New life

"Ugh" Lucas woke up with pain in his stomach as if someone had punched him.

Instead of complaining, reach out to soothe the pain. He didn't open his eyes. The bright light in the hospital room always makes his eyes hurt.

After touching his stomach, I notice that he was hard and I feel his abs bulging. This makes him stop for a second. I didn't remember having abs.

He remembered that he had abs, but after getting sick, he lost all the musculature he once got with his hard work.

Thinking that it would not be bad to have the same physique again. Determined to open his eyes to see what was going on.

When he opened his eyes, he was preparing for the bright lights of the hospital. But instead, what he saw was darkness. This makes him feel weird.

He never wakes up late at night.

Living in the hospital makes your body work by routines, and takes more than 1 year of them.

I couldn't see much with the room in the dark. So, instead, he began to move his hand through his stomach.

His mind was still a little confused by the dream, so he couldn't think because he had abs.

I was now awake, so what I was about to do next was to sit on the bed.

His body was so weak that he needed help from a nurse to sit on the bed and even with help it usually hurt a lot.

He prepares a little for the pain that will come, but he did it anyway. Move your arm to use it as support.


He moved again.

Mm? What the hell? Seeing that his arms didn't hurt, he began to move them.

"Does not hurt!" Seeing that his body didn't hurt, he jumped out of bed, causing a laptop that was on the side of him to fall to the ground.

Although he didn't care. It was more important to look at your own body than a random laptop.

Or at least try, it was very dark.

'My legs! I can feel them! "Seeing that his body felt better than ever, he started looking around the room. Seeing nothing but a few silhouettes, he went to the side of the bed. Where he could see a silhouette on the wall of the keys to turn on the light.


He closed his eyes in annoyance when the light appeared. After a second he opened them again... This was not his hospital room!

"Where am I?" looking around, he sees a messy little room full of stacked boxes.

He looked like someone preparing to move. Continue with the wonder of a body that does not hurt while looking around.

It was while examining the room that he saw a corner sofa and a mirror next to it.

I walk to the mirror while dodging piles of boxes.

"What?! This is not me!"

In front of him, there was a reflection of a tall and handsome boy.

She had black hair that reached up to her shoulder, her eyes were navy blue, she had well-proportioned eyebrows and a symmetrical face.

Simply put, ridiculously handsome.

Amazed by his new appearance, I notice a small shiny metal coming out of his ear.

Moving his hair to the side, he noticed that one of his ears was pierced with a small silver earring.

He wasn't bothered.

Any discomfort he might have with any kind of body modification had been eliminated by the constant probing of doctors and needles. At least these earrings looked good and didn't hurt.

Keep looking at his reflection for a while.

Being inside another body was an experience I wasn't mentally prepared for.

Even so, after probing, touching and pinching, making him understand that he did not know who this body was or where it was.

Thinking about how to search for information, remember the laptop.

After grabbing the laptop computer, he sat on the sofa and opened the computer.

Examining the side, I notice that it was a normal laptop.

I expected I wasn't in a sci-fi world with a spaceship firing lasers around... he didn't like those things.

Turn on the black laptop with a small round button in the right corner.

The computer turns on. On the bright screen, the desktop of the screen appears.

Looking for any kind of folder that can give you information, he sees that the wallpaper is the photo of a beautiful girl.

Seeing this, a memory appeared in front of his mint. As if I were watching a movie.

The memory kept going on inside his mind, understanding a little more about this world.

The world where he finds himself is an alternate world like his, no superpowers or weird abilities.

Looking closely at his memories, he knew that his name was still Lucas Miller, his parents had died a few months ago, he has a brother named Noah Miller. And most importantly, he has a beautiful daughter named Lucia Miller.

Once he learned more or less in the context in which this body was located, he goes to the web browser of the laptop.

There he looks for new news and the news of this world.

It's the year 2010, there are things that in your old world there were not at this time. There were state-of-the-art smartphones, such as iPhone 13, high-end computers, etc.

Searching for more information he finds something that shocks him.

The music of this world is far behind, there are no good songs or artists as good as in their time.

Of course, here there were great composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky and some more.

There were also legendary musical works such as Moonlight Sonata, Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Für Elise, Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture and other more famous works from his old world.

And in this world, there was a lack of famous fashion houses such as Versace, Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Armani and many more.

Thinking of this, he set a new goal in this life.

Live a quiet and informal and pamper your new daughter a lot. And also, to be a great singer and bring the beauty of fashion to this new world.