New Home

Lucas and Lucia were departing from the Los Angeles International Airport. The streets of Los Angeles were packed with people, some wearing formal suits, others carrying backpacks who were obviously student who are studying and others just strolling.

Lucia grabbed her father's hand tightly, for fear of getting lost in the crowd of people.

Lucas held his daughter's hand, and with the other hand he took out his cell phone to make call. A few minutes later a black sedan was parked in front of them. Out of the car came a man no older than 30 years of age, had a well-cut beard, thick eyebrows and brown eyes that seems too look at everything with seriousness.

The man fixed his gaze on Lucas and walked slowly towards him, he then bows his head slightly to show respect, a monotone voice came from the man: "Welcome back Lord Lucas, we have already cleaned your mansion and you can relax with young Miss Lucia there."

Lucas briefly looked at the man as he opened the back door so that Lucia could enter as he ordered the man in an authoritative voice: "Thank you for the work, take us there."

The man nodded, and got in the car again to take Lucas and Lucia to the mansion.

This man's name was Rafael, although he didn't show it he was quite nervous, since he was hired a short time ago, and it was the first time he met Young Master Miller. Apart from that there were several rumors about Lucas.

Among the various rumors about Lucas, there was one in particular that chilled the blood of even the cruelest men.

The rumor had it that Lucas at the age of 16, his father gave him a mission to end the life of an heir to a fairly prominent family. Young Lucas clearly had the skills for such a mission, as he spent his entire childhood and adolescence being trained by his father and the best teachers in their respective fields.

The mission was a success, the heir was dead, but also that same day the new brock out that the whole family were all dead, even a 13-year-old girl who was the youngest daughter of that family was found dead. And everything indicates that young Lucas brutally murdered the whole family.

Although such rumors were never confirmed, it may have just been a coincidence and some other family may have prepared an attack at the same time, but it was highly unlikely.

Rafael the snapped out of his thoughts and started driving quickly, he didn't want the first impression about himself to be bad.

As the sedan made its way to the mansion, Lucia was seeing the view of Los Angeles, as it was her first time leaving Seattle. Lucas simply settled into the seats and pulled out his cell phone and opened the note-making app.

There he began to write everything he would need for his new studio. He would simply call some random subordinate to do the shopping.

Lucas has planned for a simple home study, for this he would need about 9-10 things.

First a new computer and it needs to be faster than the current one he has. Then he would need DAW or EAD, it's a software that is used to record, edit and mix music, along with a sound card or better known as Audio Interface, which is hardware that is used to connect the computer with the rest of the equipment. Those 2 elements are essential.

I would need microphones, for starters, 1 or 2 would be fine, a small diaphragm condenser microphone would not be bad at all and a microphone to record only voices. Eventually he would end up with a collection of microphones, since there are many types, some are for voices others for bass drums, etc.

2 types of headphones, one closed for monitoring, as they offer better isolation at the cost of lower sound quality and another open for mixing, which offer better sound quality at the cost of worse insulation.

Then some studio monitors and speakers, although he can do most mixes using headphones, he prefers the traditional way, which is with speakers. Also XLR cables, both for microphones and monitors.

Along with all that the list ends with some microphone holders and anti-pop filters and at last something he particularly likes to use, a sampler.

A Sampler is an electronic musical instrument similar in some ways to a synthesizer but that, instead of generating sounds, uses recordings that are loaded by the user or recorded on it by the user to be played using a keyboard, a sequencer or other device to interpret or compose music.

Normally samplers include filters, modulation by "low frequency oscillation" and other processes similar to those of a synthesizer that allow the original sound to be modified in different ways.

(N/A: Sorry for all the information, but I find it interesting and love searching for information and adding it)

Finishing writing everything down, Lucas looked out the tinted windows of the car and saw a beautiful mansion.

A few minutes later, they had already arrived at the front of large mansion, far surpassing a normal-sized house, it looked like new. It was painted white and some small black details, it felt elegant and very expensive.

Lucas and Lucia said goodbye to Rafael and entered their new home.

Lucia entered the spacious room where the white of the walls predominated and observed a picture of red roses that stood out and matched the sofa below. She felt like sitting down and stroking the upholstery. She thought it was a cozy space, you just had to move the table and chairs a little further towards one of the walls, to be able to enjoy from where he was the beauty of that fireplace, located on the opposite wall.

Inhaling the air of her new home, she felt magnificent. "Drawing on this sofa would be an amazing feeling." She thought.

Looking at her father heading upstairs, she quickly jumped off the couch and followed him to see the rest of her new home.

A few minutes after looking around her new house, she fixed her gaze on to her father and in a cheerful voice she said: "This house is awesome dad, although it is very spacious", she paused slightly and continued: "It feels a little lonely, maybe you should find me mother", she said with a mischievous smile on her face, as her father who had a little stunned on his face as he herd her world.

"Haha, good joke Lucia" my father's hoarse voice was heard all around the room. Looking at him briefly, she then changed her gaze to the fireplace and internally said, 'Although it wasn't a joke.'

In another part of Los Angeles, specifically in a supermarket you could see an annoyed woman as she was leaving the supermarket, if you paid attention you would hear the woman murmur: "They do not sell in any supermarket a simply damn passion fruit drink with mango".