Early Tiredness

When I put all my effort into one job, time seems to fly in front of my eyes. I drew endlessly for the next few hours, the night seemed to slowly become quieter as I finished "my designs."

I slowly colored with my crayons, the pages getting brighter and brighter as I added more. I painted a lot of pictures, when I had finished my drawing, I found that it was more attractive than I had planned.

I did this because I wanted to be ready for future projects.

I finally finished two fantastic drawings after what seemed like an incredible amount of time, at least in my eyes.

As time went by I had begun to nod off asleep, I made the decision that now would be the best time to turn everything off and go to bed. I was ready to sleeping peacefully in my bed, it was an exhausting day for me.

Lying on my king size bed. The blankets seemed to hug my body and darkness was the one that reigned me to the land of dreams.

Dreams appeared out of thin air, and smiling faces gradually appeared, getting bigger and bigger as time went by. The faces smiled as they looked at me. Some faces looked familiar to me while others I couldn't see them, so he floated towards them, stopping when I could clearly see everyone's face.

The faces charged at me, shattering my whole being and repeating the same phrases: "You shouldn't be living like this, MURDERER!" Time seemed to stand still. Everything around me stopped... I was awake.

I felt the sweat slide down my forehead as I opened my eyes. "So they were the people I murdered in my previous life, hah." A nightmare that still haunts me as I try to sleep peacefully. Maybe I shouldn't have a peace.

I stretched out, and picked up the clothes that were on the floor. Checking the time on my phone, 4:50, my eyes turn to the little light passing through the slit under the door.

I turned right to open the bathroom door, pressing the light switch. I looked in to the mirror, my hair covering my ears and locks falling down to the front of his face. My clothes fell to the floor, as I got into the bathtub.

The hot water, relax my muscles and clear my mind.

Once done, he opened the bathroom door to head to the changing room.

Closing the door of my room, I went outside to do a little workout and to have an active mind.

"That was quite refreshing." I thought as my shirt stuck to my body from sweat as my hair was tied with a small hair band.

Looking at the time, 7:00, in a while Luci has to be going to school. Heading to the bathroom he quickly shower and start cooking something delicious for my daughter.

(N/A: I think it's the first time I've written from Lucas' point of view, I hope you like it)

"Luci, it's time for you to get up, you have your first day of school and in a while a nanny will come to pick you up," Lucas' voice sounded in Lucia's room slowly opening her eyes.

"5 more minutes, Dad" Lucia's sleepy voice echoed. Lucas looked at his daughter and sighed weakly and left the room to give his daughter a few more minutes to rest, it was still a little early, and they had enough time for her not to be late.

A few minutes later Lucia and Lucas could be seen enjoying their breakfast. There were crispy and delicious butter toasts, Lucas was enjoying his bitter hot coffee along with some toast, while Lucia was eating small pieces of apple that were quite sweet and refreshing along with a banana smoothie.


The doorbell rang in the mansion. Lucas got up from his seat and went to open the door, he already knew who was on the other side. It was Lucia's new nanny.

Since Lucas is not sure that he would always at home, it would not be a bad idea to get a babysitter for Lucia, who would prepares meals for her the days he could not, and to help her with some tasks.

Opening the door, he saw a woman in her 30s, with small brown eyes, a thin nose and thin lips.

The woman looked at the man who opened the door, and took a long breath of fresh air to calm herself down. "Good morning, my name is Andrea and I will be Miss Lucia's nanny." Andrea said as she made a small presentation for herself and making her intentions clear.

Lucas opened the doors, so that Andrea could come into the house, while also saying a few words. "Good morning, I'm Lucas... Lucia's father. Feel free to make yourself at home, you can choose any unoccupied room and leave your bags there."

Andrea glanced at him briefly, and nodded to his words, and was also briefly surprised that this man was the father, he looks too young to have an 8-year-old daughter. Unless he take good care of his health and skin.

They walked to the dining room, where Lucia was, and again Andrea introduced herself as her babysitter and struck up a conversation with Lucia.

Lucia had no problem having a caregiver, she could ask her for food whenever she wants, and ask her to massage her while drawing, isn't that perfect?

Having those thoughts, Lucia's mood improved exponentially, she was also a little proud to see how Andrea was surprised by her digital drawings.

So time passed and Lucia along with Andrea went to the new school that Lucia will attend.

Now that I'm alone, I guess I have to start preparing my home studio. Calling a random subordinate, I give him the list of everything I need for the home studio. The call lasted quite a while, because Lucas specified several things that are important about the things that he wanted.

At the end of the call, his phone rang again, it was a message from his brother saying-

[Noah: Brother, tomorrow I will be at your house. I warn you don't make any plans.]

[Luke: Okay, I'll let Lucia know that her uncle is coming tomorrow. So you're going to have to buy her a gift.]

[Noah: You have to tell me what my niece likes, so I get a great gift for her.]

[Lucas: She loves to draw. With that you should prepare a great gift.]

[Noah: Got it, see you tomorrow.]

[Lucas Miller: See you]

Looking briefly at the time, 7:30, it's still early and I'm tired.


I will get to work on the songs of the EP, I also have to see where I can get an artist to do the cover and I will need a pseudonym.

Mm, I guess I'll continue with the one I had in my previous life "Jonah".

Now let's get to work.