It was almost midnight and table of the two siblings is still full of delicious meat and different fruits with variety of flavors.

" burp! Ron my stomach will soon burst open I am so full!" She has a very satisfied face

" sis dont pust the dish on me I can't eat anymore" Ron said while lying on the floor

that night the two had the time of there life, they just eat and laugh happily without restrain.

Anna still holds a lot of questions to Ron, but Ron was able to go through it by saying his white lies. He casually said that he found a piece of paper and that happens to be a lost pill formula.

Ron couldn't help but to recall the formula fortunately back at the game one of the foundation to become a strong player is that the player should be able to concoct his own pills thats why it becomes one of his expertise.

And the beauty pill he just concocted was not that difficult with his snake thunderbolt transformation.

He can easily control the amount of lightning he needs and fire it inside the cauldron. The cauldron he use was ordinary, he just use his sister cauldron for cooking foods though the cauldron totally break after its still worth it.

Next day, Ron was infront of the 5 Awakening stone he bought yesterday.

He bought it for a very cheap price, its just 100 bronze each from different vendors at the market.

Ron don't want to attract attention for now, He just want to stay in low profile, spending so much may put him and her sister in trouble.

He has 30 upgrade points left and he wanted to use it all to the awakening stones.

He put his hand at the top of the stones and began channeling his soul force into it.

" system use my upgrade points and upgrade all of the stone "

" Ding! System error, The user don't have enough points to upgrade all the awakening stones. The system suggest for the user to level up at least 50 because at level 50 the upgrade points will be replaced by your soul force by then you can freely upgrade anything within the limit of your soul force. "

" woah awesome! But I can upgrade one of the stone right? how many levels could I get If I use the rare awakening stone? "

" Ding! User just need to inject soul force into the stone and find out himself "

" before that, I have a question. If you just need to inject your soul force into the stone to know what function it does why is it the people of this world don't know what it is? "

" Ding! The user don't have to refine the stone that step is remove by the system, and this city is not well develop you may find a city that is more advance but it maybe in the other place. "

" I see, In short the system is a great blessing to me " Ron was joyful about his system

" Let's proceed then " Ron said and he used all of his remaining upgrade points in one awakening stone successfully upgrading it to rare one.

Ron immediately inject his soul force into the stone, light once again envelope his body, the stone power travel from his hand on the way to his dantian feeling his body with abudant soul force.

" Ding! Ding..."

Series of notifications rang into his mind.

" Congratulations user for reaching Disciple Rank 2 level 50, The system will upgrade to level 2 after 24hrs, you also obtain unopened gift pack"

Ron cannot help but to grin ear to ear. He has another gift pack, anticipation rose into his heart.

" system can I see my status."

" ding!!



Level: 50 (0/5000)

HP: 1000/1000

Strength: 28

Agility: 23

Magic: 27

Constitution: Disciple Rank 2

ACTIVE Skills:

Snake Thunderbolt Transformation


Upgrade ( available after 24hrs)

Remaining Stat Points: 0 points

1 Unopened Gift Pack


Ron immediately distributed his stat points. He felt the enhancements of his body power and it has a huge difference compared to before.

Ron ask himself "The difference between disciple rank 3 and disciple rank 4 is huge what more if it is on foundation stage?"

He was delighted that his progress was fast and easy, he was hoping that it will continue this way.

He has 4 awakening stone left, He just need to wait for 24hrs before he can upgrade his remaining awakening stone.

He then excitedly proceeds to open his gift pack.

Ding! Congratulations to the user you got:

1 rare cauldron

1 Talisman

1 Perfect Recovery Pill

He could not help to say " Wonderful!" when he open the giftpack.

He can use the cauldron to concoct a rare pill, He just need the proper ingredients for that and he can use the talisman to his knife.

A talisman is a powerful item to embed in any object, because when talisman merge to an item it will follow the command that you have drown into the talisman.

Another idea struck Ron, what if he embends the talisman into the knife to make it go back like a boomerang.

Excitement once again fill his heart.

Besides the talisman and the cauldron he also got a Perfect Recovery Pill. Its just wonderful because the pill is a life saving medicine with this he can assure that he can recover when he receives a critical blow.

He kept all the item into his Inventory and dash forward to the forest. since He is now at disciple rank 2, He will now challenge Another ferocious beast but this time it will not be the devil bore.