The Grand Adventure To Become A Type 1 Lifeform IX

As Tristan regained consciousness a one striped scorpion stood a foot ready to pounce, he rushed in without any ounce of fear, his confusion from earlier gone with the appearance of this new threat but for how long would this pretense last for.

The sword cried out like a vengeful ghost as Tristan swung it downward, the one striped scorpions feet moved in a chaotic manner and it disappeared, the sword stopped halfway and a brutal force radiated outward, the sand to scattered in all directions as if hit by a huge bolder, looking around for his opponent a sudden chill ran down his spine, the hairs stood on end as he felt death approaching his intuition flared and with a sudden gravity defying movement his body twirled in the air.

While spinning in the air Tristan was eyes were flashing with a sinister light, the stinger of the scorpion flew a little under him it retracted quickly but Tristan saw something completely horrifying, the end point of the scorpions tail that was supposed to be hook was shaped like a spare head, the tail at this moment seemed to have possess intelligent as it constantly stabbed at Tristan in the air, if one looked closely they could see that half of the spear head seemed to be detached/levitating from the other half connected to the tail.

The sound of the air being divided and the clashing of metal sounded out continuously, sparks flew in the the air and brightened up the sky for just a moment and soon thereafter faded away the battle was fierce but it was obvious that Tristan was in a disadvantageous position from time to time he had to fend off the sneak attacks from the other scorpions it got to the point where he became furious.


With a furious shout the wind blew with tyrannical force and swept the scorpions into the sky, even the one striped scorpion was affected, with the scorpions at bay and the one striped scorpion resisting the pull of the wind Tristan's speed doubled at this very moment, he rushed to the side of scorpion to deliver a devastating blow but something shocking took place, a mutated scorpion had actually managed to resist the pull of the wind and rushed in front of Tristan's attack.

The scorpion tumbled away from the impact and out purple blood it then struggled on the ground for a while before it stopped moving. It was at this moment a chilly sensation swept through Tristan body he knew at this very moment he had messed up, the striped scorpion's spare like tail stabbed over at lightning speed if one didn't have quick eyes they would have totally missed it. 

Tristan's anger burst forth at this moment his 'attack' and 'runway' method had been stopped a violent aura burst fort as Tristan shouted "this king will slaughter you!" 

As if frightened the scorpion stopped momentarily, taking advantage of the situation Tristan used the power of wind and a barrier surrounded him and Zanier, in the next instant sand flew into the air and the two burrowed underground, Tristan was making a run for it his expression at this moment was entirely different from before he seemed panicked and at the same time thrilled, his eyes kept flashing with an odd light.

The scorpion stared on in stunned silence, it then let out a long screech as if vowing to kill Tristan, within the writhing mass of scorpion the ground opened up beneath the shinny objects that had fallen from the sky Tristan laughed but he then stared at the sky fearfully and made a run for it. 

Zanier was incomprehensibly speechless, 'Was this the same man from before? Was this that valiant warrior?' . . . the image she had built of Tristan shattered, that was because before her eyes was a slimy thieving coward and not a warrior 

-Host has obtained two Dao fragments 2998 to go

Tristan quickly stored the Dao fragments while making their escape Zanier's eyes shown with a hint of distain but Tristan couldn't care less, as they were escaping a frightening news came from the system.

-The host has been locked onto by the scorpion god.


Tristan shouted his frustration reaching its peak the energies began to circulate within his body rapidly, the barrier thickened and with a sudden yet violent motion,


They broke free from the ground and rose to the sky like hot air. Zanier was scared as she had never experienced the sensation of flying, she clung to the barrier and prayed to every god she knew as if her life depended on it.

As they rose upward Zanier felt that her body temperature was becoming higher and higher she felt almost feverish as they approached the clouds this was obviously happened due to Tristan's power, The touched a low hanging grey cloud and a sudden chill swept through Zanier's body then spine tingling sensation could be felt as they fell downward, The entire world seemed to have been affected by this sudden change, a terrifying wind blew and rapped the duo within.

The sky became bleak due to the sudden rising of sand, a golden light shown at this moment and broke through the dark clouds but it was obviously too late Tristan and Zanier had been shot thousands upon thousands of miles away, the scorpion god knew that this sandy plain was vast to to a frightening extent only the realm wall showed its end the same could be said for the other realms they were vast to a frightening extent even if one had become a type one lifeform they could easily be lost here.

That golden light radiated outward and a suffocating pressure bared down on the world, it wasn't as tyrannical as the 'radioactive god emperor' but it was still terrifyingly strong.

A half humanoid half scorpion could be seen in this thick golden light its eyes stared coldly in a certain direction then to another then to another the tracker she had placed onto the human was dispersed by the wind.

The scorpions faced scrunched up with annoyance and with a single motion heaven and earth moved the sun dimmed and the moon lost it splendor a vortex of energy was formed it was equivalent to a continental rending storm the winds swept through the vast sandy plains at horrifying speeds.

Wooo! Woooo! Wooo!

Tristan and Zanier sat quietly inside of the barrier, they stared at the everchanging landscape below them as they were being carried by the wind, the silence was interrupted as Zanier asked with a shaky voice what was that pressure, Tristan smiled wryly his desperate aura subsided and a calm look was on his face "that was the black scorpion god."

Gasp . . !

Zanier looked at Tristan dumbfoundedly as she asked with a panicked voice "God! was that really a God!?" Tristan nodded then shook his head as he then explained calmly "god is just a title given to an individual once they've reached a certain level of power even I could be considered a god in some lesser realms" Zanier nodded then she spoke as if expecting, "can we beat that creature?"


Tristan laughed but this sudden burst of laughter was cut short as he looked to their back, low and behold that terrifying energy vortex was tailing them, Tristan pointed at it and spoke with a mocking tone "That's just an ability to move around yet it possesses enough energy to obliterate a continent even this great one chose to flee do you really think we could fight that?"

Zanier stared at this scene with an face that said 'what the F#$k was that?', Tristan ignored the dumbstruck girl and concentrated, his power began to circulate, he was planning on making another attempt to increase their speed, but in the next moment his eyes opened and he shifted the barrier to the side.


A gold light flew past at blinding speed it illuminated the darkness as it flew some distance away before piercing the earth. 


The sandy earth exploded Zanier was shocked speechless at the sight she grew fearful and thought that if Tristan didn't move in time they would've been obliterated into nothing but something that almost made her cry out in fear happened several more golden lights flew over with the barrier twirled in the air dodging the attacks successfully.

His energy reached its peak the winds direction turned upward and the duo rushed into the sky the same feeling fell on zanier but this time it was even more intense it felt as though she would pass out from the heat the dark clouds rolled about chaotically.

After touching the tumbling grey clouds they began to fall downward Zanier felt as if she was going to be frozen over and a mountain like pressure fell on her body causing her to loose consciousness momentarily.

The vast sky and earth became quiet then an incomprehensibly loud sound echoed out.


The air exploded and the world flew in reverse the wind blew chaotically and ravished the earth like a mad god Tristan's body shook endlessly his skin at this moment began to seep blood, he was forcing the energy in his body outward to reinforce the barrier.

A sharp pain assailed his senses he just smiled at the pain but upon doing so his figure became sinister like that of a demonic entity his eyes flashed with terrifying radiance witch made his visage even more sinister Tristan had suffered greatly from a type one lifeform and now he was running away from one in a sorry state he vowed to become more powerful.

The scorpion god didn't chase after because that speed was truly too fast, her specialty was brute force after all, only a few minutes had passed but Tristan's skin was torn to shreds in several places the pain was indescribable but he continued to smile, Zanier collapsed several times but when she woke up at this moment she saw Tristan's sinister figure at this moment.

She was astonished but shortly thereafter she blacked out again half an hour had passed and zanier woke up with a soul splitting headache she then looked in Tristan's direction his body was shaking then he fell forward the intensity of the winds diminished and they began fall from the sky at a rapid pace.

The barrier on the other hand remained intact but it flickered insistently and as they plunged downward Zanier's fear grew and she began to circulate her energy arts to protect her and Tristan from sudden impact


The duo crashed into the ground causing waves of yellow sand to surge upward the two lay still on the the ground for a long period of time 3 days passed and the duo had been covered by the sand boom the parted and Tristan's hagered figure could be seen

He sat cross legged and began to restore his condition, as he was doing so the Dao fragments in his storage began to shake violently, then as if it could ignore the laws of space, it broke free from the dimensional storage, the Dao fragment sudden appearance startled Tristan it hovered in front of him and let out a dim light.

The mischievous stone that was quiet until now shown with a hazy light it then rapidly increased in size then floated mid air it then shook as if resonating with the the Dao fragments.

The Dao fragment shook in response then the mischievous stone floated over to the left of Tristan then situated in the air and acted as its center the Dao fragment moved and situated itself 8 feet below it almost touched then a tiny piece of light flew over and took its place 1 feet above the large piece.

The stone began to mumble incoherently and the Dao fragments began to slowly rotate as if in obit 

The large Dao fragment shown with light and a tyrannical aura spread outward the mumbling of the stone grew louder and strange chants began to echo out incessantly, the sound seeming to have traversed the distant past to arrive at present, Tristan stared at the stone dumbfoundedly but a shocking scene transpired, a bright light shown and an circular seal formed mid air in the next moment the seal rushed forth and merged between his brows.

-Host has been enlightened by Dap and will acquire the Tyrannical Black Scorpions martial arts.


Converts energy into physical strength energy techniques will be changed when practicing this martial.


Tristan grew fearful as he thought out loud "isn't this against my nature?, as a energy being if this thing merged with him wouldn't it suck away his lifeforce and leave him, like a dried up corpse?"

Tristan's line of thought was not wrong however he was making a crucial misjudgment, this technique was the most suited for him the technique only needed energy to which he already had in fact this would take his energy evolution to the next level all he needed to do was just to accumulate energy then deprive it from himself doing so repeatedly would undoubtedly lead to a profound transformation.

The idiot wasn't thinking again he was just going with his cowardly nature.