Note of Memories

Chapter 2: Note of Memories


After you finish thinking and marking your goal, look back at the screen.

He kept looking at some files while he was a little overwhelmed not knowing where to start.

It was when he saw that the time changed at 6:00 AM when he decided to double-click on a folder called "Dark Fantasy".

When he saw the name, he thought that he was going to see some literary works or something related to the subgenre "dark fantasy" inside.

But entering the folder, he saw that there were a lot of audio files, note files, etc.

While still watching some notes and audios, I came to the conclusion that the previous owner of this body was about to release a music album.

'Mm, it's not bad, but it's missing a lot of things' that's the conclusion I draw after listening to some pieces of audio and so on.

Seeing that this album is in his plans to be a future musical star, he decides to leave it for later and see if he can complete it.

The story behind "Dark Fantasy" is not bad either, but it also has nothing to do with the literary genre, but about the dark fantasies of the previous body.

'Has the previous body already released any songs?' searching the memories of the previous owner, see that he has not yet released any songs, or anything.

Releasing an album is one of the best ways to position yourself as an artist in the music world.

The album really talks about who you were as a firm foundation.

However, it takes a lot of effort and production... therefore, the previous body was being produced by the solo, and I do not think it is the best option.

Making an album is great for establishing yourself in the music world and gaining more weight, but it's not recommended to start with.

This body hasn't made any releases, and the best option is to start with an EP or a single.


An EP contains between 4-6 songs, and a single between 1-3. So, it's the best way to start with something easier to produce and gain an audience.

An album is amazing, but you have to produce more than 7 songs. And if you don't have an audience, it will be a lot of effort for nothing.

After you've released an EP or several singles and gained an audience, then an album will be a great way to establish yourself solidly.

So, I'll leave this album for later, and I have to focus on some songs for an EP or single. I guess some old songs of mine worked very well. But I don't like to produce them in the same way and not make them some change.

I guess I'll add new things to it and grow as an artist.

In my musical life I simply did rhythm and blues, also known as R&B, my music had a lot of soul, funk and my R&B pulled towards the traditional, music of the year 1980.

I always wanted to produce R&B recordings that contain the hip hop genre. I loved that combination of R&B and hip-hop rhythms.

So, I guess I'll add that to my old songs, but it doesn't seem like enough to me.

I want to make good music, which all the masses like, although it is practically impossible. Because everyone has a distinct taste for music and others just don't like music.

After seeing that folder, he took a deep breath and then opened a note program, began to write down all the things he knew about his new life.

His name is 24-year-old Lucas Miller.

He is the eldest son of the Miller family and has a younger brother named Noah Miller, 22.

He has both of his parents dead and, from what he could see, they were unsympathetic and open-minded.

Her father ran a criminal organization called Voyls, and it is currently one of the strongest organizations in the underworld here, while her mother was the daughter of a wealthy family that did not work, all she had was her beauty.

Although they were not bad parents, he and Noah were given all tastes, although the two were geniuses respectively.

And in this life, he had a daughter, named Lucia Miller who idolized him. And because of how cute and intelligent she was, hepampered her like no one else.

His beautiful appearance I inherit from him and his intelligence clearly also from him.

His mother... well, she wasn't a good mother, nor does she need to know much about her. Although it is a bit sad that he has to grow up without a mother.

In this new world, the previous owner of this body was going to be the one who would inherit his father's organization, but he had a daughter, and his parents did not accept her.

So, he separated from his family and the money generated by it, so he had to work selling beats for local artists.

Well... that's over, now that I took over this body it's time to go back to my dear little brother's side, and ask him for a lot of money.

He needs a lot of money for all his future projects, and if brother is the key to it. Seeing the memories with his brother, he sees that there is no kind of hatred between the brothers, what's more, his brother loves him very much.

Although the relationship between the brothers became distant, since the previous owner did not call his brother or anything, because he was busy earning a living and taking care of his daughter. And his brother didn't contact him either since he was running one of the largest criminal organizations in North America.

Thinking about all the work he has to go through to achieve his goals, he begins to overwhelm.

Reincarnate, new family, a daughter, a whole career to carry out, many problems.

Seeing all these things makes him want to go to a bar to get drunk and momentarily forget about his problems.

After confirming the path, he will travel in this new life, Lucas starts to think about whether he had friends or other family members besides his brother and parents.

He didn't have a single friend, he wasn't very sociable, at school he had the best grades and his free time was used to make new music or train with his father.

It was really interesting to see the adult attitude in a 15-year-old, and even if he could respect his goals, he still wanted to live a life of greatness and fame.

By god, I was in a new world, I wanted to visit new museums, new bands, have a wife, and play in front of thousands of people!

Luke's inner monologue was interrupted after the cutest being on this planet entered his room.

"Dad, I'm hungry " hearing the voice of an angel looked towards her.

*thum-thum* *thum-thum*

Seeing his daughter, his heart raced. While inside I was thinking 'Nobody, absolutelyno one can touch my daughter'.

Lucas saw his daughter looking at him, so he quickly put the computer on the light table and got out of bed.

"My cute little ball, come and give your beautiful father a big hug," she said as she walked and crouched down to hug her daughter tightly andjumped into bed without hurting Lucia.

Lucia's face flushed after her father's actions.

Not that it was the first time his father used such an embarrassing nickname.

But, as an obedient daughter, she stayed in his warm embrace. Of course, she also used the rights to be her daughter to place an order.

"Dad, I want the new graphics tablet," he said as he put on puppy eyes.

"Of course, tomorrow we'll go buy it," Lucas replied without much thought.

As Lucas hugged his daughter, he began to think about how happy he was. She just hoped that there was a way to make her happy forever.