
On the busy streets of Seattle, inside a small restaurant called "Cavia Restaurant" stood a father-daughter duo.

The interior of the restaurant was cozy it had full wooden decor, giving it an English style. The duo was at a small table waiting for a waitress. After only a few minute, a waitress came to the table, she had a head of black hair with a few bangs above her eyes.

The girl smiled happily and said, "Welcome! Can I take your order?"

"I want spaghetti Bolognese with meatballs," Lucia said with a small smile on her face.

"Same as her," Lucas said as he took off his scarf. In the restaurant it was too hot for him to continue wearing his scarf.

About 5 minutes later the same waitress had brought them there dishes. While the father and daughter enjoyed Aunt Rachel's cooking skills.

Lucas looks at his daughter and says, "After lunch, let's buy you a tablet and some new stuff for our new house."

Lucia nodded happily to her father's words. She seems to be very happy about the new art tablet.

Lucia had her cheeks inflated with food. Making Lucas smile and telling her to eat slowly or she may choke on her food.

Lucia has always passionate about drawing, apart from her being young she had monstrous talent. In the future she could even become a great artist and Lucas was very happy about it, he would always be supportive about anything his daughter wants to.

Minutes after they finishing lunch, the father and daughter duo headed to the nearest mall. As they walked hand in hand to the mall, Lucas began to think about everything he would need for the new house.

First buy the art tablet for his daughter, I guess I can get the tablet in the mall, I also need to buy spare strings for the guitar and new pick, since the previous Lucas didn't play with a pick, but on the other hand, I'm more use to playing with one. Snacks for Lucia wouldn't be bad either.

Entering the large mall, they there were quite a few people with shopping carts and there were other carried the things in their hands.

Turning to the electronics area of the mall, Lucas saw the tablet his daughter said that she wanted. Looking at the price that said "$2500" he didn't even flinch or worry about it, he grabbed the tablet case then passed both to his daughter, who was smiling so much that Lucas was afraid that her face would break.

He spent time at the mall with his daughter, buying all the things they needed or just craved, like the chocolates his daughter was happily carrying. Something sweet is never wrong.

Heading with calm steps towards the caches box, to pay for everything they were carry with them. Lucas notices that his daughter had stopped walking and stared at a specific place in the mall. He then focus his gaze towards where his daughter was looking. There he saw a woman with short ash colored hair and wearing a tailor suit along with a long black coat.

"Is something wrong, Lucia?" asked Lucas, as his eyes were now fixed on his daughter.

"Hm? No... Nothing happened, Dad," Lucia said to reassure her father, as they began to walk straight to the caches. While Lucia thinking: 'How pretty, I wish she was my mom'.

In the same mall as the father and daughter duo, there was a lady who was opening each of the refrigerators.

Alessia was losing her patience, as her gaze moved all over the refrigerators looking for something.

She has been in this mall for more than 10 minutes now looking for her favorite drink.

"Arrgh, seriously there is not a damn passion fruit drink with mango", Alessia gives up looking for her drink so instead she takes a small bottle of water with her and closes the door of the refrigerator.

Suddenly she feels a look, looking to where she felt the look, she saw a cute little girl who eyes shone like stars, without giving it much importance, she goes to the caches to pay for the bottle of water, paying everything and then leaving the mall.

Alessia then felt another look, but this time when she looks to see who it was she saw a very handsome man giving her an observant and an inquisitive look, as if he were inspecting a work of art in the Louvre.

Giving the man a quick glands, Alessia gets into her car and heads to the airport.

(N/A: It's the first time I've done something like this, I hope it looked good and is enjoyable to read.)

Paying for all the thing they had, the duo heads home.

"Do you plan on draw something in particular, Luci?" asked Lucas, as his daughter was quite insistent and happy to finally get her hands on the art tablet.

Nodding like a rooster, Lucia replied, "Yes, Dad, I want to make some digital paintings and make some little stories with my drawings."

Lucia was now a little more radiant with her new tablet, she had previously already had an art tablet, but it didn't have all the tools she needed to make the best paintings that she could have. So she was very happy with it.

"Great, I'd love to see your drawings when you've completed them." Lucas was happy that his daughter has already find something that she is passionate about at such a young age.

There are people who are 20 years old or older and still don't have goals or anything that they're passionate about. Some of them are just a burden to their family, and there are people who don't have anything they're passionate about, but still work and end up in dead end jobs that don't pay them enough and in the end they get stressed, and Lucas wouldn't want a life like that for his daughter.

So he was very happy that his little angel has found something she likes and is passionate about, apart from the fact that he has a lot of time to improve his skills.

If his daughter hadn't found anything she's passionate about, Lucas wouldn't rush her. Lucia is very young and has a lot of time to get to know her own tastes.

Looking at his daughter with a smile, she asks, "Ready to see the new house?"

Nodding with a smile and grabbing her father's hand she says, "Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing the new house."