simple question but I found myself forgetting my whole identity for a moment. I quickly tried to remember me and my brain said in bold letters ERROR.

My mom spoke on behalf of me "She had just completed high school, next week is her first day to College. "

Thanks mom for remembering me, I love you.

"Ohh" Mrs Ronald exclaimed. "So what do you plan for your future? "she asked again.

Actually good question because I'm still searching for ideas.

"Mother stop "Ian said saving me from embarrassment .

Another thanks to Ian. I love you.

I quickly shaked my head at this thought. Oh my God! Me and Ian? He wouldn't even look at me in that way. There were more prettier girls out there somewhere. Not that I feel like I'm ugly or something, I mean when I look in the mirror at my reflection I literally just kiss myself all over but knowing that how people have said about me... Let's just say that maybe their idea of 'pretty 'was something else. They were blind for sure. *hair flip in arrogance*

Ian's mother chuckles and starts talking to my mom. On my left Fezco and Marcus debated over if strawberry milkshakes were better or mango milkshake. I listened to them very attentively in case you know they asked for my judging I should be prepared.

"If you're hungry eat some fruits."Ian said in his deep voice and I felt like I was hearing his voice after a decade. He was being sarcastic because I was chewing on my nail.

Sorry I'm a mess..

I turned to him. His piercing green eyes flickered with different colors -a little greyish blackish -and once again I got mesmerized by them.

"Uh it's j just a subconscious habit you know I I absentmindedly do it S sometimes"I looked down at the ground occasionally looking up to see if his gaze was still on mine.

It wasn't because I couldn't make eye contact but my ladies, his eyes were horrendous.

His face turned amused from bored in an instant as he asked "What else are your subconscious habit? "

"Well when you do something subconsciously, you do it subconsciously so you don't exactly know it in a conscious manner because you do it  subconsciously"

Did I just ducked up?

He laughed at my explanation.

He laughed?

That's the first time HE LAUGHED.

Now I really feel like I could leave comedians jobless 'cuz I'm so hilarious.

I saw how Mrs jade quickly turned towards Ian laughing figure and her face showed happiness for his son. Fezco and Marcus whispered something in their ear and they both grinned mischievously.

"You are really something " Ian said finally completing his laughter. I didn't missed how his eye colors turned lighter.

I smiled sheepishly and said "I'm happy for being the reason to make you feel happy "

"...You always have been"

"Huh? " I replied dumbly.

Did I hear him correctly?

He looked away scratching the nape of his neck. I was about to ask again when Katherine and Colin came back, tired and sweaty from all the exercise.

They took their seats dragging one chair from another table as there was shortage of some. Marcus stood up snatching the racket from Colin and running away like a cheetah.

"We need one more player to the ground" said Thea who was currently anchoring the badminton show. Mr Jade called for Ian and he acted like he didn't hear him. His mother gave him a look and then he reluctantly stood up, looking at me for one last time before slowly walking away.

Katherine and Fezco laughed as she roasted Colin's performance while both mothers stood up to go cheer their husbands.

"Where's Rachel "I asked feeling like something was missing. Of course her rants.

"She said her college is beginning so she went back to the city"Colin replied.

"Good for her or else I would have burie-"

Colin shushed her as Fezco gave them better murderous plans. I turned to see Ian playing badminton, his forehead glistening from sweat and every time he jumped his abs would be displayed. His bel-

Stop it Diana!

I warned myself. I hate my mind sometimes. I needed a distraction. Faint sounds of the lake could be heard. So I picked up my phone and texted Chloe.

Me:What did the ocean say to the other ocean?

I saw the double tick and it turned into read into millisecond.


Chloe: Sea you later

Me: Nothing lol, they just waved at each other.

Me: Did you see what I just did there?

Chloe: Shore.

Chloe: Sea what I did there?

Me: Stop being a beach and stealing my jokes!

Chloe: Water you saying?

I groaned inwardly. There's no way I could win from her.

I gasped as something cool fell on my body. It was Katherine and Colin fighting to snatch cold water which slipped from their hand landing on me.


"I'm so sorry "Colin apologized.

"Where's tissues? "Fezco asked.

"Uh it's there in my purse I'll g-"

"It's okay I'll take it "I said and started moving towards where all the stuffs were kept. I remembered how her purse looked like so it won't be much work, would it?

Answer is yes.

I saw two kinds of identical purse. Mother daughter goals huh?

I opened the closer one first. It was the 'mother's 'one. It had some cards, cash and a small diary. Now I know it's wrong to invade in someone's privacy...

But when have I ever done anything right?

I took it out but my morals slapped me making me guilty. I hurriedly tried to keep it back in which some papers fell from inside it. I turned back to see if nobody saw and quickly bent down and picked up everything. My eyes fell on some pictures. It was a baby boy. Maybe Ian? I smiled at the picture before shuffling to another.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I saw a younger Mrs jade in an embrace of


I blinked at the picture. Maybe my eyes weren't working properly?

But I nonetheless did something smart that I'm proud of. I took out my phone and clicked 13 pictures of it. In case it turned out to be helpful.

A/N: finally the farmhouse part is ending. But the fun is just going to begin now. Just wait and watch I got some real hilarious ideas;-)