Earth shaking battle

As if of on instinct Tristan's right hand moved to his back.


An ear-piercing metallic sound echoed out, his hand witch protected his back exploded upon impact and the force behind the blow sent his body flying in the air, the wind howled like wailing ghosts next to his ears, the hand witch exploded regrew at a frightening speed, his left hand then moved to his front as if blocking from something.


Shockwaves spread outward and his hand was crushed into a mangled mess, his body then flew outward slamming into a nearby mountain, his body exploded into chunks of flesh and blood upon impact.

His body regenerated back in an instant and his eyes then darted around as if looking for something.

Cla Booom!

The upper half of the mountain Tristan was at was suddenly flew into the air with a loud shing, it then exploded with a loud boom sending chunks of earth and dust to fly into the surroundings, the shockwaves leveled the trees in its vicinity.

Looking up to the sky one could see the upper and the lower half of a man flying through the air, but as if attracted to each other the two halves connected to each other like magnets sticking to each other.


His body witch was in the air could be seen heading for the ground at an astounding speed, shockwaves spread outward into the surrounding scenery causing the wind to blow about fiercely


His body slammed into the ground causing chunks of earth to fly into the air, a mouthful of blood flew out of his mouth, but the blood flew back into his mouth as if to say

'I'm not leaving'.

The dust soon settled and Tristan body could be seen slowly rising up from the smashed earth, after a while he could be seen standing upright, but instead of looking around he stared in front of him. In front a humanoid figure stood its skin as black as ink and its eyes where a silvery white, a huge smile hung on its face, the only thing that didn't make it look human was its sword like arms.

But as Tristan was sizing it up, it also was sizing him up, without warning its figure flash and its sword like arms stabbed at Tristan's head, the scent of death could be smelt at the tip of the blade but.


(Sensing that ones death was eminent what would a person do, some would panic some would even calmly accept their faith, but not this one.)

As the tip of sword arm neared Tristan's forehead timed seemed to have been slowed and a smile slowly broke out on his face, his eyes turned into two crescents, As the tip of the sword arm grew closer the smile on his face grew wider making his face look distorted and in the next instant a trickle of blood ran down his face, but before the tip of the sword arm could go any further.

Tristan's right hand suddenly flew upward at a horrifying speed.

Splew Prack!.

His hand stabbed right threw the figures head, causing brain matter and blood to burst out, he turned to his left and slammed the creatures head into the ground causing the the earth to crack and fissure, the humanoid creature no longer had a head on its now twitching body

Bright red blood covered his face and at that moment he looked like a blood thirsty demonic god.

Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh

Before he knew it he was instantly surrounded by the black humanoids, they all stared at him like how one would stare at a piece of fat and juicy stake, feeling the gazes on him, his upper body witch was leaning forward slowly raised into a strait posture,

His head then leaned back at an angle and his eyes then lowered as if looking down on the world, the smile witch was on his face turned into distain, his voice then boomed out sounding cold and metallic,

''You lowly beings who stand before me looking at me as if I'm below you....." "Know this''.

As his words fell dark clouds filled the sky, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled about causing the atmosphere to feel suffocating, his eyes then turned blue and electrical arcs began to surround his body.

Lightning struck the ground as if passing down judgement on the world

"Know this you lowly creatures.....'' ''My name is.....'' ''Ruler!"

The world rumbled and shook violently as if in response to his words


- All under heaven shall kneel

His figure witch was standing still disappeared causing the ground to explode, sending rocks and chunks of earth into the enemies encirclement, his figure then reappeared but the aura around him changed becoming horrifying and stiff

"Hmmmm yes daddy ruler you're making me so hot right now"

Tristan's expression grew dark and viscous but because he could do nothing to the system he redirected his anger toward the black humanoid creatures

They felt a gravitational like pull on their bodies, it was forcing them to kneel, the humanoid creatures that surrounded him almost fell on their faces.

They all where a bit anxious and afraid of this new development, so they rushed over to attack him, seeing this Tristan's figure flashed clashing head on with the enemy

Bam! Bam! Bam!

A few of the creatures where sliced into two causing blood and internal organs to spew everywhere, he slashed out again cutting another in half, its innards fell out of its body forming a steaming mess, the creatures grew afraid of how easily he was killing them,

But his attention wasn't on the battle field it was elsewhere searching for something, that something was the leader of these terrifying creatures, his senses spread outward in a desperate search

"Ah hah, found yah, yah little shit"

His figure flashed appearing in front of a black humanoid that had blue lines running through its body, he raised his sword high in the air, he paused a bit before he slashed down furiously.

Hong, longlong!

The collision of the two blades caused horrifying energies to spread outward, the earth shook and rumbled as if it was hit by an earthquake, seeing that his attack didn't go through he pressed down with even grater force,

The earth caved inwards sending cracks and chunks of earth flying into the surrounding, the two creatures shocked the heavens with their display of strength.

His blood boiled causing him to go in a small state of frenzy, the leader of the black humanoids raised its other sword arm trying to pierce Tristan with it but it was met with great resistance, a pot collided fiercely with the tip of the sword arm

And a loud Wang Wang!! noise echoed out, but the two where now in a dead lock, but Tristan couldn't let this drag on any longer

'More strength i need more strength'

As his thoughts ran rampant his eyes witch where shining a bright blue suddenly spat out ghastly flames, the world suddenly went grey and a black orb started to converge on Tristan's right hand.