The Grand Adventure To Becoming A Type 1 Lifeform V

After acquiring the elixir the two walked backed to the passage and in a just a few minutes the two reached the staircase, pek!, pek!, pek!, the sound of something hitting the ground sounded in the two ears, turning his head Tristan looked for where the sound was coming from.

'A stone?' Tristan thought as he tried to recall where he saw it, but remembering what little time he had, he rushed up the stairs but that strange peking sound kept ringing out behind them.

All of a sudden Zanier let out a yelp of pain, Tristan turned to look at her only to see the stone hanging off her butt, it was then that his mind went 'aww its that peice of shit stone from earlier' Rushing over he tried to pulled the stone off her butt, but the stone bit his hand then as if looking at him jumped up to bite his face.

Tristan's head drew back due to reflex, he then threw the vile to Zanier and said ''go up quickly i'll hold this thing off'', Zanier nodded and rushed up but the stone that was focused on Tristan turned its focus to Zanier and chased after, Tristan turned around and . . . wow! What a nice view he saw, the veiw in question was that of Zanier's ass bouncing up and down in a rhythmic pattern.

While running up the stairs, the stone constantly bit Zanier's round and plump rear and a mesmerized Tristan watched along, time seemed to pass by like a cool wind on a hot summer day, and just like that the two were now at the top of the staircase and with time to spare at that.

-Host has 2 minutes left.

Panting for breath the two looked at each other and Zanier's eyes teared up, with a puffed up face she stormed off not saying a word, Tristan could only stare on guilty .


Inside the dusty room the troll eyes glowed with an odd luster while staring at the slowly opening door, its eyes met with Zanier's the tears from earlier nowhere in sight, the troll smiled but she only nodded in return.

Tristan entered afterwards his sad face nowhere in sight. The stone door slowly closed, the troll then stretched out his hand, Zanier reached inside her bosom and took out the glowing green vile and placed it into the troll's hand.

Feeling the slight warmth from the bottle the troll smiled its nose twitching as if to smell the fragrance, Tristan turned around to leave but the troll called out and said don't forget your reward after saying that a glowing leaf floated over.

-Host has completed the mission of making an elixir for the troll.

Reward - World tree leaf.

Bonus reward in process.

After collecting the leaf the troll head tilted up and with outstretched hands poured the thick and stinky liquid into its mouth, the room began to glow with red runes and symbols.

Host has met conditions for hidden boss . . . dark trolls transformation commencing in 3. 2. 1.

But the two were already prepared. The troll's muscles swelled, its spine expanding, its pale yellow skin turned black its veins showing off a golden luster. The troll smiled hideously and said human for shaming me earlier, I'm gonna kill you and take that girl of yours.

-If the host kills the rampaging troll bonus reward will become a special scenario/stage. t - 5 minutes to completion.

The troll stared at Zanier with a dirty smile on its ugly face but Tristan got ready for battle and the troll charged at him its clenched fist punching forward and as it did so black mist surged upward shaking the stone room

Moving to the right Tristan slashed down his blade drawing blood, the troll screamed out in rage and pain, it then threw a left hook at Tristan but reacting quickly he blocked the punch but the force behind the punch sent him flying into the wall


The wall caved in but Tristan seemed unharmed, the troll charged at Tristan who was now stuck in the wall black mist surged again it's fist clenched.

Bam! Bam! Bam!.

The troll fists paused as it looked at the now empty hole in the wall, Tristan who had managed to slip out before the first fist even landed was now crouching under the troll's legs, his body twisted and a fist landed on the troll's balls.

The troll's balls burst with a puchi! sound, "Kyaaaa!" the troll screamed out in pain, its hands reached down to its Kroch and as tears rolled down its face, Tristan rolled to the back of the troll.

Looking at the trolls back a thin thread appeared, a point of energy this surging hunger, Tristan was now covered in blood, but not knowing what happened he looked over at Zanier's and saw her horrified expression.

-Host has killed dark troll . . . bonus reward activating in 3 2 1.

-Host has unlocked a hidden tower of ice and snow. clear tower to

gain reward.

The cave rumbled and shook vigorously, the ground cracked and a blinding light shot towards the sky shattering the cave in an instant, but the three where teleported safely waited, three!Tristan looked around for the third party and saw that hateful gray stone.

Time passed and the blinding light began to disperse into multicolored radiance and the sight of a pale blue glass tower piercing the sky an immortal like setting indeed.

Host may now enter the tower of ice and snow

Taking a step Tristan disappeared from sight and appeared inside the tower he looked around in a daze wondering how he got in but on the outside zanier was looking around frantically to see where Tristan disappeared to

Tristan stared at an oldman that was in front of him, his hair and clothes a pure white, his hand raised and he pointed at a snow shovel leaning on the wall.

The old man then spoke his voice like the rolling waves, "you have entered the trial of time, now you must shovel away the snow of time that blocks the path to the top, note that if you shovel too fast or you'll die."

The figure disappeared after those words and Tristan just stood there with the shovel in his hands. He then looked at the thin bit of snow on the ground and thought, this is gonna be easy, with sleeves rolled up Tristan took a step but a voice spoke up in warning.

"Note that your body will decay when shoveling snow for too long and you will die if you go too fast"

Tristan paused cold sweat running down his face he shook his head as if to rid himself of the scary thoughts, taking in a deep breath Tristan began to shovel snow at a moderate pace.


His psyche shook and his vision blurred and visions began to appear in his mind, time flowed like a river while he slowly shoveled snow.

Tristan's flesh began to slowly decay but then a loud Ding echoed in his mind which was then accompanied with a voice worse than dread, "a thousand worlds has passed while you slowly decay! . . . hahahaa, such is the fate of mortal beings."

Time flowed onward, but . . . this surging moment this unstoppable will Tristan now had nothing but bones left while he shoveled away, but a fire showed in those hollow sockets revealing a will that never dies, a will that pushes ever onward.

-Host has comprehended 0.1% of the authors' will [surging momentum].

This momentum surged through Tristan's skeleton making him shine with a blinding light the snow on the ground shook and opened a path upward [narrate] with creaking bones he headed upward his march seemingly having no end.

After sometime he reached the top of this tower and his flesh began to regenerate muscles, flesh and blood where all restored to their original state a fiery gaze stared at a crystal ball at the center of the room but then a system notification appeared.

-Item: Realm crystal


Can be used to open a passage in the realm wall.

-Host next destination is to the realm wall.

His body disappeared along with the crystal ball and as soon as he appeared outside a transparent arrow appeared over head pointing towards the distance.

The host has gained a familiar chaos stone

'Chaos stone'? Tristan questioned as he looked around, click! click! Tristan heard a sound to his side so he looked down and it was that hateful stone his foot raised to stomp it but Zanier was faster.


And after fooling around and venting their frustrations on the stone the trio began to follow the arrow overhead. The wind blew and snow fell and before they knew it they began to see a structure in the distance.

-Host needs to cover another 150 miles.

Tristan's eyes widened his mind filled with questions [eyes of analysis].

-Host has activated skill [eyes of analysis].


His vision shook and information began to stream in like a rising tide Tristan eyes sharpened and he began to focus on the information he needed.

Realm wall


-Draws power from the surrounding ice and snow through a unique pattern created by the earth. This barrier is visible to all creatures who are in a 150 km vicinity and repels all who try to pass it.

Time ticked by and soon enough night came the two set up tents for the night and in a blink night turned into day and onward they went to their destination set.

2 more days passed like this and they were now a few kilometers away from the realm wall and why a spectacular sight it was the barrier was translucent but white lines and strange patterns intertwined then dispersed throughout the massive structure.

Tristan's neck was cranked back his eyes searching for an end to this massive wall but it was then that the system notified him.

Host can now use the realm crystal to bypass the realm wall.

Reaching into the storage space he pulled out the crystal ball and it was then that something strange happened, time seemed to have come to a standstill.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The ground beneath their feet vibrated and shook tremendous amounts of cold energy swirled upward with a whooshing sound.


Cold energy collided powerfully with the barrier causing a gust of cold air to spread outward pushing back the trio with the expectation of Tristan for he just stood there, his body unmoving.

Hum! Hum! Hum! Boom!

The barrier vibrated and the world shook, Tristan's unmoving body began to shake then cold energy began to surge towards him.



The barrier surged with symbols and patterns they then began to concentrate at the center

-Host has acquired 10,000 points of the cold element, note that the host needs [99,989,900] points to have complete control of the cold element.

The symbols that gathered at the center of the barrier shot out like a death beam aimed at Tristan

Zuooom! Boom! Honglonglong!

The beam of energy stabbed into Tristan's body like a lance or a spear, the ground caved in and fine cracks spread outward.

Zanier screamed out in fear worried for Tristan's safety.

The world is aiding your growth plus 100,000 cold points per second 16 minutes and 6 seconds remaining till the host has full control of the cold element.

-Tminus 15 minutes till complete absorption of the cold element

-Tminus 10 minutes till complete absorption of the cold element

-Tminus 5 minutes till complete absorption of the cold element.

-Tminus 1 minutes till complete absorption of the cold element

And as the time for completion drew near a small crack appeared, it was enough for Tristan Zanier and the mischievous stone to pass through.


The world shook intensely and at this moment Tristan's body surged with cold energy symbols floating about like snowflakes but these so-called snowflakes contained the power to freeze the world.

But this terrifying energy was quickly withdrawn into his body, he then turned around to the two and gestured to the crack in the wall with a smile. With stained expressions the two walked into the crack, their bodies being enveloped by mist.


-All beings are worthy to pass through the world barrier so long as they have a key, but there are exceptions to this rule.


A bestial roar echoed across the land. Outside the barrier a cloud of snow could be seen flying over at blinding speed.

The crack that opened up began to quickly seal up but the unknown creature was faster.


Shockwaves spread outward pushing back the cloud of snow revealing a powerful frame. It was a massive lizard, its scalles white like snow and on its head were 6 eyes that shown with a pale blue radiance.

Its mouth opened revealing rows of sharp teeth it then let out an angry roar, the air rippling as it did so.


It's body twisted and it's tail slammed into the opening


The strike was an equivalent of ten atomic bombs but the surface of the realm wall only rippled slightly the creature stared angrily as the gap in the realm wall was completely sealed.

With a body covered in blue lines it bursted into blue flames, their temperature not hot but freezing cold and with rage in its eyes the creature attacked changing the colors of heaven and earth.


A hundred kilometers of land caved in in an instant, a large gust of wind blew sweeping away the snow covering the land the destruction of an epic scale and like a hammer hitting glass fine cracks covered the realm wall but the creature knew that this wasn't enough for it had done so thousands of times.

Inside the barrier the trio could be seen walking through a passage filled with mist They saw a wall of ice that seemed to touch the sky

-The final trial from the realm of ice climb the great wall note host will only be able to use physical strength.

Reaching into his storage he grabbed some knives and forks he then threw some to Zanier and said we gonna climb the wall Zanier stare at him as if she was looking at an idiot.

But not paying any heed to her expression Tristan stabbed the knife into the wall and stated to climb the mischievous stone size shrunk and hoped unto his back.

Sighing Zanier began to climb the wall as well but as she did so the wall shook making her almost lose balance Tristan on the other hand was unaffected by this shaking as he went upward.

Time flowed and 6 hours had passed but it seemed like the top of the wall was nowhere in site but deciding to push forward they went up steadily time passed by quickly not knowing when in the journey they encountered the wind the trio continued to press onward.

Wooo! Wooo! Wooo!

The wind howled crazily and slammed into the two that were climbing Tristan cursed out loud "fuck!", But Zanier who was agitated spoke up "I wonder who came up with the idea to climb the wall with knives and forks".

And with that remark Tristan rage went down and he became quiet and as time flew and they drew close to the top the conditions became harsher and harsher.

The wind blew and hailstones fell slamming into Tristan's and Zanier's body time flew and after enduring the harsh conditions for 3 days and night the trio finally reached the top.

The knives and forks were bent but Tristan just gathered them and chuck them into the depts he turned and the three then headed off into the distance.

Time passed by quickly and after walking for a while the trio had finally left the snowy plain and into the sandy plain.

While walking they saw a large river that divided a continent bending down Zanier scooped some water into her hands and drank some she gasp.

"So refreshing!"

The two then decided that they would stay here for a day to ensure that they had everything they needed soon enough night came and now that it was cool the trio began to travel.

After quite the duration they had traveled 15 kilometers in.

On a sandymountain Tristan Zanier and the mischievous stone could be seen staring at something in the distance and that something was sand nandos.

The stone that was looking at the scenery was drawn to a patch of golden sand it rushed forward and began to frantically devour the patch of sand.

The trios path had to be altered several times before they reached a fairly calm area but Tristan felt that something was odd at this moment so he decided to use eyes of analysis.


Confused Tristan wondered what this danger meant, he was even more bewildered to the fact that the skill eyes of analysis didn't try to blind him.

Rumble! Rumble!

The sound of thunder rumbling echoed out starring off into the distance they saw something that any traveler would dread, a sandstorm, but acting quickly he covered up his and Zanier's faces with stips of cloth and damped it with some water.

Woo woo

The wind blew fiercely but the duo stood their ground the storm engulfed them but they were prepared.

Host has gained 100 points of earth energy host needs another 99,999,900 points to gain full control of the earth element

It had been a week since the sand storm engulfed the group and it seemed to not be stopping anytime soon, the trio was almost out of water at this point, but it was then that mischievous stone began move oddly, while tristan and zanier was walking to the right it began to move to the left.

Tristan Sharpe eyes spotted the odd movement of the stone he then gesture to Zanier and they began to follow it, and while following the stone, they took several odd turns hear and their

After sometime tristan felt that the strength of the storm winds weakening and visibility became better the stone then took a sharp turn and headed to what one would prosume as forward

The winds kept weakening and after sometime their visions cleared up

They had finally escaped the storm but this blessing seemed to be a curse for two had escaped into a shit ton of sand nandos, cursing the sandy desert The trio headed forward their guide know where in site.

The trio walked for a while and finally they had reached a dead zone. It was both a blessing and a curse for dead zones would have extreme weather on rare occasions.

The trio headed onward, their destination not yet set but after walking for a while the trio realized something, the sandy plain . . . It was quiet too quiet, no sandstorms, not even the wind blew, it wasn't even hot.

Tristan Zanier and the stone were suspicious for they had encountered many storms before this. But avoiding all signs they decided to walk even deeper to see what would happen.

After walking for a while the trio heard the first sound they had heard in a while.


A dragon's roar echoed across the land startling the trio, Tristan's eyes squinted as he then said in a weird tone "you feel that?"

But before the others could answer harsh winds blew and with the sudden flow of air four gigantic sand tornadoes began to form


Another dragon-like roar echoed across the land causing the sand underneath the adventure's feet to fly about, but instead of focusing on the sand tornados in front Tristan's gaze was on the ground beneath him.

-Disaster level monster has appeared it's race [Sand Dragon] its attributes are wind and earth and it's mastery are near transcendent host please be careful and have a fun fight.

Tristan cursed under his breath, he then shouted "Zanier get back!" and upon hearing this shout Zanier and Tristan's figure blurred and they appeared around a hundred meters away.

The sand that where the two previously stood began to sink inwards, the sink hole grew larger and larger almost reaching the area where the two stood but the sand that was sinking inwards began to rise upwards.


The creature let out an earth shaking roar, sand scattered and a sound wave spread out, after the dust settled a massive head the size of a three story house was now visible.

Two large dragon eyes stared at them, Tristan sword dropped down into his hand, his energy surged, the dragon roared and rushed into the sky to reveal its true form, the site before them was a spectacle to behold, four storms like pillars blocked the sky and a massive flood dragon at its center it's coiling body sending sand everywhere.