Obnoxious life

Chp 15:-Obnoxious life

My heart pounded in an off note rhythm

and I tried to calm it with breathing slowly.

I knew this was my only chance. I reloaded the rifles and and took one sharp breath before standing up from my squatting position. I aimed blindly and began shooting, there were some screams of innocents who were victimized in a sudden resistance attack. I knocked out 5 men and went for the room in which people were caged. They kept them as hostages and it was my responsibility to save them.

I opened the door to see some crying people, there face were scared and they were backing away from me.

"Don't worry, you'll are safe. I knocked down all the men. Let's run before more of them come. "I said reassuringly.

Their face brightened and they chanted my name as their hero. I safely escorted them to the military general camp. The officer looked equally happy and they all praised me. Officer came towards me and said. "I'm in the field of dandelions "

"Huh? " I replied dumbly.

A woman just behind him started singing in a very good voice.

🎶And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime..

And I'm pretty sure that you're that love of mine..

'Cause I'm in the field-🎶

I abruptly opened my eyes and saw an empty room. No more hostages and fights yet the song was playing.

I groaned loudly. My alarm clock was singing the song. Now I won't feel the same way for my favorite song anymore . My head was throbbing in my head from all those extra hours of sleep.

We came back to the city yesterday around 7pm and I wasn't feeling very good. The reason you ask? I don't want to accept the fact that I was sad because I didn't got a chance to see Ian the last time and I highly doubt that I will even meet him ever again.

Katherine did said that they will be back to the city as well in a day or two but still the chances of meeting Ian are equal to the chances of me passing in maths.

I made my way to the kitchen, coffee is all I need now. The house was silent and it looked unfamiliar because of all the chaos I've been living in the last week.

I went to the refrigerator to see 3 sticky notes stuck on it. I took the first one out.

I'm going to work.


Nothing's new in it what was the use of this note? I teared another note.

I'll be at Sofia's.. I've missed a lot of class notes

     ~♥~Thea ~♥~

I grimaced at her heart designs. The last note must be from mom I can say that without even seeing, and she must have gone to grocery shopping with neighbour.

I'll come after noon. I've made you some breakfast eat it and sit back to study.


Phew! That means no one is at home. I celebrated my small victory with a little dancing. I took a bath, ate my breakfast roamed around the house like I was seeing it for the first time. But soon it became boring.

I switched to channels and accidentally watched some financial news for half an hour. It started pouring outside and I quickly went to close all the windows.

It was late September, I started a geographical silent theory in my brain. I silently watched as the water pitter patter outside. Some hit the window panel forming into small droplets which slowly reached the end and rested in peace. I chose one droplet and raced it with the others to win. It lost and I chose another one. I did that until my chosen droplet won the race. I felt the satisfaction of winning .

But soon even that got boring. I went to the kitchen ,opened and closed the fridge again and again only to find it empty. Then I role played a chef with empty pots and my own commentary. First I thought to cook something but then I recalled the last time when I almost burnt down the home.

"Hey pal what do we do if bored? " I asked my Google Voice assistant.

"Here's a list of things we found on internet"it said back. The answer didn't came in a proper small box so I didn't read it.

I jumped on the couch and watched whatever was playing and before I knew it I was asleep.


*The next day*

The clouds finally bid goodbye as a happy sun brightened everyone's day. I was so excited for the fact that I'll meet Chloe today. It really has been long.

But deep down inside I also felt anxiety for the first day in college. In simple words, Chloe was my inspiration to go to college.

The corridor was filled with students,all with different faces. Some struggling to get up on Monday, some meeting their friends, some making their way to their class ,and some blank about which world they are in.


I turned instantly recognizing the voice and ran like a maniac towards her. Some students shouting behind me as I hit them on the way.

"Bitxh it's been a whole damn lifetime!"I exclaimed hugging and shaking her with happiness. She hugged me back "No it had been about three lifetimes! "

I chuckled at her response. She looked still the same. A timid, thin,frail girl with straight shiny white-lavender hair. She wore a black blouse with pencil skirt. She hung a bag casually around her one shoulder and on the other hand she had some books.

"Well well look who's here" said another feminine voice from behind me. We both turned to look at the person I never wanted to see again.

Rachel stood with a mean look with a bunch of girls surrounding her like little lambs. What is she doing in my college?

"What are you doing in my college? "she asked and for a moment I thought I voiced out my thought loud.

"Stay away from her "said Chloe defending me and hiding me behind her back. I gave her a furious look 'I don't need your protection' and she gave me another furious look 'just let me handle this'.

"Oh so this little brat have a spokesperson" she laughed bitterly with her friends.

"And what do you have? Some supporters who'll pick up your dead body? Because this will end you up dead " Chloe spat back.

"Oh little kitten wants to pick a fight" she said smirking evilly.

I would have laughed at that one if they weren't making fun of my friend because she actually looked tiny and spoke around as if she's the bitxh boss.

Chloe fumed with anger so I thought maybe I should peace out, "What do you want Rachel? "I asked tired. It was the first day of college and I had to deal with this.

God bless me.

"Oh I just thought to greet you nicely since it's your first day in college" she said smiling sickly sweet at me.

She gestured a girl and two girls came forward squaring up to us. Chloe tried to back them away but one of them held her hand tightly shoving her at the corner before facing me again.

All the attention turned towards us as Chloe started protesting to move away.

"Ew, look at her hair "said one of them scrunching her nose in disgust.

"And look at this" the other one said pulling a strap of my hoodie. I jerked her hand away.

"Back off or... " I said trying to not look scared.

"Or what?" asked Rachel coming forward and facing me.

"You have been acting too smart infront of Ian now let's see what you got here"she growled, backing me against the lockers.

"Back. Off. Now "I warned her not breaking my confidence.

"Rachel stop it" one of her friends said as the whole crowd gathered to watch the scene unfold.

"Let her go" Chloe snarled at her, trying to pull her back from me. Rachel shoved Chloe carelessly, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground before turning her attention to me.

That's when I lost it. I slapped her across her face hard and spat "FUXK YOU."

No one's touching my best friend.

Rachel slowly brought her head back towards me before scowling harshly "You ugly little wretch ",she snapped swinging at me. I dodged her and slipped under her arm. Within seconds, my fist collided with her jaw. I knew that I should've just chosen peace but there was no backing down now.

Where the duck are the teachers?

She held on her jaw and screamed loudly swearing. On the other hand Chloe said "That's my girl",proudly looking down on Rachel.

Nobody dared to say a thing. The friend who earlier tried to stop Rachel helped her and started walking him. Behind them all the her other girls walked like a swan of ducks.

Now I know from outside I might kind of looked cool but honestly my knuckles were hurting like hell and it took everything in me to not cry in pain and destroy the cool image.


"Dinner's ready", my mom said from the dining table and I reluctantly stood up from my comfortable position towards them.

It had been a obnoxious day and I'm relieved that it ended,maybe a small family time could heal me?

"Sit properly "my dad warned as I picked up one leg to my chest. I slowly put them back. Thea came in with mom and sat beside me.

"How was your first day to College? "my mom asked.

I thought for a moment then replied dryly "Great". What will they even do after knowing?

I digged in quietly in my mood when dad's phone ringed.

"Excuse me" he said before walking to the kitchen counter.

"Didn't you fought with your senior today?"

Thea asked propping her head in her hands and narrowing her eyes at me.

My mother gasped at the statement "What are you saying Thea.. She would never do that ".

"Oh really mom then ask her "she challenged her.

Mom turned to me. Now everyone knows how bad I'm at lying so I didn't said anything. She gasped again. "Why would you do that?...

*A few moments later*

..I never expected this from you! Seriously Diana I'm talking to you! ANSWER ME! "I chewed my food silently as Thea enjoyed the sight very much.

Okay I just had to listen, the day is going to end and this must be the last bad thing that should happen to me. Right?

"What are you shouting for? "my father asked mom almost missing everything.

"Look at your daughter! She picked up a fight with a senior on her first day to College. "she said glaring at me.

My father tutted loudly before shaking his head and saying "Leave her be. I have something very important to tell you "he said and a smile crept on his face.

"What is it? "mom asked curiously taking a seat with dad. Thea looked up from her food listening to them.

"My boss, Mr Jade is coming back to the city tomorrow "he said grinning happily.

My mom scoffed "What's the big deal in it? "

"I've invited them home"he said and turned to Thea. "You're my best child ."

"And you're the best dad"Thea replied cheekily.

My mom sighed "That means extra work.. What's good in that? "

My father made an upset look before grinning widely again "I just had a word with Mr Jade and he told me something. I'm sure if you'll hear it, you will be happier than me.

"Huh what is it? "mom asked with keen interest.

"Mr Jade just told me that"he turned to Thea and continued "His son,Ian had liked our daughter "

I slowly let the word sink in and then I freaked out, "WAIT WHAT? "

My dad frowned at me"Sshh sit down. I don't want to hear any complaints of you tomorrow. Help your sister look good."

Thea on the other hand blushed red. I don't blame her. Any girl would have reacted the same if it were to be Ian.

Maybe the day wasn't exactly over. Or maybe it's not about the day...it's my whole ducking obnoxious life.


That's all I have to say. See you soon!