
Pressing the call button, the phone started to ring.

"Hey bro, long time no see, how are you doing?" an elegant and young voice came from his phone.

This voice belonged to Noah Miller, Lucas' brother.

"Pretty good, I was able to get settled into the organization and in a few days I have a flight to Italy" Noah replied, letting out a slight sigh.

Noah had to take over Voyls at only 22 years old, it's quite overwhelming to take over a very large criminal organization, besides Noah didn't have much experience. But father's former assistant and other friends who are in the organization guided him quite well, and he was able to take the reins of the organization very quickly.

Chuckling lightly, Lucas replied,"No, I intend to return to the family, I can no longer afford to support Lucia and myself. Along with my plans for my future career it too much."

"Oh that's great news, are you going back to your old mansion? If so I would like to visit you, also would love to see my niece, I haven't seen her in a long time" Noah said quite enthusiastically.

"Yes I will be going back to my old mansion, and you can visit tomorrow, this afternoon I will start to move and bring all the stuff" said Lucas with a smile on his face.

"Sure, tomorrow, see you then." Noah's excited voice was heard, clearly happy to see his brother and niece again.

"See ya" Lucas said and cutting the call short.

When the call ended, Lucas let out a sigh of relief, he was quite nervous and worried that something would happen with his brother, if something went wrong, his plans were going to get rough.

Thinking about what he could do now, while waiting for his daughter to get back from school, he remembered that he has yet to think of a song for his debut as an artist.

He had already decided to debut with an EP, something that won't cost too much time or budget, although budget is not a problem now.

Now the only thing missing is the genre of the EP, he wants to play something with his guitar, but he doesn't want to do a Rhythm, blue or rock. If he puts out something like that, a lot of people are going to think that he could only just do rock or something similar.

He's an artist who can do anything, and he doesn't want people to put limits on his music.

Thinking back, he starts to reminisce about his life before this happened and his friend Tyler. Tyler was a real hip hop and gospel fan. His friend was a believer in God.

Lucas also believed there was some entity that could be called God.

God helped Lucas and Tyler a lot in getting out of the miserable situation that they were in, they both went through almost everything, murders, drugs. Having a little faith in God gave them some hope.

An idea sprouted in Lucas' crazy mind, he had never done music like gospel or hip hop before.

Quickly walking to his room to get his laptop. Lucas quickly turn on the laptop, and opened the same note program, where he wrote everything about Lucas' life.

The sound of a keyboard echoed in the room for a long time.


Letting out a sigh, Lucas stopped typing and stared at what he wrote for a long time, looking for mistakes or something else that he thinks that he could add.

When he finished proofreading and correcting everything, he quickly got out of bed and looked around the room for a guitar. In one corner of the room there was an electric guitar case.

Slowly opening the case, he found a black Epiphone Les Paul Studio electric guitar, it's a nice guitar.

This Les Paul has pickups, independent tone and volume controls for each element, which produces different results. The strong point in its sound is to be distorted, dense, punchy, powerful and round.

(N/A: I have no idea about guitars, I have a guitar in my room collecting dust).

It is ideal for 70s rock, blues, jazz, heavy metal and punk.

After appreciating the guitar. Lucas settled in to start playing.

Gently strumming the strings and tuning it.

A little riff started to play in the room, letting himself go, Lucas starts humming a little melody.

*Strumming the strings*

*Rin, rin, rin!*

Snapped out of his trance by the sound of the doorbell ringing, Lucas got out of bed and went to see who it is that is ringing the doorbell.

Opening the door, Lucas saw 2 people was a big guy and the other was a really lanky guy

"Hello, we are from Alario Removals, are you Mr. Lucas?" asked the big man in his thick voice.

"Hello, yes I'm Lucas, you can come in and get all the boxes that needs to be moved, what is not inside boxes is not to be touched" said Lucas, as he signaled for them to enter the house.

And so the time passed, as Lucas helped the 2 men carry the boxes to the moving truck.

Sitting back in his room, Lucas was quite satisfied with what he wrote on the computer and the guitar riff, looking at the time he got up to go pick up Lucia from school and move to the new house.


Outside the school, Lucas was waiting for Lucia to get out.

Watching as the cute little girl approached him he smiled and held out his hand for her.

"How were classes?" asked Lucas to Lucia as they started to walked back hand in hand.

"Boring as usual, we had math class, but it was all so easy", grumbling, Lucia replied.

"Haha, you clearly brought out your father's intelligence" Lucas said in a proud voice.

Asking again, Lucas said, "Do you want to go to some restaurant for lunch? The movers have already taken all the stuff."

Nodding her head Lucia replied, "Sure, let's go eat at Aunt Rachel's restaurant, I want to eat the meatballs and spaghetti that Aunt Rachel makes."

Laughing at his daughter's expression over Aunt Rachel's food. They started walking toward the restaurant.

In the distance they could see a small restaurant that was called Cavia Restaurant, entering the establishment, they saw few people having their lunch.

Sitting down at a table for two and then ordering food, the father and daughter enjoyed a delicious meal.