Lucia Miller the Artist

In first class of a plane bound for Los Angeles, Lucia and Lucas, were sitting in too elegant and comfortable first class seats. Lucas was having a cappuccino and Lucia was enjoying a cup of watermelon juice.

Lucia was using her new art tablet, trying out all the tools and getting acquainted with it, with a very excited expression.

While Lucas was thinking deeply about his next course of action regarding his musical career.

His daughter Lucia, who was focused and excited while using her tablet said, "Dad... Dad!"

His daughter for some reason became even more excited. Lucas smiled at her and said, "What makes my little angel so happy?"

"This! Look at this. Do you know that apart from being able to draw, I can also do synthesis? Do you know the synthesis?" Lucia said as she looked at her father with her bright eyes.

"What is it?" while Lucas pretended not to know, his daughter, explaining everything without knowing it well, looked adorable.

After a while, Lucas told his daughter to get some rest, that they were a couple of hours away from arriving in Los Angeles.

Opening one eye slightly, Lucia sees her father totally asleep. Smiling slightly, she move slowly so as not to wake him and take out the art tablet along with her pencil and put on its glove.

Opening its store, she looks for some digital painting software and illustrations... 'Drawing Path.' She thought.

'Mm, has good reviews and more than 1million downloads, I will download it and see more information.'

'Ready. Let's see their official website.'

'Drawing Path is a professional digital painting program, free and made with an open source, it was created by artists, who wanted these tools accessible to all.' she read.

- Concept art

- Texture and matte paints

- Illustrations and comics

'It looks like a program with many tools and is perfect for what I want. I can choose any color I want, as it has CMYK support.'

'Even the thickness, shape and texture of the lines can vary, so it will take a few days to learn how to use them correctly'.

'I want to draw right now' she thought, but it will take some time for her to get used to it so she wanted to see some tutorials from the Drawing Path page, to have a better idea of what she's dealing with.

'Mm' she mumbled, as she had just finished watching about 5 videos, and she could say that right now she can draw something.

What can I draw? I've got it, I'll draw Dad.

She then looks intensely at her Dad without taking her eyes off him.

'Eyes closed with their long, black eyelashes. She wants to express them in bright colors showing their warmth.'

'His smooth, blemish-free skin was overlaid with beige and peach colors to capture the overall bright atmosphere.'

'His black and rather long hair adds darkness on his forehead, along with a tuft of hair that falls to the right side of his right eye.'

'Dad has always been very kind and warm to me, fulfilling all the things i want when I throw my little tantrums and helping me with all the things I ask of him. Small gifts he gives me, numerous songs he sang to me.'

'Dad always treated the people around him with kindness and respect from the bottom of his heart.'

She wants to capture each character of his in her drawing.

She respect that type of painter, who in each work portrays the feelings and energies of each one or each element. With a light brown color, she created a boundary for shadows such as pupils and nostrils.

The dark hair that shone represented a young and healthy person.

She tried adding a light red color around the cheeks, nose and eyes to give him a feeling of passion that boils in him.

After a few minutes, she finished.

She wasn't satisfied with the image on the tablet. She wanted to capture her strong but gentle father, but he was not completely captured.

Although she hated her ability of not being able to draw her father as she saw him with her eyes, someday she will be able to draw him again and that portrait will show all the greatness of Dad... My dad.

Lucas was already awake a long time ago, but he was still in the same position, because he felt his daughter staring at him and then turning her attention on the tablet. So he guessed that she would be drawing him.

A few moments later, he no longer felt his daughter's gaze on him for a while, so he opened his eyes and saw his daughter looking at the tablet a little disappointed.

Lucas moved his strong arms and grabbed his daughter's small waist and placed her on his lap. Lucia was frightened by her father's sudden movement making her let out a small squeak.

Lucas fixed his gaze on his daughter's art tablet, and what he saw made him rethink the definition of genius.

There he saw a drawing of him sleeping. All his features well drawn, the black hair looked like beautifully arranged thick threads and all of that was done by an 8-year-old girl, just unheard of. After watching the drawing for a few minutes, Lucas looked at his daughter with proud eyes: "Luci, your portrait is beautiful."

Luci was now happy by her father's compliment, but still said with a serious face and a little disappointment, "I wanted to portray how gentle and strong Dad was, but I feel like I'm still missing something."

Lucas looked at his daughter with a groggy face, the girl was unaware of her achievements, drawing a portrait with that ability would certainly be difficult for some, but she is 8 years old and made it practically perfect.

'Just my genes,' Lucas thought proudly.

"Haha, Luci, you made a very beautiful portrait," Lucas said as he stroked Lucia's head.

Lucia put away the tablet and her things, and settled on top of her father's body and fell asleep. Lucas looked at his little angel with love while still stroking her head.

Suddenly a voice sounded through the communicators.

Dear passengers, we have just landed at Los Angeles International Airport, please keep your seat belt fastened until the plane has fully docked and the seat belt light has been disengaged. Mobile phones must remain completely disconnected until the doors are opened.

Please be careful when opening the overhead bins as luggage may have shifted. Please check that you are carrying all your hand luggage and personal belongings. We remind you that smoking is not allowed until your arrival at the authorized areas of the terminal. If you would like any information, please contact the ground staff at the airport; they will gladly assist you. Thank you very much and good morning.

And so the duo arrived in Los Angeles, the beginning of their respective goals.



I have a new editor, who does it for charity, if I improve my writing tell me, or else I won't "hire" the editor anymore. jsajsaja