Encountering Unspeakable Dangers I

After Tristan got the Steaming hot porridge he wolfed it down like a hungry pig and from time to time the group heard hah, hah sounds the brute had burnt himself multiple times but this didn't seem to discourage him

He kept wolfing it down like a madman after eating the porridge he stretched out his hands and said '' now that I have finished give me real food, '' the girl stared at him with a dumfounded expression

After some time the group got back on the journey they travelled up mountains and around rivers through the forest and through swampy terrain

The days rolled by like the waves of an ocean, almost two weeks had past and the group were nearing the so called grate river to the sea, the group entered an adventurous atmosphere

Any form of unknown fauna they saw they would collect, touch and do weird things with it like that one time when they found a plant that looked like the d they joked about it for a while then the lazy eyed woman walked up and picked it

They stared at her strangely then continued on their travels from whenever night came strange noises could be heard and every time they looked about for the weird noise they would find the lazy eyed woman and a few more laying on the ground, she would always chase them away while making a weird laugh

Other from this incident the journey was eventful and fun they joked about while walking at a steady yet quick pace, night came and the group quickly got ready for the nights dangers, a camp fire was soon alit

The group sat around the fire while telling stories about their boring lives on earth, some teased while others joked, Tristan was also in the mix he told his stories with great twist and turns making the group laugh and joke about

The moon soon hung in the sky like the emperor of the knight, Tristan sat cross-legged while lunar light swirled around him,

the small child had its eyes open trying to catch the pretty white light swirling around it, she made cute giggles from time to time while the child laughed the pretty white light around her merged with the lights around Tristan

they then swam about like fish in a pond seeming extremely playful, swimming in and out of the little child's hands her laughter filled the atmosphere with a peaceful yet happy feel

A small smile crept up on Tristan's face even the ones who had fallen asleep had a smile creeping on their faces but this surreal moment was interrupted by faint rustling sounds coming from the surrounding bushes

but Tristan's eyebrows stood strait as his eyes scanned the surrounding coldly Faint growling sounds could be heard along with heavy breathing,

Tristan tapped the ground with a strange rhythm after haring this rhythm the people who were sleeping eyes opened there bodies moving ever so slightly in a upright position

The atmosphere changed and the tiny human seemed to sense the change as she grew quiet while staring at Tristan with an inquiring gaze,

Tristan who sensed the gaze turned around and rubbed the little things head as he muttered under his breath

'' don't worry little one don't worry ''

The little thing struggled to push away his huge palm as she puckered her cheeks

'' So smart and only a week old, ''

everyone was ready as Tristan held the child in his hand, the group moved slowly they soon reached about 50 meters are so from the camp

Awoo Awoo Awoo

Several wolves could be heard in the distance howling in the distance, the groups steps quickened soon they disappeared into the darkness but after reaching a suitable distant from the camp they took a small break looking out for the wolves

The groups expression turned unsightly when they heard the look outs word around the camp fire 5-6 wolves the size of a minibus could be seen and each time they dug casually into the ground a huge pit around 2 meters was formed the group was tensed through the entire night




Morning the sun crept into the sky like a sneaky old beggar, soon the sky was bright the group was already on the move

'' sh*t run faster, ''

behind the group were some grotesque looking creature it looked like you gave a toddler crayons and told it to draw mommy and after you did that you cut it up and pieced it together with serval other drawings to create a monstrosity to the human eyes

Yes a weird looking thing you'd find on the internet, the group steps were quick and they seemed to be traversing the uneven terrain in a quick an agile fashion

the monster looking things travelled slowly like an old woman on her way to pick up groceries but because of the group quick movements they outran the ugly looking things

time passed and they were now leaning on a huge rock, the rock suddenly turned and two huge eyes could be seen staring at them

the baby that was in Tristan's hand leaned over to one of its eyes,


The sound of something soft bursting could be heard Tristan head turned he saw a huge eyeball oozing with a purple reddish liquid


a shrill screech echoed out the ground underneath them lifted as a huge figure stretched out from the ground it was a stone giant it looked down at the little thing inside of Tristan's hands,


the surroundings shook faint ripples converged in the air as someone screamed

'' Run!! ''

The scream didn't even reach the ears of the others as they left flickering shadows in their wake as the waves converged it expanded outward,


the surrounding earth was raised to the sky as mud and dirt spread outward

-host has entered fleeing state Agility increased by 5

Tristan made shore that the howling winds didn't reach the child as his body bent forward as he stepped on the ground his body dashed forward

the mountain giant caught up to the group with a few large steps boom its huge palm parted the air as it palm slammed toward Tristan's direction

seeing that he was the target he rolled to the side boom! the ground opened up as a huge shockwave spread outward Tristan was now on his feet as he used the shock wave to move at an even faster speed

Adeline upon seeing an opportunity to attack opened her mouth and shot a vitality devouring vortex but as the vortex grew closer the giant turned its huge head it then slapped the vortex making it dispersed into gust of wind

Upon seeing the tiny human distracting it the giant rushed over with rage


it kicked out toward the tiny human, the sound of the air being torn while the was splitting rang out the group ran frantically while playing another game of run or be killed, the group was now tired as they hid in a mountain filled with caves