At the mean time commotion broke at the alchemy store. News are flying everywhere, a new pill was introduced in the store with 100% effectivity and the new face of the store owner, she is like a goddess that descended from the heaven.

The New pill is not yet available for public but it can be bought via private orders, bunch of beauty pills will be publicly auction next week together with some rare treasure items.

A scholarly man approach Sarah and said " common Sarah, please let's go out together I swear you will never be disappointed"

Sarah frown at his words but immediately put up her act up.

" Mr Garason how could I date you, I'm just a small store owner" She replied with respect

" oh no. you're not, after today your store will be know throughout this place, a store with a rare beauty pills and also with a beautiful owner"

" You flatter me mr. Garason, by the if you stay a bit more my superior will be here soon"

" ah? you're your superior" Garason stater with his words

" yes, It's because I can't handle the pills alone, I need my superiors to assist, and I am afraid that someone may fool me and get the recipe" She emphasize the word fool on her words.

" A great, wise decision Ms Sarah, As I you know I am a busy man, unfortunately this is not the right time to meet your superiors so I have to go" Garason tone became more respectful and shaky.

His one of the nobles of this place yes, but nobles can't compare to the alchemy organization which is Sarah's superiors.

" oh okay mr Garason, I won't take your time then, Besides I need to attend the other customers, thank you" She casually turn her back and walk away away

The store is getting crowded overtime fortunately his superiors finally arrived.

3 elders walk in into the store. they wore long red tunic attire with golden lays, the crowd gave them space to walk in, they had recognized who there are.

Sarah quickly invited them in and leads them

into a private room and served them a cup medicinal tea.

She put the recipe at the of the desk together with the sample pill she made.

She respectfully said " elders this is the beauty pill that everyone talking about."

Elder tang, the oldest of the three took the pill and examined it. He then took the recipe and silently read it.

Sarah did not move she just stand at the side.

After few seconds Elder tang put the letter and said " hmnn... The pill is not that hard to make, you can casually made this just by following all recipes, what amaze me though is this recipe, for someone to make this recipe, he must gone a ton of experiments before succeeding, all the ingredients complements each other that why it can make a 100% effective beauty pill "

Elder Fang grab the recipe and with a quick look he put it back and said " this person that we're talking about may be a grandmaster just like us. Sarah can you describe what the person looks like when he came to your store? "

Sarah's mind went blank for a second when the elder said " grandmaster just like us" she wasn't able to respond immediately but she manage to gave her answer eventually.

" He was just a teenager, He was in his transformed state when he come over, At first I have my suspicions but when we are about to fight, he forcefully make me swallow a pill by throwing it directly into my mouth. The effects immediately kicks in and when I saw the result, I couldn't believe it with my own eye's. He immediately left after that, and oh, I also lend him my personal money, it seems that the teenager need some"

" hmnn.. wait you said that the teenager need some money?" ask by the third elder name Kwan.

" yes elder" sarah respectfully bowed.

Elder tang stroke his beard and ask

"did the man said he made the recipe? "

" no eleder, he said that the recipe come from his master" sarap replied

" oh that might really the case, if that teenager said that he made it by himself then he cannot be trusted" said by elder fang.

" hmmn... iseee.. so a grandmaster really made this recipe, and that teenager is his disciple, maybe the recipe is his gift to his disciple, and he instructed him to exchange it with money. He is maybe a grandmaster who leaves the secular world."

" A grandmaster who leaves a secular world? " ask by elder kwan

elder tang calmly said " yes, this kind of person are formidable, they just want peace and isolation. taking a disciple also means that he was looking for his inheretor, this person might be stronger than us. "

The two elders widen their eyes in surprise including sarah.

" tell me miss sarah, what is the man's integrated beast is?"

curiosity sparks with in them

" I am not sure, the man face was covered by a hat but when we are about to fight, the man has a quick reflexes and every movement that he does includes lightning. I also saw a glimpse of his hair which is white and at the back of his hand is a sparkling scale. "


Elder tang abruptly rose to his feet.

" you said a scale on the back of his hand!? and a lightning for his every movement? tell me does the man has ears? "