A Year Gone By While Frozen Still

The sun rose and fell just like the rise and fall of history and in the blink of an eye a month had past, the turbid essence around Tristan was like transparent crystalline like water.

It entered his body with a wush, wush sound, the brat sat cross legged next to him absorbing the water like turbid essence.

As the wind blew without direction and time flowed like water, a tsunami occurs affecting all things and just like that two months had gone by.

The essence that surrounded Tristan now flowed into him like river into a lake his body glowed with a dark yet golden hew to it, his body was changing under the faint layer of ice.

Time ticked by quickly just like the rain falling from the sky it was poring buckets but Tristan's body was unaffected, his body that was covered by the faint icy layer was unaffected but one could still see the water droplets hitting his body.

Six months had passed since he had been paralyzed, the brat was now running about in the rain as if mad, she nimbly climbed onto Tristan's head, She then held out her little hands and cached a hand full of rain water in hands, she than place it next to her little mouth drinking it, she did this a few more times.

After getting her fill of water she hopped of Tristan's head and went back into the tent, as the season changed, all things go through a state of decline and just like that winter had came snow was falling from the sky turning the once green earth into a silvery gray.

Tristan's body was surrounded by a wall of liquified turbid essence but this did not stop the heavy snow from falling onto his body.

The dark golden glow from his body radiated heat but that seemed to have not affected the ice surrounding him in the slightest.

The little brat was next to him seeking heat from the faint golden glow around Tristan's body, the clothes she had on was small unable to fit her now that she's grown a physique. She was now one years of age but her body size was that of a 2-3 year old child.


The sound of something cracking could be heard, a faint crack could be seen covering the thin ice that was over Tristan's body.

The little brat stared at Tristan with anticipation in her eyes, she then went back into the tent for night had descended on the land. A week had passed since the cracks appeared, the little brat was sitting cross-legged next to Tristan cultivating.

Crack! . . . Crack! . . . Crack!

The cracking sound of ice startled the brat, she then looked at Tristan's figure suddenly, the cracked ice surrounding Tristan's figure began to fall off like the scales of an old dragon. A dark figure could be seen sitting cross-legged the cloth that was covering the figures eyes fell off as his eyes opened and closed, terrifying radiance flew out his eyes.

The surroundings shook under his gaze causing a terrifying pressure to spread outward, his chest that was still rose and fell at a rhythmic pace, the numbness in Tristan's body faded.

The feeling of being paralyzed soon dissipated and the fog that covered his mind was clearing at a rapid pace, his mind was now clear like the purest of holy waters and his thoughts where now sharp and quick like a divine sword or spare.

He was adjusting and getting used to his new body and sharp mind but he didn't realize that while he was adjusting, terrifying energies where being radiated out from his body.

The surrounding snow floated upward, the little brat that was next to Tristan started to float about in the air as Tristan's control over his body became grater so was the pressure around him.

A few minutes past by Tristan was now 90% in control of his body, another minute went by and Tristan was now in complete control. As he regained control the subconscious pressure his body released gradually dissipated into the forest the snow that was floating around him suddenly fell to the ground.

The brat was no exception to this she dropped on her butt, she let out a small grunt upon hitting the hard tree trunk, she stared at Tristan with resentment in her eyes.

A system notification popped up at this moment but instead of the usual metallic voice a soft female voice echoed in Tristan's head.

-System update complete, host hibernation has ended, welcome back user, how was your sleep?, was it comfy,?

Tristan nodded his head he then said "system your voice has changed,"

The system replied

"Yes my voice has changed, so what?, I'm still the system and you're still the host"

Hearing this Tristan said "oh I see the maintenance work has failed, I think you should be updated again to fix this bug," the system grew livid at his words.

Tristan then said "I can't be calling you system all the time, so what should I call you"

The system paused for a bit before replying "you should call me oh great divine system and as you say that you should kowtow 4 times."

Tristan snapped back, "kowtow my ass, little shitty system why don't you go jump of a cliff, oh I guess you can't do such a thing, plus how dare you call yourself divine in front of this emperor."

The system snorted "emperor?, more like peasant"

Tristan's face turned venomous as he said, "since i'm a peasant your my assistant, "what does that even mean," the system asked

"Oh great divine system for a peasant to have an assistant means that the assistant is a slave, so that means your my slave," the system froze for a bit. But Tristan took this opportunity to lash out as he said "slave why aren't you speaking," the system grimaced before saying "you win oh great emperor, host can I call you daddy emperor"

Tristan shook his head vigorously as he said in a loud voice


The system then said "daddy emperor here's the brand new system interface look through it carefully."