" you said a scale on the back of his hand!? and a lightning for his every movement? tell me does the man has ears? and what kind of scale is that?"

Sarah startled by the elder reaction and explained

" Im sorry elder, but I am not sure if the man has ears, but for the scale at the back of his hand i clearly remember it. it was like a diamond scale, it is shiny and sharp. "

Elder tang suck a cold ear in disbelief.

"what's the problem elder tang!?" ask by the two elders.

Elder tang rarely lose his composure and that made the other two elder startled.

" do you remember my disease master?" ask by elder tang.

"of course we do, he is the one of the most important person in the history of alchemy" answered by elder fang.

" Yes he is, he is a great person and a great master, he thought me everything unfortunately he died, but before he died, I always stayed by his side especially when his concocting a pill, and one of his integrated soul beast is the great " snake thunderbolt". the snake thunderbolt is just a perfect soul beast for alchemy, I don't need to explain why, just its fire power alone can rival the heavenly fire. That's why it becomes the symbol of our brand. unfortunately snake thunderbolt is a very rare beast, it is not like the other rare beasts where we can still win with, this beast is on top of them. In my personal opinion the snake thunderbolt cannot be considered rare anymore but instead an epic soul beast."

There's an earing silence at the room after his explanation.

Finally elder kwan broke the silence and said.

" but elder tang, as you said, snake thunderbolt is a very special beasts, its so special that we don't have one, how this teenager acquired one, through his master?, so that means that his master is above us.?"

elder tang took a deep breath and said.

" that might be really the case "


The next morning after the system upgrade, Ron is eager to test it and upgrade the remaining 4 awakening stone.

Since the system replaced the upgrade points in his soul force the amount of the upgrade that he can do now depends on his cultivation.

Without a second thought he immediately upgrade the 4 awakening stone.

Again the 4 stone reshape into a perfect circle and turn from blue to red.

After the upgrade a large portion of his soul force was suck away by the system, that startled Ron, this is his first time doing the upgrade using his soul force.

But Ron succeeded and upgraded the 4 awakening stone.

After the upgrade ron falls into deep contemplation.

On his mind he was thinking about his sister abnormal speed of cultivation.

This past few days Anna was able to build a good foundation for her cultivation, in fact she was near in breaking through from disciple rank 4 to disciple rank 3, although she does not have yet integrated with a soul beast, her power is growing steady just by meditation.

This actually shock Ron, She was just meditating yet her soul force was growing rapidly, compared to him which he needs to continually kill in order to breakthrough.

Ron suspected that it was related to their bloodlines yet he was not sure about it, their parents background was unknown.

He just know that their parents passed away because of an incurable disease.

Ron shakes his head, he doesn't have the answer for his question, that's why he will just put it into the back of his mind for now.

He took out the 4 awakening stone and use the two stone for himself. After that he quickly check his new status and distribute his stat points.



Level: 70 (0/7000)

HP: 1200/1200

Strength: 33

Agility: 33

Magic: 32

Constitution: Disciple Rank 2

ACTIVE Skills:

Snake Thunderbolt Transformation


Upgrade Base to the hose Soul Force Capacity

Remaining Stat Points: 0 points


rare cauldron


perfect recovery pill

Body Cleansing pill


Meanwhile At Sayfreed Empire the most powerful empire in this contenent are again in the same problem as yesterday, that problem repeatedly happened almost every day.

It is about to their beloved empress.

She was again rolling at her bed while crying. She was not on her mode to attend their everyday meeting and the only thing that she had on mind was her missing children. It was 14 years ago when she lost her two children, it was heart breaking moment and she wasn't able to move on until now.

She was utilizing all of her power to find her two children but she always end up in failure.

Today she had received another tip from her subordinate but it was end up as another failure.

All the ministry officials doesn't have a say with her e-responsible leadership because with her power alone she can eradicate the whole empire if she wanted to.

Not counting her " 10 commandments". The 10 commandments is the popular nicknamed of her 10 powerful loyal subordinate.

It was a curse, the reason she cannot find her beloved children was because of a curse, and inorder to break the curse, the curse source must be destroyed.

She know about that, but she cannot do something about it. The power of the curse is that, whenever she was close to find her children the curse will prevent her to see them.

In her side, she already destroyed the source of the curse, but in the side of her children it is still there, and everyday she was hoping that it will be destroyed.

That's why she never stop searching.