A vast field between the mountains

After Hailey made her announcement she raised her hands in the air and a huge golden ball appeared in her hands, golden energy swirled about, the room became incomprehensible bright, her little mouth opened and she shouted

(Mass Teleportation)

As those words came out of her mouth, the room started to shake and a cold metallic voice rang out

Mass teleportation commencing in:

3,. .

2,. .

1,. .

[Mass Teleportation Successful]

The room that they were in disintegrated into dust forming a heap around them, a gust of wind blew scattering the dust to the surrounding as the dust settled what greeted them was a stretch of green between two mountains, it stretched endlessly towards the distance.

Hailey then materialized in front of them while wearing running clothes, everyone looked down and saw that they were wearing the same thing they then stared at the girl in bewilderment,

Hailey smiled and then spoke in a cheery voice, '' were going to run to the training grounds, ''

They looked forward at the endless stretch of green between the mountains, there will to move waned,

'' Alright lets get to the Running! ''

As her words fell her foot slammed on the ground causing the ground to crack open,


Her figure dashed out and with each step the ground began to split open forming deep imprints in the ground, at that moment a sonic boom rang out and everybody had been flung in the air, their bodies landed with a thud thud sound and low groans to escape their mouths.

Everyone had been ticked off by that move earlier so they got up and chased at the ever fading figure with vengeance in their hearts, seeing this Hailey smiled, she then turned around and stuck out her tongue,

This pissed off the group even more as they chased her with even more vigor, throughout the entire chase Hailey mocked and shamed the group with her gestures and sometimes even her words,

Soon night came,

The group of 36 were now exhausted beyond measure they sat down and stared at the little girl with a defeated look on their faces, the fatsos however were panting like dogs while sweat gushed down there faces like a waterfall,

Sewer breath sat by himself as his breath contaminated the air causing the grass to shrivel up and die they all shifted further from him, Hailey stared at him with a bit of disgust on her face as she moved her hands in a circular motion,

A golden sphere wrapped around the boys figure making the smell from the surrounding recited into the sphere. Hailey then said

'' Sleep up, I know you have a lot of questions but i'll explain everything in the morning. ''

Soon the humans the humans fell asleep, Hailey stared at a certain direction with an odd expression she then turned around and shook her head.

Tick,. . Tock,. . Tick.

Tristan eyes shot open, he looked around and realized that everyone had huddled up together and sleeping, he maneuvered his way carefully out of the tangled mess of humans, making sure that he didn't wake anyone up, after freeing himself he let out a sigh of relief.

He then walked over to a clearing and started to do some pushups.

1,.. 2... 5... 8

12... 50...100

After doing a hundred pushups, he went on to do a hundred squats, sit ups and did a 30min plank Hailey watched the human doing its exercise, she stared on with interest and then asked with a confident tone

'' Hey human wanna see something outa this world ''

Tristan looked at the brat curiously and asked in a cocky tone '' what you gonna to show this king that's so impressive ''

She rolled her eyes and said '' watch this 'uh' ''

'' I cant do it here so come with me, ''

A gentle tug and he was now flying in the air at break neck speed, they soon landed on top of a mountain, Tristan was stunned at the scenery, the mountains and forest blended well together giving of an ancient yet majestic feel,

She spoke up at this moment dragging him from his thoughts

'' Your the first and only person i'm going to show my technique, ''

A slight blush was on her face.

'' Back up ''

Tristan ran to a relatively safe distance and gave her a thumbs up, she nodded and readied herself, a sudden sense of danger could be felt from all directions, Hailey who was just standing there had a suffocating pressure around her


The sky turned black as golden chains of order landed on her body,


The sound of thunder could be heard as her eyes flew open, a golden beam that could support both heaven and earth fell from the sky submerging her body within,


A defining roar that made the sky quake echoed out, her right foot drew back while her left palm extended forward,


The mountain they were standing on shook violently, her right hand then folded into a fist as she bellowed.

[Abyssal Punch !!]

As she punched out and a golden line extended to the limits of the horizon, a Wanglong, noise rang out and the once pale blue sky and green earth had been rendered useless as a horrifyingly black abys expanded outwards shaking heaven and earth.

Ink black spatial storms appeared continuously in the region, the horrifying winds could be felt from here, the mountain they were on rumbled then it became transparent,

Hailey then grabbed the petrified and stunned human and flew away, the mountain disintegrated into a pile of gray ash. Hailey looked back and mumbled to herself,

' Barely even 10% of my strength, this world is truly fragile, '

Tristan didn't hear her word under the howling winds for if he did he would of passed out at that very moment, she landed near the already startled group and gently placed him down, her cheeks flushed red.

Tristan was either lucky or an unlucky man for this little demoness had set her eyes on him, for in the demon world when the stronger party shows his or her own secret technique or ultimate arts it meant that they were in love or wanted to be with said person till death,

The sun soon rose from the east, but if one looked to the west they would see a pitch black vortex swirling about, Hailey clicked her tongue and mumbled to herself

'I guess i'll have to do this underground.'


She slammed her foot on the ground and a metallic thud echoed out

Ratang,... tang tang,... ta ta,

The sound of old gears loosening rang out, the group which had been huddled up together like a yarn ball, woke up to the loud noise of gears tuning.